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“Oh?” Soren retorts, cool as a damn cucumber. “Did she tell you we love—” he’s interrupted when Mickey punches his shoulder, and judging by the “oof” he lets out, the silver-eyed devil didn’t hold back.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Mickey says, holding his hand out to my mom, but she ignores it and instead hugs him briefly. “And I’m glad she told you all about us.”

“You are?” my mom asks, surprised.

He nods. “Yes. Because then you know just how serious we are about her.”

“And how serious are we talking?” Dad harrumphs, not looking too happy with what he’s hearing.

“How about we keep this civil?” I suggest, pinching the bridge of my nose. “We’re here to celebrate EduSync, not interrogate anyone.”

Jamie chuckles and squeezes my shoulder. “Hate to break it to you, sis, but this is what happens when you bring people together.”

Everyone ignores my grumbled protests blaming Luce since she’s in fact the one who organized all of this, and as my parents and brother settle into conversations about everything from the playoffs to Fet, I want to find her and throttle her for setting me up.

When said soon-to-be-dead bestie sweeps by with Sawyer, and distracts my parents from Mickey and Soren, the latter takes my hand, dragging me into the sanctuary of a small room adjoining the main party space.

“Congratulations again, baby,” Soren murmurs, his voice a low rumble that vibrates through my bones. He steps closer, the heat of his body a magnetic pull that draws me in.

“We’re really proud of you,” Mickey adds, his fingers brushing against mine before he hands me a small, beautifully wrapped box, one that was small enough to hide it in the inner pocket of his suit jacket. “Open it.”

My hands shake slightly as I peel back the paper to reveal a delicate silver chain with a pendant—three interlocking rings. A symbol of our entwined lives.

“Guys…” Emotion tightens my throat, and before I can say more, Soren’s lips crash against mine, fierce and claiming. Mickey’s mouth finds the sensitive spot on my neck, his teeth grazing lightly, sending shivers down my spine.

The way they look at me, touch me, is enough to make my earlier restraint crumble. What am I waiting for? This is the perfect time to tell them that I love—

A knock on the door interrupts us, and Lucia’s voice filters through. “Gail? You in there?”

“Fuck, I hate her right now,” Soren grumbles.

“Same,” Mickey agrees.

I don’t disagree; my bestie’s timing is freakishly bad. Regardless, I can’t make myself ignore her. “Yeah, just a sec,” I call back, shooting the guys an apologetic look. “Sorry guys.”

Without another word, I spin on my heel and walk out, letting Luce drag me back to the main room. “It’s time for our speech,” she grins.

I snatch a drink from the waiter passing us, sniffing it to make sure it’s cider before taking a sip. “Okay. I’m ready.”

The room is a sea of expectant faces, lit by the soft glow of fairy lights that Lucia draped everywhere, because she’s extra like that. I catch sight of Mickey and Soren mingling with the crowd, their smoldering gazes locked on me, sending little spirals of heat through my core.

“Okay, deep breath,” I mutter to myself before I address the room. My voice trembles just a bit as I start. “Wow. I can’t believe we’re here. This moment, it means more than I can say.”

Luce’s green eyes sparkle with excitement, and pride as she squeezes my hand, before she takes over. “When Gail and I dreamed up EduSync, we envisioned a platform that would change the game. But what we didn’t realize was how much it would change us.”

Heads nod, and I see my parents smiling, their eyes moist with tears of joy. I glance at Jamie, my big bro who has seen me at my best and worst, and he offers a thumbs-up that steadies the flutter in my stomach.

“Each notification, every sale, is a reminder that our dream is alive and kicking,” I continue, my voice gaining strength. “And that’s all thanks to you—our friends, family, and every single person who believed in us when all we had was an idea.”

A cheer goes up, drowning out the rest of my speech. But it doesn’t matter because I’m grinning like an idiot, my heart bursting with gratitude. I sneak a glance at Mickey and Soren, their broad smiles and twinkling eyes mirroring my own euphoria. Their gazes meet mine across the room, searing in their intensity.

“Here’s to EduSync,” Lucia toasts, raising her glass high, “and to all the dreams that dare to be different!”

The crowd echoes our cheers, their voices filling up the room like an anthem of our success. The air is charged with celebration, laughter ringing out loud and genuine. Lucia pulls me into a hug, her joy infectious as we share in this moment of triumph—our triumph.


The glow from my phone screen is a beacon of success, proving I didn’t dream the success from yesterday’s launch. EduSync is live, and the notifications are rolling in like waves, each one crashing with potential and promise. I can’t help but let out a little squeal—silent, so I don’t wake Jamie—punching the air with a fist that holds all my dreams. It’s childish, maybe, but screw it, I’m allowed to celebrate the small victories.

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