Page 7 of Spider

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I blow the loose tendrils of hair away from my face. “I just wanted to do something nice as a thank you for letting me stay here.” I smile.

He doesn’t smile back. He just walks over, picks up a pancake and begins eating it. “Yeah well, I would tidy this shit up before Queenie sees it. She will not be happy,” he states.

I nod, and it’s then that I notice a cut with some light bruising above his eye. “What happened to your eye?” I ask.

“What happened to my eye?” he says, repeating the question back to me.

I nod.

“What happened is none of your fucking business,” he snaps. I jolt at his spiteful demeanour.

“Oh my word, you cooked all this?” Queenie asks, smiling as she walks in, thankfully interrupting us and easing the tension. I smile, trying to ignore the cold vibes that are coming from Spider. She walks up to me, giving me a side hug. “Well, this is just amazing. Not many think about doing this and it gives me a break. What do you need me to do?” she asks.

“Oh um, thank goodness you’re okay with me doing this. I was worried it may have upset you,” I mutter.

She frowns. “Why would I be upset by this lovely gesture?” she asks.

I look over to Spider, but he just turns and walks out of the kitchen. I shake my head. “No reason. I just didn’t want to step on any toes.”

“Not at all. The guys will be so grateful for this. I will start taking stuff out to the table. Does that sound good?” she asks.

I smile. “That would be great. I’m just going to cook up a few more pancakes,” I tell her. Queenie nods and grabs a hot tray of bacon and eggs before she walks out of the room.

Bringing the last batch of pancakes out to the table, I’m surprised to see the rest of the food is already nearly gone. “Nova, go and sit down. I plated you up some food before these fucking savages ate it all,” Star says as she points to the empty seat.

I smile and nod as I make my way over to the empty seat. My steps falter when I see who I am sat next to. Spider. He pulls my chair out, positioning his arm to rest on the back. He stares at me the entire time, and I look anywhere but at him as I take my seat. I mutter my thanks, and he keeps his arm draped on theback of my chair. His thumb grazes over my shoulder as I make myself comfortable. I quickly lean forward to avoid his touch.

“You didn’t need to do all this,” Maggie says.

I look up and smile. “It’s the least I could do for you letting me stay. I will, of course, contribute towards the cost of food, too,” I add.

“You’re not fucking paying for shit. You’re Acid’s sister,” Ghost snaps abruptly.

He is so intimidating. “Ignore his tone. That is his affectionate voice,” Star says with a roll of her eyes.

I laugh as I start eating. “So, you must be a chef or something, because this is delicious,” Queenie compliments.

I swallow my food and take a sip of my coffee. “Um, well not exactly. I own a little bakery,” I state.

“No way. Which one?” Dixie asks.

“Sunshine Bakery, back in my hometown,” I answer.

“I’ve heard of it!” Josie states. “Someone at the baby group said they stopped by there and had the most amazing muffins. Like you do them filled, with all different flavours.”

I smile. “Those are our best sellers.”

“So, you have left someone to manage your shop while you wait for your brother to come back?” Spider asks.

I turn my gaze to him. “No, I’ve closed it while I’m here,” I answer.

He frowns and leans forward on his elbows. “Well, surely that can’t be good for business. You don’t know how long you will be here for. Acid could take days, weeks, or even months to come back,” he says sharply.

I look down at my plate. “I haven’t thought that much about it,” I lie. It’s all I can think about.

Spider huffs. “I don’t know many people that would just up and leave, closing their business whenever they feel like it. Something you’re not telling us?” he presses.

The entire table is quiet. I can feel everyone’s gaze on me, waiting for my answer. I keep my head down as I clear my throat. “I guess you are right. I should have thought it through more,” I agree, not wanting to discuss the real reason why I’ve left everything I love behind. I wipe my mouth with a napkin and stand. “Excuse me,” I state quietly before making my way back to my room. I shut the door and let the tears fall.

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