Page 15 of Unveiled

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Mira’s inner walls clench and release, milking me as I feel myself explode inside her. My cock tightens, and my hips buck uncontrollably against hers as wave after wave of pleasure rocks through me.

We both collapse onto the bed in a tangled heap of sated limbs, our heavy panting echoing off the walls around us until it fades away into blissful silence.

It feels like forever since I felt this satiated, and judging by the sound of her labored breaths and the pink tint on her cheeks, she feels the same.

As I look at her next to me, her blonde hair fanned out across the pillow, her full lips parted in pleasure, I am struck by the overwhelming love I feel for this woman. She is my everything – my strength, my solace, my reason for being. And I will do whatever it takes to protect her, to ensure her happiness and safety, even if it means embracing the darkest parts of myself.

Lying here, our bodies pressed together, the softness of Mira’s skin against mine, I realize that at this moment, we have found solace in each other’s arms. The weight of our desire for revenge is momentarily lifted, replaced by a deep sense of connection and belonging.

“Nicoli,” Mira whispers, her breath warm on my neck, “I love you.”

“I love you, too, Hummingbird.” I stroke her hair. “More than you know.”



The door creaks open, and I step into the dimly lit room. Alexius is waiting for me, seated behind his desk, leaning back in his chair as he takes a sip from his glass of bourbon. The desk lamp places his silhouette on the wall like a dark mass cut out of black paper. His heavy frame leans to one side as he sips his drink.

“Who died?”

“Apparently, some guy named Louis. But here’s the real kicker,” he says as he places his glass down. “My twin brother shot him in the head.”

“Correction.” I hold up my hand. “I shot him through the face. Vertically upward and strategically moved his tongue to his brain. And that, dear brother, takes an immense amount of skill.”

“And stupidity,” he remarks.

I move closer to him, the floorboards groaning beneath my feet. He watches me, his eyes icy blue and unreadable. It’s a quality I’ve always envied – the ability to remain calm and collected no matter what storm brews inside. To stay in control while a hurricane unleashes carnage in my head is something I will never master—mainly because I don’t fucking want to.

The leather chair creaks as I take a seat across from him. “Let me guess. You’re going to give me some speech about how I can’t go around killing people and putting our family at risk of some form of retaliation. That what I’m doing is not how we do things in our world, that there are rules and stipulations and goddamn fine print that tells us how to take a fucking piss.”

Alexius cocks a dark brow.

“But let me tell you, brother,” I continue. “I am the one retaliating. This family is retaliating against a wrong done unto us. Every drop of blood I spill, every life I take is warranted, and you fucking know it.”

His expression remains impassive, and I grow increasingly restless and annoyed.

“Nicoli,” Alexius prompts, his voice firm but not unkind, “I get it. I really do. And believe me when I say I want Nunzio dead and buried yesterday.”

“Then, for the love of God, spare me the lecture today.”

“Revenge is a dangerous game, Nicoli,” he says softly, his gaze never leaving mine. “But I understand your need for it. Just remember, balance and strategy are key, and right now, you’re too emotionally invested in this to find a balance.”

I lean forward. “Tell me if you see anything on my goddamn face that says I give a shit about balance.”

A heartbeat passes, and Alexius sits back. “We’ll make him pay.”

“But in order to do that, we have to find the fucker first.” I launch up and stomp across the room, pouring myself some bourbon, and my hand ain’t light either. I’m filling this baby up to the fucking brim. “It’s been months, and we’re no closer to finding this asshole than we were the night I carried my beaten and battered wife out of that goddamn forest.”

“Nunzio is an arrogant fuck. It’s only a matter of time before he screws up and leads us to whatever hole he’s hiding in.” His tone is a careful mix of understanding and authority. “But until then, we have to be smart about it. Plan our moves and consider the risks. If we want to end this war once and for all, there is no room for error. We can’t jeopardize our position in all of this.”

“And what position is that?” I snap as I pivot to face him, clutching the crystal tumbler in my palm. “What position are we in when nothing is fucking happening?”

Alexius pulls a hand through his hair, sighing. “I get it, Nicoli. I really do.”

“No. You fucking don’t. None of you get it.”

“Fine,” he shoots back. “I might not know exactly what you’re going through, but I do know that protecting your wife is far more important than you going out there playing God and raining down the fury of hell onto everyone and their goddamn mother.”

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