Page 75 of The First Chord

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“Yes, really.” He grinned at me and shook his head. “I know, I’m a complete idiot.”

I groaned. “Yes, you are.”

Laughing, Ronnie pulled me close again and kissed the top of my head. “Get inside before I embarrass myself.” He then gave my bum a playful slap. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Pouting, I turned and pulled my key card from the pocket of my dress. “See you tomorrow.” I opened the door and looked at him over my shoulder. “Sleep well.”

“I’ll try.” He rolled his eyes and I hoped he was second guessing his decision. He didn’t stop me walking into the room, however, and waved as I closed the door.

I breathed deeply, leaning against the wall trying to agree with Ronnie’s choice, but the throb between my thighs was making it hard. When there was a knock on the door, I jumped and almost screamed. With my heart beating five times its normal pace, I grabbed on the handle and swung it open to find Ronnie holding onto the doorjamb either side of the door. He was looking down at the floor and breathing heavily.


He looked up and shook his head. “I’m not staying, but I had to do this one more time.”

I was in his arms instantly and then pushed against the wall, just inside the doorway. He hoisted me up so that I could wrap my legs around his waist, and cradled my head as he kissed the breath out of my body. The height that I was at meant his hard on was pushing directly against me, in the place that I needed him the most. The ache was so great, though, it wasn’t enough, and I moved my hands in the direction of the button at his waistband. Ronnie didn’t say anything but grabbed my hands with one of his. He pushed them above my head and while he pillaged my mouth with his, held them there. When I finally thought I might pass out from the pleasure, Ronnie pulled back and grinned at me. It was dirty and mischievous and even though I didn’t think it was possible, my knickers got even wetter.

Stepping back, he let my feet drop to the floor and winking at me said, “Night, gorgeous.” And then he left.

With my door still open and breathing hard, I heard him humming followed by the click of a door. There was no doubt about it, Ronnie Dwyer might appear sweet, but his naughty side was just as good.



Tossing and turning all night didn’t lend itself to doing a round of TV and radio interviews. I knew that I’d be stifling yawns all day, as well as thinking about Amber, more specifically the kiss against her bedroom wall.

I’d thought about it so much I’d had to throw one out. Two actually. In fact, I’d almost gone a third time, but Joey was banging on my door yelling that it was time for breakfast. When we got there, Amber wasn’t, which put the fear of god into me. What if Jimmy had got to her? What if he had her trapped in her room? I sent her a text because she hadn’t answered my call, and when that wasn’t answered I stood up ready to go and find her. Thenhe’dappeared with the rest of Blind Devil and the tightness in my chest has lessened a little. It had really unknotted itself when a text buzzed on my phone.


Did you know that I had a first date last night?

I grinned and sent a text back.


Really! How was it?”

Waiting for her reply, I could feel the butterflies going crazy in my stomach. I’d never let myself get this way over a woman before. The fear of losing someone I gave my heart to had always been too great. Amber was different, though. I was willing to risk my heart for her. She was special and I knew my love for her, when I fell, would be epic. When? Who the hell was I kidding? Friendship had grown into something much, much more.


I think it’s a very underrated fruit x

I burst out laughing at her response and knew that I would do anything to make her as happy as she’d made me. By trusting me to be her friend and to help her get through the crap with Jimmy, she would never know how much I appreciated it. She hadn’t gone to Beau or Elliot, or even Ali, the people who got things done and had the ear of most people in the business. It had been me who she’d asked for support.

“Why are you grinning?” Beau asked, picking up his orange juice.

“Just a joke someone sent me on a text.” He narrowed his eyes at me over the rim of his glass as he took a sip. “What?”

“I know that look,” he replied, placing his glass down. “I’ve seen it on myself and El.”

I rolled my eyes. He thought he knew everything about bloody love, seeing as he’d found the perfect woman, twice.

“Where’s Simone?” I asked, changing the subject to his love life, his favourite topic.

“Having a lie in. Late night.”

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