Page 99 of Wicked Little Games

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My new job is annoying, but at least it gets me out of wallowing in bed, and out of the crowded penthouse for three hours a night. I track down props for Ezra the Elusive and his assistant Trisha, help Trisha change costumes, and otherwise fetch them whatever else they may need. Then I put everything away backstage to get ready for the next night’s performance.

Thankfully, I don’t have to go on stage or get sawed in half.

I have no idea how long my father will make me do this sort of lame work, but I do plan to talk to him soon about the cupcake business. If I offer to give him all the proceeds towards my “debt” maybe he’ll cave.

I’m rolling the heavy ass, “impenetrable vault” back to its place against the wall on four wobbly wheels, my silent guards who shadow me not bothering to help like usual, when I hear his voice.

“How are you doing?” Eli asks.

“You shouldn’t be back here,” I tell him as I finish shoving the vault out of the way before I straighten and face him. It’s the first time I’ve seen him since we got back to town.

Unlike my casual jeans and tee, despite the late hour, Eli is still wearing his usual uniform—a black suit stretched over his massive frame. One that’s either navy or black, but it’s hard to tell in the dimly lit backstage area. His dirty blond hair is hanging free, brushing his shoulders, so he must not have been tormenting anyone in the basement tonight. I’ve noticed that when he’s busy doing my father’s dirty work, he pulls his hair back in a rubber band.

I love his long hair and prefer it down. Either way he would still look delectable. With his hand tats and suit he’s a mixture of scary and sexy all at the same time.

And I’m not about to mention that he hasn’t tried to sneak into my room like I expected he would. Which is a good thing. I’ve been too sad to care about chasing orgasms with him. No, all I really want is a hug, maybe a cuddle in bed.

Eli is definitely not a cuddler. At least not unless he gets his dick sucked or fucks me first.

Trying not to think about all the times we did those things together in Rockland, I hold up my ankle to show him the new monitor strapped around it. “I don’t need another babysitter since I have four guards and this damn thing.”

My father actually slapped the device criminals are required to wear when they’re on probation or whatever on me. The kind that refuses to come off no matter what I try.

Eli stares down at it, a smirk on his face. “Hey, that’s your own damn fault for wandering off the grounds.”

“Screw you,” I grit out. “I missed the beach, being outside in the fresh air so I stepped outside for like five minutes and went to watch the water and light show at the Bellagio. It’s not like I was trying to jump on a plane to skip town.”

“At least not this time.”

Scoffing, I mutter, “I can’t believe you’re taking Daddy’s side.”

“I’m not taking his side,” Eli replies, shoving both of his hands casually into his suit pockets. “I’m just pointing out that while this lockdown sucks now, it’s just temporary. It’s part of your punishment for worrying your father nearly to death for fifteen months. Sorry if I don’t have much sympathy for you. He was so grumpy that the rest of us left behind here suffered too from his foul mood.” He waves a hand over to the four stalwart guards monitoring our every word. “Give him a few weeks and I’m sure Dante will back off and get rid of the bracelet.”

“And the four guards constantly watching me?”

“Oh, those will always be around, no doubt about it. The guards are not here because he doesn’t trust you, though. They’re here to protect you. Dante might cut back to just two if you can prove that you’re here to stay and won’t be out where his enemies could grab you.”

“I hate this!” I exclaim. “I should’ve just killed you and stayed in Rockland.”

Grinning wider, Eli says, “You would’ve been miserable for the rest of your life if you had killed me.”

Of course I would have. That’s not something I could’ve handled. Still, I tell him, “Maybe so, but at least I wouldn’t be a miserableprisonerlike I am here.”

Strolling up a few steps closer to me, Eli lowers his voice so the guards can’t hear him. “You know how much I love captives. How about I come by your room later tonight and take your mind off things? I could eat your pussy until you pass out on me.”

“No.” I don’t even have to take a second to consider my response to his offer. The bastard just wants to fuck me while I’m unconscious again, one of his fucked-up kinks. Not that I caredthe nights we were together in Rockland. I was so blissed-out on orgasms, I literally let him do whatever he wanted to me.

“How is your leg doing?” I ask to change the subject, and because while I don’t regret shooting him, I wish there had been another way to find Jordan.

“It’s healing. Feels good enough to fuck you against a wall, but you could get on your knees and kiss it better first just to be certain…”

A stupid part of me thinks it’s sort of hot how nothing stops him when he’s horny, not even a gunshot wound, or whether or not I’m awake. When I’m in bed with Eli, he owns every inch of my body, and we both know it, the opposite of being with Jordan who was always so careful, so concerned for my wellbeing during sex. Guess that’s the difference between love and lust.

“If I can’t be with Jordan, then I don’t want to be with anyone,” I inform Eli to put a stop to his come-ons.

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