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The venue Luce has booked is alight with colors that dance across the walls, laughter bubbling from clusters of excited guests milling about. The scent of gourmet appetizers mingles with the soft clinking of glasses—a symphony of success.

The air is thick with the scent of success and expensive cologne as I weave through the crowd. Everyone’s decked out, shimmering under the warm glow of crystal chandeliers. My brother, a beacon of pride in his sharp suit, gives me a thumbs up from across the room. My parents are mingling with the Sabertooths, hockey gods turned tame socialites for the night. Lucia glows, her laughter a melody above the chatter.

And then—there they are.

Mickey and Soren stand like statuesque embodiments of every dark fantasy, their presence alone commanding attention. Mickey’s white hair is a stark contrast to the deep gray of his tailored jacket, while Soren’s tattoos play peek-a-boo under the sleeves of his jet-black shirt. They’re talking to Sawyer, but their silver and green gazes find mine, pinning me in place.

I can’t help but remember the last two nights I’ve spent with them. It’s more than the press of their bodies, the heat of their breath, the fervent words spilling from their lips. The way they both opened up to me, took me on a wild ride to show me what they’d previously hidden from me… it was both intoxicating and humbling.

What I’ve never told them, never told anyone, is that it’s thanks to them I jumped on the EduSync adventure with Luce. Before my first night with them, I would never have dared to take such a leap. But after fucking the New Year in with them, I felt empowered; like I could do anything.

I need to tell them that.

As I look at them, their declarations of love echo in my chest and mind, a reminder of what I’m too scared to voice. But fuck, how I love them. It’s a truth that courses through my veins, undeniable, yet unspoken.

“Looking good, sweetheart,” Mickey drawls, that cocky smile playing on his lips when I approach. He leans in, and his scent wraps around me, a mixture of citrus and something uniquely him. A kiss lands on my cheek, soft yet searing.

“Congratulations.” Soren’s voice is deeper, a rumble that vibrates through me. His lips meet my other cheek, lingering just a second longer than necessary, sending a jolt straight to the pit of my stomach.

“Thanks,” I manage to squeak out, my skin tingling from their touch. God, why does everything with them feel like a prelude to something more illicit? No, it’s more than that. I mean, sure, heat and wetness gather in my core, but my heart also skips a beat or two.

“Let’s grab a drink later, celebrate properly?” Soren suggests, his eyes searching mine for an answer.

“Definitely,” I reply, breathily.

“Nice party,” Mickey comments, his hand settling on my lower back, just above my ass. He gestures to Jo, who’s chatting animatedly with Luce. “It’s weird seeing our PR guru outside Sabertooths business.” I laugh at that.

Seeing as Luce used to work for the Sabertooths PR team and got on well with Jo from what I understand, it made sense she invited her here. I guess I never thought about how weird it could be for the team.

Just as I’m about to ask how they’re both doing, Soren cups my chin, forcing me to look up at him. “Do you have something you want to tell us?”

“What do you me—” I cut myself off before I can ask, because I know exactly what he means, what he wants to hear. Shaking my head, I say, “I… I… no.”

Disappointment and hurt flash in his green eyes as he lets go of me. “Laters then.” His hand ghosts over mine before he turns away, leaving me.

I turn to Mickey, but he just shakes his head and shrugs. “Laters,” he echoes before he follows Soren.

Should I have told them that I love them too? That they’re so deep under my skin that I can barely breathe when I think about them? Not right now, not tonight.

I turn, plastering a smile on my face, ready to play the part of the triumphant entrepreneur. But inside, I’m a mess of tangled nerves and unsaid words. The night stretches ahead, filled with potential—for business, for celebration, for… nope, I’m really not going to say it tonight.

I’m buzzing with a cocktail of triumph and anxiety, the edges of my reality blurring as I navigate through the crowd, exchanging smiles and nods. The air is thick with celebration, but it’s a question from my mom that yanks me back to earth.

“Those two men,” she discreetly nods toward Mickey and Soren, who are hanging out with the other Sabertooths, “Are they the ones? Fet’s dads?”

I might never know how Mom picks up on those things, but I secretly hope I’ll be just as intuitive with Fet one day. “Yes, Mom,” I breathe out, feeling the weight of the moment as our private world collides with my family sphere. “They are Fet’s dads.”

There’s an audible gasp, and when I turn around, I notice my dad standing so close there’s no way he didn’t hear what I just said. “Dads? As in plural?” he asks, looking so confused I almost laugh.

“Yeah,” I admit. “They’re kind of a package deal.” I don’t know any other polite way to put it. When Dad just nods without saying anything else, I know Mom has said something to him—prepared him.

“So, do we get to actually meet them?” Jamie asks, as he joins us. I shoot him a glare since he’s supposed to be on my side, but my brother just smirks. “Come on, Gail. Tonight is the perfect time since everyone has to be on their best behavior.”

Okay, so maybe he has a point. “Fine,” I agree, pinning my dad with a look that tells him to be on his best behavior. “But you have to be nice. This is my party, and I’ll kick you out if I have to.” I don’t actually mean that, but when Jamie snorts, I know he caught the pop culture reference.

As I turn around, I find that Mom has already left our little family grouping, walking directly toward Soren and Mickey. Shit, should I have warned them first? Well, too damn late now. Scurrying after her, my eyes briefly land on Luce, who’s pointing at me and whispering something to Sawyer, who looks way too happy for my liking.

Catching up with my mom, she’s already in the middle of introducing herself to the two hockey gods that own my heart. “It’s so nice to finally meet you. Gail has told me everything—and I do meaneverything—about you,” she smirks.

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