Page 16 of Unveiled

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“You want me to stop?”

“I want you to stop slaughtering half the city.”

“Fine.” I shrug. “But first, you have to do something for me.”

“This is not a democracy, Nicoli.”

“Close your eyes and picture Leandra naked, scared, being hurt and humiliated. Think about your wife getting raped by that motherfucker, over and over again, while she begs for him to stop, and his only response to her pleas is to shove his dick inside her even deeper.”

He licks his lips, and the muscles around his jaw tighten. “Don’t.”

“Think about the pain she had to go through, the utter, complete, violent, brutal,” I spit out, “violation of your wife’s body.” I am still right in front of him, our eyes level. “Tell me, brother, what would you do if a man desecrated that which is so fucking sacred to you, you would die for it?”

I can see the veins in his neck bulging, flexing as he clenches his teeth, trying to rein in his anger. “I would burn cities to the ground for it,” he grits out.

“Then do not expect me to do anything else…brother.”

Alexius narrows his eyes, his mouth flattening into a hard line. When he speaks, his voice is cold and distant. “You cannot put this family at risk by…”

“Motherfucker!” I bellow. “Are you listening to yourself?”

“…by being reckless. I can’t allow that, Nicoli.”

“Allow that? Jesus Christ, Alexius!”

“I have to act and do what I think is right for this family, and with you going around like a goddamn vigilante leaving bodies on every street corner for Maximo to clean up is risky and selfish.”

“Fuck you, Alexius,” I spit out, pointing my finger right at his goddamn face. “Fuck. You.”


“Listen to me, and listen to me good, brother. If I have to kill every motherfucker in this city, slaughter every kitten and offer every goddamn puppy to the devil himself, I will fucking do it if it means I get to hand that bastard’s bleeding heart to my wife on a motherfucking silver platter!” My voice slams against the ceiling, my anger ricocheting off the walls and landing right against my brother’s goddamn forehead.

Alexius shakes his head. “You’re not making this easy.”

“Good. Because guess what, it wasn’t fucking easy for her either when she was kept in that goddamn room being raped by a sadistic fuck!”

A single bead of sweat trickles down my temple, and I’m just waiting for my heart to break through my ribs. The room is thick with tension, a palpable force that presses against my chest like a vise. “You are looking at this all wrong, Alexius.”

“Then how should I look at this?”

“Look at this for what it is! That I’ve been hunting Nunzio’s men, one by one. Taking them out. Weakening his ranks. And the weaker this motherfucker gets, the faster we’ll smoke him out of the ground.”

A moment passes, then another, until I find my breath again, and the world around us settles into place.

His voice is softer now, the hard lines on his face relaxing. “All I ask is that you promise me you will be careful.”

“And all I’m asking is that you stop being the Dark Sovereign leader and start being my goddamn brother.”

“I am your brother.”

“You sure?” Caelian smirks as he strolls in. “I find it hard to believe you’re brothers because you look nothing alike.”

Both Alexius and I glare in his direction. “What are you doing here?”

“I needed some suffocating tension, so I decided to look for my twin brothers.” He shrugs and takes a seat. “And look, here you are with a fuckton of tension, and I can just soak it all in.”

My expression hardens. “Get the fuck out.”

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