Page 19 of The Dryad's Embrace

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“Hello, Ash,” a voice said behind me, feminine and melodious, as clear as a bell.

I turned around, and Artemis appeared. She smiled at me. Her auburn hair hung in a thick braid over one shoulder, her short white dress almost glowing in its purity.

“Artemis,” I said, kneeling before her. “Goddess.”

She laughed, the sound like chimes in the wind. “You don’t have to fall back on formalities, Ash. We’re friends.”

I nodded and stood, glancing around. “Are you alone?” I asked.

She nodded. “Philotes had other friends on her social calendar for the day.” She eyed me. She knew I didn’t like Philotes.

“Human friends,” I said bitterly.

Artemis laughed again. “You can’t condemn others for doing what you wouldn’t. They haven’t walked your path, and you haven’t walked theirs.”

I grunted and nodded. She was right. That wouldn’t change the fact that I didn’t like Philotes, though.

“I didn’t see you yesterday,” Artemis said.

“I was sleeping.”

“You’ve been doing that a lot lately.”

I nodded again. I didn’t have to tell her why. She didn’t need to know, but as a goddess, she probably already did.

“I hear you’ve involved yourself with a human again.”

I sighed. She really did know everything that went on with the forest spirits.

“She needed help.”

“You’ve always had a kind heart. I’m glad you haven’t lost it after your last ordeal.”

I scowled. “I’m not as kind as I used to be. It just causes trouble. I helped her because her screams sliced through my sleep and irritated me.”

A smile played around Artemis’s lips, then she laughed at me. “You don’t have to fear yourself so much,” she finally said.

“I’m not scared of myself.”

“You’re scared of where your heart will take you. I see you running from yourself. You should know by now that you can’t.”

I hesitated. “Do you really believe that?” I asked carefully.

Artemis frowned. The clouded look on her face suited her unblemished features.

“Do I believe what?” she asked, although she knew what I was talking about.

“That you can’t run from yourself.”

Artemis shook her head slowly. “I know what you’re thinking, and you’re looking for trouble.”

“You sound like Rowan,” I said bitterly.

“If that’s what he sounds like, he’s right. You can’t change who you are, Ash. No good can come of it.”

“I just want to be someone else, do something different than this. I’m stuck, Artemis. Surely, you can understand that?”

She nodded. “I understand it. I’ve seen your heart, and I know your pain, but losing who you are isn’t the answer.”

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