Page 24 of Spider

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I smile, placing my hand in his. “Nova.” I smile.

He doesn’t let go of my hand. He just strokes his thumb back and forth. “Can I get you a drink?” he asks.

“Just a soda, thanks.” I nod. He places his hand on the small of my back and guides me to the bar. I look around for the others to signal I’m fine, but as I look around, I see Star and Maggie lining men up. Maggie is taking pictures on her phone, Dixie and Josie have their phones out looking like they are doing research, and Belle, well she’s currently sat on Beast’s lap making out.

“Everything okay?” he asks as he hands me my drink.

I nod. “Yeah,” I answer. “Do you mind if I just tell my friends that I’m okay? I went to the toilet and haven’t returned, so I don’t want them to worry,” I state before taking a sip of my drink.

“Sure.” He smiles.

I just hope he’s still smiling when he sees who my friends are and doesn’t run away scared.

As we approach, Star looks up, her eyes going from me to Richard behind me. She smiles and nods before turning to the line of men. “Okay sorry, position has been filled, but we have your details if anything should come up. Thank you!” she yells.

“Are you pimping me out?” I ask her.

“No! Of course not. I merely set up a thorough interview process. Dixie and Josie were checking their socials, while Maggie took their picture, just in case one turned out to be a rapist or a murderer.” She shrugs.

I laugh and shake my head. “Seriously. And what exactly was Belle’s role?” I smirk.

Star looks around to see Belle and Beast making out in the next booth. “She was supposed to keep the guys distracted, but I think she got carried away.” Star laughs before turning her attention back to Richard. “So, who are you?” she asks bluntly.

“Richard. Nice to meet you,” he says, holding his hand out for Star to shake.

“No offence, but I don’t shake strangers hands, because for all I know you could have just had a piss and not washed your hands. I have a baby at home, and I don’t like to bring back random germs to him,” she states, her hands on her hips as she looks him up and down. “So, what is it you do?” she asks.

Richard looks uncomfortable as I glug my drink. “Er, I work for a small law firm.” He smiles.

Star nods smiling, but her smile falters when she looks past Richard. “For fuck’s sake,” she mutters, rolling her eyes. I lean to look behind us and my eyes land on Spider. I give Star a what the fuck look, and she holds her hands up defensively. “Hey, I didn’t tell him we were coming here,” she defends. “So Richard, you’re a lawyer then?” Star continues probing him.

“Er, no,” he answers sheepishly.

“A legal secretary?” she asks.

His eyes look to the floor. “Not exactly,” he mutters.

Star frowns. “Ah, you’re an apprentice trainee lawyer?” she asks. Richard shakes his head no. We both frown, confused. “Well, what the hell do you do there?” Star snaps.

“I’m the cleaner,” he answers.

Star throws her hands up. “Well then, good night Richard. I’m sure you’re a lovely guy, but with that wage, it isn’t going to be enough to support her or the children.” She sighs.

“You’ve got kids?” he asks me.

I shake my head no. “No, I don’t. Come on, let’s sit over here. I don’t care what you earn,” I state. He’s a good looking guy and he has a job. It doesn’t bother me what he does.

“Oh come on, we agreed big dick and bigger bank account. I’m just saying that if his bank account is that small, how small is his pecker?!” she yells.

We sit down at a small table in the corner. “I am so sorry for that. They are just overprotective of me,” I try to explain.

“No, I get it. It’s good you have people looking out for you like that.” He smiles.

I sigh, feeling relieved. He is calm, quiet and gentle. He is everything Spider is not. We talk for a while and after he buys us another drink, we talk some more. It’s nice and easy. I start to feel a bit heady, so he offers to come with me for some fresh air. As we get outside, he guides me around to the back of the building where it’s even more quiet.

“Better?” he asks.

I grasp my head in my hands, feeling like the floor is moving. I hold my hand out to try and steady myself.

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