Page 82 of Wicked Little Games

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The vet cleans Eli’s bloody leg up and gives him some dressing and antibiotics along with instructions for cleaning and covering his wound. Then, she finally leaves.

“What a day right?” Eli asks when I return to the bedroom after showing her out. I also looked out to the parking lot to see if Jordan’s bike was really gone.

It was.

“So, I guess I should book us a flight for tomorrow?” I ask.

“You should probably call your father and tell him the good news first,” he suggests.

“No. I can’t...I don’t want to deal with his anger on top of everything else right now.”

“Right,” he snorts. “You think he’ll go easier on you in person.”

“It’s possible, right?”

“He’s still going to be fucking pissed.”

“Tomorrow. I’ll deal with him tomorrow.”

“So, you and Jordan are really over?”

“Looks like it. His mom seemed to think it was for the best if I not ask him to come to Vegas. I didn’t know...she told me some things about what Jordan went through with her ex-husband.”

“She told you about the manipulating stepfather?” Eli asks.

“How do you know?” I say in surprise as I take a seat on the other side of the bed.

“Jordan told me during our time together. We talked a lot, actually. Not as much as we fooled around, but here and there we shared shit about our past.”

“Now I feel like an even bigger bitch for lying to him, putting him through this mess when he’s been through hell.”

“At least one good thing came out of all this,” Eli remarks.

“What’s that?”

“Jordan finally had to admit to himself that he’s into men and women. He liked some of the things that bastard did to him. He just wished he was doing them with someone else, someone he wanted.”

“And he wanted to do things with you?”

“Hell yes. He fucking loved it.”

“Are you just trying to make me jealous? Because it’s unnecessary. I already hate the thought of you and him together...”

“You hate the thought? Or you hate that you weren’t there to watch or participate?”

Rolling my eyes, I tell him, “Fine. I wish I had been there. Maybe it’s just hard for me to believe that Jordan would willingly cheat on me.”

“Unlike what you did to him, Jordan didn’t really cheat on you, Maddie.”

“What do you mean?”

“The kid thought he was going to die. I had planned to kill him after the first time.”

“Why didn’t you, before we made the deal, I mean?” I ask him, glad, but genuinely curious since Eli doesn’t usually hesitate to end lives.

“Because I knew you cared about him,” he replies simply. “And I knew that if I killed him, you would never forgive me. For some stupid reason, I guess I give a shit what you think about me.”

“I think…you’re an asshole,” I tell him truthfully.

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