Page 68 of Menage a Passions

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“You’re acting crazy! Who talks like this?”

“Your dear old Jane, who wants to fuck you.” She sniffed. “I was told by a very petulant young adult that I am a pervert, and I intend to see that come to fruition.”

Becca didn’t have to ask who that was about. “Oh, you’re a pervert, all right.” She grabbed Jane by the shirt and brought her down for a kiss. “My favorite kind.”

It was easy to kiss like they had simultaneously been apart for a year and had seen each other yesterday. With Jane, it was always like picking up right where they left off the last time they made love.She can come in swinging with her cheeky demands and heavy petting and I’ll be on the floor getting my ass spanked.Didn’t that sound rather nice right now?

“You want a quickie?” Becca growled between kisses, her hand sweaty against Jane’s chest. “Then you better earn it with that naughty mouth of yours.”

“Naughty?” Yes, that was a dip of Jane’s tongue in Becca’s mouth. “Who is the naughty one here? Could it be the woman hiking up her skirt and wrapping her legs around me?”

“No time to take it off.” Becca also unbuttoned her blouse for Jane. “Come on. Have at it already. Or do you think you can’t finish before we’re interrupted by the outside world?”

Becca knew exactly what she was doing when she said that.

Jane yanked on her skirt, sliding it down Becca's legs, past her knees and off her ankles, as if she didn’t know how to do that herself.Nothing wrong with letting her do it for me…Becca's cheeks flushed with the sudden heat that only came when one of her partners requested, nay demanded that they spend some erotic quality time together. This was who she was, after all. Becca may have been poised or even faded into the background to those around her, but when the moment mattered most? Naked. Vulnerable.Hopefully fuckable.The way women like these looked at her? That was never an issue.

“Ah!” Her thighs twitched and her knees jerked upward as Jane returned, grabbing her breasts and making short work of her bra. Exposed, Becca sucked in her lips to hide the capricious smile that would reward Jane with too much, too soon. She had to work for it, even if Becca waseasy.Like as easy as she had been on their first date five years ago.

Her body gradually relaxed again as kisses dotted her chest, tracing a trail as delicious as the sparks of desire dancing beneath her skin. Jane’s delicate fingers, which packed a furious punch when the moment mattered most, held on to her breasts as those kisses continued to her underwear. Her breath halted. Within a matter of minutes, she had gone from lounging on her hotel bed to having Jane’s lips massage the lace-lined silk of her underwear.

“You don’t need these, love.” Jane ripped them down Becca’s legs, urging her to kick them off the bed. “What you need is to spread these thighs and let me in.”

Becca complied. She always did. Shealwaysmelted to be told what to do in bed, especially when she knew true talent lurked behind that devilish tongue.

Jane ravaged her with a look before giving Becca a long, sensuous lick against her slit.

She sucked in air through clenched teeth, her hands reaching down to play with Jane's hair. God, she could have played with this woman's hair forever. It was as soft as the sheets they laid on, flowing through her fingers like water. If she could curl up with her like this and hold her close, Becca would be content. But then she would miss out on the rest of Jane, and that simply wouldn't do.

She wanted to burn through their short separation, remember what it was like to exist at the whim of two powerful women who knew how to use her.

"Mmm!" Her hips bucked, but Jane held them down. "Oh, fuck..."

Jane laughed. She always laughed while she went down on Becca, whose pussy was her favorite place to be. No amount of tongue or fingers would ever be enough for her to satiate that desire.

I am never letting her go. Never. I'm keeping her forever. Becca may have meant that in the literal sense. After all, if any woman was convicted to spend eternity between anyone else's thighs, it might as well have been Jane.

Her tongue was the quickest master to have ever learned the details of Becca's pussy. Because when Jane asked for a quickie, she made good on the promise to maintain an honor toward time spent. A hard flick of the tongue there. A well-honed punch there. Her lips dominated the entire playing field that began at the dip of Becca's hips and ended where all of her wetness went. Right into Jane's mouth.

"Oh, God!" Becca's hips were bucking again, squeezing Jane's face as she held on and kept her tongue on task. Because here Becca was, already orgasming in less than a minute. It wasn't a record, but it was still impressive.

It was also intentional. Because Jane knew she could get away with whatever she desired after Becca had been loosened up.

"Don't stop." Becca moaned, her voice shaking in time with her thighs. "I want you to fuck me. Fuck me, please!"

The words had barely escaped her lips when the thrust came. A finger slid inside Becca, curling upward as Jane's tongue remained planted over her clit. She had no reason to stop. She was only getting started.

"F-fuck!" Becca tried to say, but it was barely coherent as orgasm continued to mount her. She didn't know how long she would last, but she hoped Jane would make it worth it.

Jane pulled away, her lips slick with Becca's essence, and a finger twirling with anticipation. "But first, you need to give me a bit more. I'm not done yet."

Becca would have laughed if she had any breath left to do so. "No? But I can't hold it..." There it was. The pathetic tone she couldn't help but embrace when she was disrobed, disoriented, and disgustingly eager to please.

"Then don't." Jane slid back down, her nose and lips buried within Becca's tiny red curls. "I want to hear your sweet music, Becca. Sing me a song, won't you, love?"

She did. Becca arched her back and released her breathless cries with as much power as her body would allow. And Jane kept going. She continued to suck Becca's clit until she had wrung her dry of everything she had to give. Just when Becca thought she couldn't give more, her body surprised her. It always knew what she wanted more than her brain did. Two conspirators that sometimes destroyed her heart... or brought it such erotic justice.

"That's right, my sweet doll." Becca's orgasm was on pause, threatening to crash her down or lift her at any moment while Jane's finger toyed with the outer ring of her entrance. "But don't just show me how much you want it. Tell me. By all means."

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