Page 23 of Spider

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“He was a jackass. He said some nasty shit, and believe me, he will not be getting any of my peach cobbler for at least a week,” Queenie asserts.

“To clarify, that is not a euphemism.” Star smirks. “She actually means her peach cobbler.”

Queenie rolls her eyes, smiling. “The point is you are already in a vulnerable situation, and he should not be messing with your emotions or saying the vile things he said,” Queenie tuts.

“So, we are taking you out!” Josie says excitedly.

“Singles night at Club Becks,” Belle beams.

I shake my head no. “Er, that’s nice of you and all, but I have decided I’m not interested in finding a man right now.”

Star places her hand on mine. “We will be with you the entire time. We will not let a shit head even approach you. Seeus as your bouncers. If they ain’t got big dicks or a bigger bank balance, they ain’t getting anywhere near you,” she assures me.

I laugh and sigh. “Fine, but just saying, my ex Dean had a tiny dick and a huge amount of money. Look how that turned out,” I point out.

Star nods. “Okay, fine. We will require a full name, and then we can social media check them.”

“Okay, I give up. When are we going?” I ask, caving in. I’ve never experienced a date before, so maybe it will be good for me to experience a night out with the girls.

“Not until 7 tonight, so we all better start getting ready,” Star suggests as she stands with Enzo.

“It’s midday,” I point out.

“Exactly, so get in the shower,” Star orders.

“It doesn’t take me hours to shower,” I argue.

“When was the last time you waxed?” Star asks.

I shrug. “I shave usually.”

“We will be back with the waxing kit. Strip off and get on all fours,” Star instructs before she walks out.

“Wait, what?” I call out.

“It will be fine,” Dixie assures me, squeezing my arm before she follows everyone else out of the room.

What the fuck have I just agreed to?

Sat in a boothat this Club Becks, some of the brothers of the club are sat in the booth directly next to us. So far people are giving us a wide birth, as the scary intimidating bikers next to us are not exactly giving off welcome vibes. Although my skin feels softer than a newborn baby, there isn’t a single part of my body that hasn’t been waxed. Well, apart from the hair on my head.

“Do they really have to be here?” I ask Star.

“Yeah. Last time we got into a brawl, Ghost insisted on it. He’s such a drama queen sometimes. It was all fine. I had my brass knuckle dusters,” she tuts, rolling her eyes.

I’m not sure if I was right by being more scared of the guys or the women. I sigh and stand. “I’m going to the toilet,” I state, standing. Scar stands to follow me. “I am going to the bathroom,” I explain.

He holds his hands up, “Just following orders, darlin’,” he explains.

I roll my eyes and go anyway. When I’m done, I open the door to see Scar pre-occupied chatting to some woman. I smile and begin to walk back to our table, but somehow manage to trip and land on the floor with a thud.

“Ow!” I groan.

“I thought I was clumsy,” a guy says, smiling as he holds his hand out for me. I take it and smile as he pulls me to my feet. “Wow, you’re even more beautiful upright as you are sprawled out,” he compliments.

I raise my eyebrow. “I think you’ve got that chat up line the wrong way round. Usually, it’s more beautiful when sprawled out.” I laugh.

He laughs. “Shit, I’ve always been a smooth talker. Richard,” he says, holding his hand out for mine.

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