Page 8 of Spider

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Walking into the bathroom, I stop in front of the mirror. Lifting the hem of my top up, I stare at the large scar on my stomach. I run my fingers over it, feeling the reminder that I will never be able to live my life; a free life. He will always find me, and he will always destroy any happiness I may have. He will always own me.

A knock at the door makes me jump, and I quickly wipe the tears away before I open the door.

Star is stood there, her eyes assessing my face. “Don’t let Spider get to you. He is being a cunt,” she says bluntly. I jolt at her choice of word, but she waves me off as she gently pushes past me into the room. “Sorry, blame Josie. The Brits use that word a lot and I like it.” She shrugs and sits down on the bed, patting the space next to her for me to sit. I do so, wondering where this conversation is going. “I’ve been here a while now, and I see why you thought all of them were nasty and vile.” She pauses, smiling. “Cunts.” She sighs. “Man, that word is therapeutic. Anyway,” she continues, “what I’m saying is they don’t always give the best first impressions. I mean, I hated Ghost. I thought he was this big macho alpha, man whore, and do you know what? I wasn’t wrong.”

“Oh,” I breathe, not really sure what I am supposed to say in response to that.

“It’s fine. I made him work for me. I wasn’t about to just dive on in it with him. I mean, there were other factors that stopped that from happening, but it was a good thing I made him fall. Imade him keep his dick, his magnificent dick I might add, in his pants.” She sighs.

“That’s great?” I say, stating it as a question.

“So, you and Spider, it will get easi—” she began.

I cut her off. “There is no me and Spider, and there won’t be.” Star nods, but her facial expression implies that she doesn’t believe a word I am saying. “I’m serious. I am in… Well, not in, but I’m just getting away from a relationship. I don’t want to start anything,” I lie again.

“Getting away?” Star presses.

“Huh?” I retort.

“You said getting away from a relationship,” she points out.

Shit. “I meant getting out of.” I chuckle, hoping to cover up my mistake.

She nods. “Okay, well, I mean, not to sound like these guys are forceful or anything, but if Spider wants you as his, you don’t get much of a choice in it.”

I frown. “What?”

“They don’t like handcuff you and force you to be theirs or anything, well unless you’re Rage, but that’s a whole other story. I mean, they are relentless. Believe me, they will make you fall, too.” She smiles.

I shake my head. “Sure, okay. Look, I think you may be wrong on this with Spider. He doesn’t like me, and that feeling is mutual. Believe me.”

Star shrugs. “Well, I’m rarely wrong.” She pats my leg. “Right, come on. You can’t sit in here all day,” she orders as she stands.

“I am okay. I think I’m just going to take a nap,” I lie. She doesn’t move and just stands there. “You’re not going to let me be, are you?” I state.

Star smiles and shakes her head. “Now you’re getting it.” I sigh and stand, and she wastes no time in draping her arm over my shoulder as we walk down the hall.



Standing outside smoking a cigarette,Hawk comes walking over with a stupid smirk on his face. “I’ve known you a long time, and I have never known you to be an asshole to women. You love women, all women. Yet Acid’s sister comes to stay, she’s barely been here a day, and you’re already giving her shit. So, what has she done that’s got your balls in a fucking twist?” he asks.

I take a long pull on my cigarette until I feel the delicious burn deep in my lungs. I slowly exhale, taking my time to answer. “No problem. I just don’t like her,” I state.

“Fuck off brother, speak the truth,” Hawk scoffs.

I look at him. “I’ve said it before, and no one will fucking listen. I’ve known Acid since we were fucking kids in that place. His family are fucking dead,” I counter, releasing some of the truth.

“No shit?” He sighs. “Look, if you really think there is something to be concerned about, then you need to tell Pres. He can get Cash to run a background check on her,” he adds.

I nod and drop my cigarette to the floor, pausing to stamp it out with my boot. “No shit, and I will. I don’t like the fact that no one has heard from Acid either. And then she shows up,” I add.

Hawk nods. “Yeah, it could be coincidental, but it could be something. Either way, let Pres know, because after what we’ve seen in this club, you and I both know things aren’t always as they seem.”

Star walks out of the club with Nova hooked on her arm. My eyes lock with Nova’s and she immediately looks away. Stopping in front of us, Star smiles brightly.

“What do you want?” I sigh.

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