Page 81 of Wicked Little Games

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I shake my head.

“Jordan was manipulated and abused by Darren. I had no idea it was going on, but when I found out...I felt so guilty that I had let that…monster into my house, near my son, and he had hurt him. Jordan was so depressed and confused. It was a miracle that he graduated high school that summer. Colt is the one who came along and gave him something to strive for, a goal, to become a prospect with the Savage Kings keep his mind off of what had happened to him. I’m not telling you this lightly, Maddie. You just need to know that my son has suffered enough. So don’t drag him across the country where god knows what will happen to him. Don’t take him from me. Don’t let him get hurt even worse. If you love him, let him go.Please.”

Swallowing around the knot in my throat, I tell her, “He’s already told me that he wants me to go back to Vegas. That it would be best for everyone. I don’t think he wants to come with me.”

“Good. Go home. I don’t know much about your father, but he’s probably been worried to death about you this past year. If Jordan had disappeared without a word like that...” She shakes her head. “I don’t know how I would survive not knowing if he’s alive or in trouble for months when a few days scared meto death. So leave, Maddie. End things with Jordan. Close this chapter in his life and let him begin to heal and move on.”

Thinking about Jordan moving on with someone else, a man or a woman, makes me sick to my stomach.

But his mother is right. I’ve done enough damage to him. Jordan deserves better than me. He deserves a woman who worships him the way he worshipped me.

Besides, I don’t even know anymore what was real and what wasn’t. Jordan is right about that. The entire year feels like a lie. It was too good to be true.

All I can do now is to go home, take whatever punishment Daddy dishes out for leaving, and try to move on, even if that feels impossible.

When we get back to the apartment, most of the Kings have left the parking lot. Only Colt’s bike and Jordan’s that someone drove over from the garage for him are still in the parking lot.

“Tell Jordan he can come stay with me and Colt until you’re gone.”

“Okay,” I agree before going inside.

Jordan is standing in the bedroom, still arguing with Eli who is being tended to by a young woman.

And I hate that I instantly loathe her before I see her face. I don’t like the fact that she is running her hands all over Eli’s bare leg, even if it is to try and help him.

“This is Megan, the vet,” Jordan says.

“Good. That’s good. Is he going to be okay?” I ask her.

Without looking up, she begins threading the stiches. Eli looks in agony and blissed out from the pain as she says, “The bullet went all the way through, so that’s good. As long as he doesn’t get an infection, he should be fine.”

“Great. Thank you,” I force out.

Eli lifts an eyebrow at me in question, but I turn to Jordan. “Your mom said you could come stay with them until...I’ll leave as soon as Eli is up for it.”

“He should be fine to walk on it in the morning,” the vet announces helpfully.

“Then I guess we’ll be leaving in the morning,” I tell Jordan.

“The Kings will be relieved,” he says. “My mom too.”

“I'm sorry,” I whisper. “For everything.”

“Yeah, me too,” he replies before he turns and walks out the door.

A moment later, I hear the front door of the apartment slam shut.

“So, it’s over with him?” Eli asks.

“Guess so. I don’t think he would want to come to Vegas even if I begged, especially since Daddy would likely shoot him on sight.”

“He’ll probably be okay, eventually,” Eli adds. “He’s young. He’s still got shit to figure out, though. Like if he prefers pussy or dick.”

The vet’s head snaps up to Eli’s face. “You’re sewing up my bullet wound. I’m sure you can keep another secret, right?” he asks her.

“S-sure. I wouldn’t...the Savage Kings are good men, but they don’t tolerate anyone betraying them.”

“Then good, all our secrets are safe,” Eli agrees.

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