Page 36 of Silk and Steel

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“Yeah, maybe. I’m just worried that this isn’t a coincidence. What if Lovejoy had his chemist buddy poison my father?”

Cole’s jaw set hard.

“I’ll admit it’s a possibility, but unless the doctors find something, it’s not a likely one. I don’t know of any poisons that are remedied by a pacemaker.”

We hit the commissary in the basement and buy some sodas and snacks, as well as tea for my mom. It all feels so strange. Like I’m too young to be at a hospital, wondering if my Dad is going to make it another night.

Cole and I pass the snacks on to my mother.

“I’m low on power,” I say, indicating my phone. “I’m going to see if there’s a charger I can borrow from the nurses’ station.”

“All right,” Cole says. “Don’t leave this floor, and stay in sight of the nurse’s station the whole time.”

I snap off a crisp salute, because I’m feeling a little cheeky. The longer my father is in recovery without something going wrong, the more I feel he might be alright after all.

“Emory,” Cole calls out, leaning his head out into the hallway. “Remember, if you-know-who calls, try to keep him talking for at least three minutes so Harlowe has a chance to trace it.”

“Sir, yes, Sir.”

Cole’s gaze darkens at the bitter snark in my tone.

“What’s wrong?”

“My father is gravely ill, Cole, and you’re barking orders like I’m one of your privates.”

“In the Navy we call them Seamen.”

“Whatever, and irrelevant. It’s called compassion, Cole. How would you feel if someone you cared about was dying or even dead?”

Cole’s lip twitches, and for a moment I think I’ve pushed him too far. But then his gaze softens, and he nods.

“You’re right. I was being a dick. I’m sorry your dad is sick and I hope he gets better soon.”

Pleasant shock cascades through my body. Cole has layers. He’s not just GI Joe, even if that’s what he wants people to think.

It turns out the nurses don’t have a spare charger. They recommend the gift shop one floor down, where they have exorbitantly overpriced chargers for sale.

“Here,” Cole says, holding his hand out for the charger. “I’ll use my expense account for it.”

“Trying to buy your way out of the doghouse?” I ask.

“If you like.” He flashes me a grin. Cole has a good smile. Too bad he seems afraid to show it.

He also purchases a plastic tub of chocolate covered espresso beans. When I snicker, he tries to defend himself.

“What? The caffeine helps with concentration and alertness, and the carbs from the chocolate are sustainable energy.”

“Only you, Cole, would eat something as decadent as that for practical reasons. I bet you ride motorcycles because they’re fuel efficient.”

“Not to mention easy to park,” Cole says without missing a beat.

I can’t help but laugh. Even in the face of my father’s health scare and Julian’s escape, Cole found a way to make me laugh.

After a quick elevator ride, we cozy up in the patient lounge and charge my phone. The espresso beans are too intense forme, but he eats about six. I’m surprised he’s not bouncing off the walls.

The long day takes its toll, and I start to doze off. Just when I’m halfway to slumberland, my phone rings.

My heart catches in my throat and I slowly reach for my phone.

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