Page 42 of Desolation

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We pull out of the parking garage and go left. Right after we turn another vehicle comes speeding at us. I hear the driver curse right before the SUV slams into us head on and we start flipping endover end.

Groaning, I try to sit up before I realize that we are upside down. What the hell happened? One minute we were pulling out and onto the road and the next we were flipping end over end.

Touching a hand to my head, I pull my fingers back to find them wet with blood. My head is hurting pretty bad too. Reba groans next to me. “Hey, are you okay?” I ask her.

“I think I just hit my head, and my shoulder is hurting pretty bad. I think the front took the worst of it. Are they still alive up there?” she asks.

Looking up front I see that both of the guys are still. Unnaturally so. Reaching ahead I try to shake them both and get no response. “I’m not sure, but I don’t think so,” I whimper.

“Shit, okay. We gotta get out of here and try to get back in the building so we can call the guys,” she says.

Neither of us brought our phones just to be sure we couldn’t be tracked or that they didn’t go off at an inopportune time. Even with the sound off.

Bracing a hand on the roof, I wince from the pain from the wreck. Trying to unbuckle my seatbelt I realize that it’s stuck. Fuck. Reba gets herself unbuckled and falls to the roof. Looking up, she realizes that I’m stuck and turns to try to get a knife off one of the guys in the front. She’s rummaging around when she finally finds one, turning back to me.

“They are both definitely dead,” she says with a shudder.

She begins sawing at my seatbelt with the knife, just as it finally seems like we are getting somewhere with it, someone yanks my door open with a loud shriek of twisted metal. Realizing that I’m trapped by the seat belt, they start cursing. “Give me the cutters,” they yell toward someone behind them. I can’t see who it is because they are standing and the bottom half of the door is covering their face. I have no idea if it’s one of our guys, a bystander, or worse.

Reba’s door is also wrenched open and someone yanks her out, not being gentle. Fuck, this can’t be good. I can hear her shouting and fighting whoever pulled her free from the SUV, so I start punching the person who has a hold of me too.

“Stop it you stupid bitch. I’m cutting this seatbelt off and then the two of you are coming with us. Your husband has been looking everywhere for you,” he sneers.

I watch, my heart in my stomach, as a large pair of shears cut my seatbelt. I fall, banging my hip hard. Curling onto my side, I try kicking at the man as he’s trying to grab me. Someone reaches through the other door with a gun in their hand. I watch them swing it at me and everything goes dark.

I woke up in a cage.

Reba is next to me, unconscious in another cage. Oh we are so fucked. I wonder how long it’s been. Looking around me, I see a lot of other cages full of women, teenage girls, and even a few boys.

No doubt where we are. Gio’s warehouse that the auction is being held at.

I hear shoes scuff the floor in front of my cage and turn around to see Dominic standing in front of me. “Oh Elodie, I told you that you were mine, you stupid cunt. But you just had to run away back to the Bianchi’s again didn’t you? We’ve had people following everyone this whole time. We know about the little raid you all planned, too. Your friends are currently in position out there, none the wiser that you are gone. Since you decided you didn’t want to be with me anymore, I’m going to be nice and let you go, but never to Drake Bianchi. No my little pet, you are going up on auction, too. I’m sure we will get a nice price out of you and then I can report you missing and get a divorce. You should’ve just stayed where you were. Now I’m gonna kill your little boyfriend and his Familia, all while you are being sold and shipped away,” he sneers.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. What am I going to do? Dominic spits on me, stands, stares at me with loathing in his eyes and then walks away laughing his head off.

A few minutes go by and a couple of Dominic’s men come by with a pallet jack, rolling it under my cage and begin pulling me out of the room. I scream Reba’s name, no answer. Is she even still alive? I can’t see her chest moving and the farther away from her I get it’s impossible to tell.

I’m rolled out onto a ramp and up onto a stage. Looking out into the audience I see around thirty people. All of them look very wealthy; of course, you’d have to be to buy actual people. All of them look evil and blood thirsty. I know that if Drake and his Familia don’t get here soon, I am going to die.

Oh they might play with me for a while, but none of these people look like they’re the type to hold onto a toy for long. Not to mention, I’m sure Dominic will want me dead as soon as possible.

Speaking of Dominic, he steps up to the podium, raising his glass and he announces, “Let the auction begin! You may hear a little commotion outside, but don’t worry, we have it under control. The Bianchi’s thought they were going to interrupt our little party,” he sneers, looking over to his right at Aiden.

Aiden smiles back at him as if nothing is amiss and it’s all in a day’s work. My stomach drops out. Surely the guys will make it in here right?

I start looking at the bars of the cage, looking for any weak spots. I may not make it far but if I can get out of this thing I’m damn sure going to try. Unfortunately I don’t see any weak spots and the lock looks like it belongs on a bear cage.

I hear the auction happening around me. They brought a few other cages out while they were talking. So I’m not the only one on stage right now. Looking at the last cage they brought up, I see Reba, and she’s awake, just barely. Heaving a sigh of relief, I send her a look of panic before gesturing at her to look around. Her eyes widen as she realizes she is also on stage.

Suddenly I hear gunshots. A lot of gunshots. People start screaming and trying to find a place to hide. Dominic and Aiden jump off the stage, pulling their guns out as well. Dominic’s men are pushing people out of the way to follow their boss.

We are all left in the cages on the stage as the men pour out of the building firing guns as they go. Reba and I look at each other in horror. I don’t know what I thought was going to happen. But all the gunfire, not knowing who is being shot but hearing it happen? It’s torture. There’s yelling and a lot of commotion. We can’t tell who is who or who is winning. The other people in the cages are also looking around in horror.

“I don’t know who is going to win. But that’s the Bianchi family out there trying to rescue us,” I tell them all, looking around me. “The original plan was that Reba and I,” gesturing at Reba I continue, “were supposed to be at a different warehouse and they were going to slip in the back and start bringing you all over in vans so we could get you out of here. But Dominic’s men wrecked our SUV and brought us here. I don’t know if the Bianchi’s know we are in here. But if they win, they will get all of you to safety.”

Some of the women begin sobbing. Some of them are looking at us like we might try to auction them off next. I can’t blame them. Who knows how long they have been held captive. By the shadows I see in their eyes, it hasn’t been a short time. Who knows when the last time was that they were shown kindness, or were home with their loved ones.

“I know you probably don’t believe me, and that’s okay. We will get there. The plan is to return you home if that’s where you want to go, or help you with resources to get on your feet if you don’t. It’s up to you either way,” I say.

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