Page 8 of Revelations

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“Yeah, Bell. Raptor saw her puttin’ all of her food back to buy things for the baby at the store. She has nothin’ to eat and apparently lives in an apartment that has no security measures,” Vault answers her as we all stand around the common room in various states of anger.

“So, what the hell are ya gonna do about it?” Annabell asks, anger in her voice as she looks at all of us.

“I’m gonna go buy her enough groceries to last a few weeks at least. I’ll make sure she’s got pots and pans to cook in as well. She’ll have everythin’ she needs to cook and eat. I’ll also make sure the baby has exactly what he needs. Diapers, food, formula, everythin’. Morgan, you’re gonna fuckin’ take it to her and make sure that she fuckin’ accepts it. I don’t want to hear any excuses or anythin’. Tell her you want to make sure the two of you have food to eat. I don’t give a fuck what you tell her aslong as you make sure she takes everythin’ and doesn’t reject it,” I tell Morgan and everyone else in the room because I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks.

Turning away from the group, I head out of the clubhouse and toward one of the SUVs the club has for anyone to use. Getting in the driver’s seat, I flip down the visor and the keys land in my hand. Before I can put them in the ignition, the passenger door opens and Devil is getting in the SUV with me. I don’t look at the man who is slowly crushing me on a daily basis.

It’s been so hard to stay away from him, but I can’t fucking be near him right now. Devil wants to have everything he wants and doesn’t give a fuck about anyone else’s feelings. That’s not how I want to live my life and I refuse to be kept a secret any longer.

“We gonna talk about this shit?” Devil asks once I leave the compound and head for the grocery store.

“Talk about what, Devil?” I return, not sure what part he wants to talk about right now.

“Everythin’, Wade. The fact that until today you haven’t talked to me in over a week. Or the fact that for the first time you’re stickin’ up for someone who isn’t involved in the club other than bein’ an employee of one of the businesses. A woman you tore into less than two weeks ago because she caught us in the storeroom,” he states, aggravation filling his voice as I keep my eyes locked on the road in front of us.

“You haven’t heard from me because I have nothin’ to say to you. I told you I wasn’t gonna continue to be your dirty little secret and I meant it. Until you pull your head from your ass we have nothin’ to talk about. And when it comes to Genesis, the way I feel and what I choose to do doesn’t concern youright now,” I tell him, a hard edge to my voice that’s not usually present when I talk to Devil.

“You know why I can’t tell my family about us, Wade,” he tries to say as I cut him off.

“No, I don’t. You have this whole conversation built up in your mind about what they’ll say and how they’ll treat you once they find out who you truly are. You’re not givin’ anyone the credit they deserve. Everyone in the club is open-minded and will accept this part of you with open arms and an open heart. You’re scared and that’s okay. I get it. But, you’re not a fuckin’ teenager anymore. I deserve more than you’re givin’ me and that’s a fact,” I say, pulling into the parking lot of the grocery store and parking close to the door.

“You don’t know that for sure, Wade. You can’t guess what they’ll say or do once this news comes out,” he states, anger lacing his voice as I shut the engine off and remove the keys, still not looking at him as I open my door and get out.

“Look, it’s clear that we both feel somethin’ for Genesis. I don’t know when it changed or what’s goin’ on with it. What I do know is that we need to sort this shit out once and for all,” he says, rushing his steps to catch up to me.

“Like I said, until you figure your shit out, there’s nothin’ more to be said,” I tell him, grabbing a cart and heading for the produce section of the store.

Devil and I made it through the store grabbing everything I could think of for Genesis and the baby. I grabbed multiple sizes of diapers because I’m not sure what size he’s in and didn’t want to call Morgan to ask her. Devil didn’t say another word as we loaded up two carts full of food, things for the baby, potsand pans, and some more things I’m sure Genesis doesn’t have but will need to prepare the food we’ve gotten her today. Going through the checkout line, I focus on putting up everything in the carts and watching as the young kid bags them for us. He fills the empty carts with the bags as I pull out my card and prepare to pay for the purchase here today.

“I’ll give you half the money back for today. If we’re both interested in Genesis, then I want to help pay for this stuff. I’ll also talk to Valor and King about gettin’ better security for her apartment and make sure they fix the security door so there’s another level of protection from the outside world. What do you want to do about the other threat lingerin’ outside of her buildin’?” he asks once I’ve paid and we have the receipt and we’re leaving the building.

“I plan on dealin’ with them once it gets dark out. Don’t need you there, Devil. You’ll be at work when I show up,” I tell him, hating the fact that I don’t want to do this kind of shit with him.

Devil and I always handle all sorts of problems like this together. When I’m the hothead, he calms me down. When it’s his turn to lose his shit, I pull him back in. To do something like this alone means I won’t have that safety net like I normally do. I don’t really give a fuck though. With the way I’m feeling and have been for so long now, I want to lose control. If I end up in jail for taking out the fucking scumbags, I don’t give a fuck. We’ve got a kickass lawyer from what I hear and she’ll get me off all charges. It’s why she gets paid the high retainer fee.

“I’m not lettin’ you deal with this shit alone, Wade. I don’t give a fuck what we have goin’ on personally, I’ve always had your back and that won’t change because of this. Eventually, I’ll figure things out. I just need you to wait for me. To understand that I’m tryin’ my best and this is so much harder than I thoughtit would be. I don’t want to lose you, Wade,” he says, remorse filling his voice, almost causing me to crack and start to bring down the wall I’ve reinforced around my heart against him.

“We’ll see. Maybe I’ll ask King or someone to go with me. Like I said, you’ll be at work when I show up,” I tell him, loading the groceries in the back of the SUV with his help before we both put the carts away and get in.

I drive straight back to the compound and pull up in front of the door. Morgan should leave early to head over to Genesis’ apartment so none of the food goes bad. I’m sure she’s ready to get out of here after going off on us all. And I have no clue if Vault said anything to her once I took off.

Walking in the common room, I easily find Morgan exiting the hallway where her room is. She looks at me and heads straight over with a small smile on her face.

“Did you buy out the store?” she asks, laughter filling her voice.

“Almost. I got a ton of meat, vegetables, fresh produce, potatoes, stuff for the baby. I wasn’t sure what size diapers he’s in so I got a few different sizes. There’s baby food and stuff for him, pots and pans, and a few other things I thought she’d need. Don’t tell her I got it for her. Genesis won’t accept it if it comes from me. I’ve got a lot to make up for when it comes to her. Everythin’ is in the SUV. I’ll send Deegan over with you. She knows him and won’t bat an eye at him showin’ up with you,” I inform her leaving out so much of what we threw in the carts. Including the cases of water I saw her buy for the baby.

“What do you want me to do if she won’t accept this stuff? Genesis isn’t the kind of person who will accept charity or a handout from anyone, Raptor. She’s a proud, independent woman who thrives on doing everything on her own. I have afeeling it’s because that’s what she’s been taught growing up. Genesis has never had anyone in her corner or anyone remain in her life. Even now her last foster family only checks on her once a month and from what she’s not saying, I believe it’s more obligatory than something they actually want to do,” Morgan informs me and rage simmers below the surface because no one should be made to feel as if they have to do everything on their own their entire lives.

“Please get her to take it, Morgan. I don’t care what you have to say in order to make it happen. Genesis deserves to have the food she needs to keep movin’ for herself and the baby. She’s starvin’ herself and it’s not a choice she’s made. I don’t know all the details, but I’m sure Gen wasn’t given a choice in takin’ the baby, but she’ll always do the right thing. I want to do the right thing for her when she needs it the most. Devil is also gonna make sure the security door gets fixed and King or Valor might be by to add some extra security measures to her apartment. I’m not sure what he’s gonna ask them to do,” I tell her, pleading because this is important to me and I want to make sure Genesis doesn’t reject this gift. “Tell her it’s a gift because that’s what it is. I’m not givin’ her charity or a handout. And I don’t want anythin’ in return for this. The only thing I want is for her to eat and for the baby to have what he needs.”

“I’ll do my best, Raptor. And for the record, what you’ve done is a good thing. I’m sorry I went off earlier, but that girl needs someone in her life who will be there for her no matter what’s going on. Everyone else uses her and walks away. They don’t see her determination or strength. No one sees how large of a heart she has either. All they see is the outside package and write her off because she’s not good enough. That’s what she’s been told her entire life,” Morgan says, giving me a little more insight into the woman who is tying me up in knots.

“There’s also a surprise in one of the bags. Make sure it gets put up in a place in her apartment that she might believe she forgot. I’ve got some cash tucked into one of the bags to add to her nest egg. Or use it to buy what she needs. I don’t care how she spends it,” I state, turning to walk away from Morgan as Kat comes into the common room dressed for work at the strip club.

She gives me a nod as I watch Morgan leave the clubhouse and hope that Genesis will take the groceries. Devil comes out from where King’s office is and heads straight for the door of the clubhouse. He’s also heading into work. I hate watching him leave knowing there’s so much strain on our friendship and whatever else there is between the two of us. For the first time in my life, I’m at a loss and I don’t know if this is something Devil and I will be able to overcome what’s happened. Only time will tell.

Chapter Six

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