Page 18 of The Dryad's Embrace

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“I have to take care of a few things. I’ll be back.”

He shut the door behind him. I heard his footsteps go down the porch steps, and then silence as he walked away.

I stared at the closed door, trying to calm down. My body was worked up, still aching for sex, and my mind spun with questions.

Nothing made sense, least of all Ash.



What the fuck was wrong with me? I’d told myself I wouldn’t get involved with humans again, and then I got right in the middle of human business that had nothing to do with me.

I should have let her go. I should have let the humans figure their out shit out.

I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t let her into the hands of those assholes. It was clear they wanted her for themselves, and when I thought about what they might have done to her… fury built in my chest like a raging furnace. The intensity of my hatred for them caught me off guard.

What was it about her that made me want to save her?

Dammit, human women were nothing but trouble.

And then I’d gone ahead and made a move on her, letting my magic suck her in. I’d seduced her, and she’d been ready to give it all to me.

Gods, I’d been more than ready to take it.

It had been centuries since I’d wanted someone as badly as I wanted her.

That’s how they get you. It’s how she got you.

I shook off the thoughts. Ava had been the one to seduce me, not the other way around. She’d known what she wanted from me all along and I’d been a fool, blinded by the idea of a simpler life. A world where things came to an end.

I just hadn’t realized that the only thing that would come to an end was what she felt for me.

I walked through the trees, putting distance between myself and Lorraine.

What are you doing to me?

I couldn’t shake the sound of her voice. How had she known what I’d been doing? How had she felt what I was capable of?

I reached my tree, putting my hand against the bark and pulsing my magic into it. When I was here, I was rooted to the earth, grounded in my magic. Even without being in my tree, I could see the forest around me, feel the intent, the power shift, the very essence of the earth.

It was how I’d known the men were back here, looking for her. They weren’t just going to give up the fight. They wanted her, and they wouldn’t stop until they found her.

My lips curled away from my teeth in an involuntary snarl, and my body tensed. A dark mood descended on me. I was downright pissed off. If I found any of those men, I was going to hurt them. I wouldn’t just kill them; I’d draw it out until they experienced the same terror Lorraine had felt when she’d fled for her life. Until my hatred for them turned into the same dark menace that had been on her heels.

Fuck them for wanting to hurt her.


I let go of my tree and shook myself.What the hell is going on here?

Lorraine wasn’t mine. I didn’t want her to be—I couldn’t afford it. She was a lowly mortal whom I’d saved, and nothing more. I should let her be.

You will never be able to.

A deer appeared, walking through the trees. I watched its careful, tiptoed steps and velvet nose as it nuzzled the mulch, looking for something to graze on.

Warmth filled the air, sunshine falling through the dappled leaves. I reveled in the light.

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