Page 69 of Menage a Passions

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"God damnit!" Becca gasped, proud and ashamed of herself that she could get this messy, this fast. All it took was a hotel room and the promise of sexual satisfaction before they conquered the weekend. "Please let me come. Please. I'll do anything you want."

"Ooh. Anything?"

"You fucking know it."

"Are you my pretty sweet slut who is at the beck and call of my wife? And me?"

"Yes. I'm yours."

Jane's finger teased Becca's entrance, the groan it conjured coming straight from her chest. "Are you Caitlyn's?"


"But who is fucking you right now?"

"You are, ma'am... I mean..."

"Don't fry your brain trying to remember titles, love. I'd rather hear you scream."

Jane slammed her finger forward. Becca cast her head into the bed, back arching, hands searching for something to hold onto as she was wrangled by climactic chaos and banished to a place she only briefly saw at times. Her body convulsed, hips shaking, legs spasming. Her mind went blank, unable to focus on anything besides the feeling of pure bliss as it overcame her.

When it was over, she was still lying there, her eyes closed, her hair splayed out around her. She was so far gone, that she didn't even register Jane lying on top of her until their noses were almost touching.

"You said anything..." Jane teased her with mindless kisses as Becca lay flat beneath her, tingling with trepidation as the soft fabric of Jane's clothing rubbed against her. "You foolishly said you'd give me anything. Maybe I want something. Maybe I am not leaving this room until the scent of my wife is off you. And then I'll put my scent on her later as well."

Becca hoped she would be there for that.

Jane finished unbuttoning her shirt but did not remove it from her torso. Yet she did unzip her trousers, careful to keep her weight directed downward as she loomed over Becca, massaging her breasts in that possessive way that only turned them both on more.

"Fuck..." Becca whispered, the ache between her legs starting again. "Why does this feel so good?"

Jane's grin was wicked. "Because you like it." Her kiss was deep, her tongue probing and claiming and taking more than Becca knew she could give.

She gave it anyway. She would always give it to her. To both of them.

"Do you want me to take you?" Jane kissed her neck. "I am going to take you, Becca. I am going to fuck you so hard, you will not even recognize the naked woman in the mirror when I am done with you. All in ten minutes. Imagine that."

"I'd love that." Becca pulled Jane close. "Take me, Mistress."

A sharp inhale of breath filled Becca's ear. She felt the smile against her face, the teeth that could have bitten her for using a word that Becca hadn't uttered to Jane in far too long. But she didn't care. Jane was already inside her, moving so softly and gently she thought she might explode from the tenderness. It was always like this when they hadn't seen each other in a hot minute. When the love was real, they loved harder, deeper, but with less sense than they should have had. Like a young couple who couldn't keep their hands off each other to save their sorry, stupid lives.

Maybe life wasn't worth saving if Becca couldn't have this.

Ah, there it was. Jane fucking Becca for all they were worth.

Her hips rolled up and down, her body shaking as Becca's hands held onto her arms. Jane kept her mouth against her lover's ear, whispering words that drove Becca wild. And they did. Every time.

"That's right, Becca," Jane whispered, her wrist pumping at a slow but steady rhythm while the rest of her matched the beat. "I want to feel your legs around me. Keep them there. You're such a good girl. I love making you feel this good. Don't you know that?"

"Yes... I..." Becca tried to answer, but Jane cut her off with a kiss.

"You don't need to say anything. Just enjoy it, love."

That was Jane. The best thing about her was that she knew what to do to get Becca off... while making her feel like the ruined princess she always dreamed of being.

Becca clung to her, tearing away the unbuttoned shirt and accidentally pulling down Jane's skinny bra strap. Jane did not react. She was so focused on Becca, so intent on exhausting her that she wouldn't have minded an earthquake. She would ride it out with Becca and laugh about it later.

"Ah!" Becca's moan was loud and unabashedly free. "Fuck, fuck, fuck... oh my God! I'm gonna come! I'm coming again..."

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