Page 43 of Desolation

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Some more of them look like they might believe me but there are still a few that I don’t know will ever trust anyone again.

The gunfire outside starts to die down and the main door is flung open. I close my eyes and wish with all of my heart that it isn’t Dominic or Aiden that walks through the door, but it is Dominic, and he heads straight for my cage, pulling a large key out of his pocket as he does so.

Walking up to my cage he unlocks it and pulls me out roughly, immediately putting a gun to my head and turning to the doorway just in time for Drake to walk through.

I stifle my scream. His arms are bleeding in several places, in fact, he is covered in blood, some of it his own and some of it not, I’d wager. The malice I see on his face is enough for me to know that this isn’t going to end how Dominic wants it to.

His eyes widen in surprise when he sees who Dominic has in front of him like a shield.

“I will fucking kill you if one hair on her head is harmed,” he seethes. Looking me over, he sees the blood on my head, and the scrapes and bruises from the wreck. He immediately starts to walk towards us.

“Ah, ah, ah, I will kill her Drake. And then I’ll kill Reba too, before I shoot every one of these bitches in here,” Dominic purrs at him. Like he is the one in charge here.

I guess he thinks he is.



The fight outside was brutal. I couldn’t even keep track of how many people I killed. We got the call that they snatched Elodie and Reba right before we saw Dominic and Aiden walk outside with their men behind them.

I started rage firing, not caring who I hit, as long as it wasn’t our men. Dad and Anthony did the same. All three of us, guns out in each hand, fired into the wall of Dominic’s men. The same ones that have kidnapped my Bug, not once, but twice now.Some of our guys went down. I don’t know who, but I can still see Louis, Zeke, and Eren on their feet though I know a couple of them have taken shots because of their grunts of pain.

Dominic and his people thought they were having an auction tonight so they are all dressed in nice suits, with no body armor. That’s pretty dumb. I’ve taken a couple hits and so have Dad and Anthony. All of us are bleeding but as far as I can tell, no one is seriously injured. Yet.

I see Dominic slipping toward the building out of the corner of my eye, but it’s right as my dad rounds on Aiden.

He spits in his face.

“You’re a fucking traitor you bastard. One of your men told us about Eddie too. So you’ve been a traitor for all these years. But today you’re going to die, and you’re going to lose everything, and everyone who attended the auction is going to die too. Man, woman, doesn’t matter. None of you fucks are leaving here alive,” he roars.

One last time he spits in his face and shoots a bullet right into his forehead. A look of shock crosses Aiden’s face and then he crashes to the ground. When his body hits, it’s as if the veil is lifted and we all begin walking towards the door again.

His men all split off to find the rest of the people and get rid of them too. No one that was a part of this auction is leaving here alive.

Dominic slips through the door and I go after him. I hear my dad shouting, but I don’t care, I’m going to get my girl. They all continue finishing off the rest of the guys out there as I stomp into the building with murder on my mind.

As I enter the door, I see him pulling someone from a cage. Jesus fucking Christ, he’s gonna use one of those poor people as a shield?

I move toward him and as he turns, I see Elodie with Dominic’s gun pressed to her temple.

My eyes widened in surprise.

“I will fucking kill you if one hair on her head is harmed,” I seethe. Looking Elodie over, I see the blood on her head, and the scrapes and bruises from the wreck. I immediately start walking toward them.

“Ah, ah, ah, I will kill her Drake. And then I’ll kill Reba too, before I shoot every one of these bitches in here,” Dominic purrs at me. Like he is the one in charge here. But he’s dead fucking wrong, because I know something that I don’t think he’s figured out yet.

“Elodie, do you trust me baby?” I ask her.

She nods.

“Then fight,” I roar at her. As she jabs her elbow into Dominic I fire a shot.

Her elbow was just enough to distract him into moving the gun away from her face and I shot it out of his hand.

Elodie drops and rolls out of the way and toward the cages as I stalk toward Dominic firing bullet after bullet at him until he isn’t moving. And then, just to be sure, I put another one through his eyes just as my dad and Anthony finally made it into the building.

“Goddammit Drake I told you to fucking wait for me,” he yells.

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