Page 9 of Revelations

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THE CLUB HAS been open for a few hours now and I’ve been on the floor to check on the new waitress I hired yesterday. Her name is Alexis and I don’t honestly know if she’s going to work out with the staff who have been here. Alexis seems like an entitled bitch who will act as if she rules this club. She’s got long blonde hair that’s clearly from a bottle based on the dark as fuck roots she has showing. Her tits are fake as hell and she’s skinnier than any of the dancers we have on staff. Alexis originally wanted to dance and I told her she would never step foot on my stage and the position I was hiring for is a waitress. When she finally relented, Alexis took the uniform and made several cuts into the material to show off more of her body than the skimpy clothing already shows. She showed it to me as if I give a fuck about what she wears—I don’t. Alexis is making it known she wants to fuck me and it’s not gonna happen.

Another mark against her is the way she looked at Genesis when she showed up to work. Alexis sneered at her and I could already see Genesis closing down and shutting herself off in ways I’ve only heard described about people doing the same thing. All emotion leaves her eyes and face when she’s usually so completely open and free with what she’s feeling. The second Genesis came out in her uniform, Alexis started laughing her assoff and pointing at Gen. Again, she closed herself off as Alexis remained at the bar trying to talk to Kat who was ignoring her.

“Alexis, I suggest you get your section of the floor ready to go for the night. It’s your responsibility to pull down all the chairs and make sure the tables are clean. Stock the napkins and shit as well,” I tell her as she leans against the bar watching Genesis work.

“Genesis can take care of it. She’s already out there working,” Alexis says, turning her back to the floor and leaning over the bar, grabbing a beer from the cooler.

Kat snatches the beer from her and tosses it in the garbage. “We don’t drink on the fucking job here. And it’s not Genesis’ responsibility to take care of your section. Either do your fucking job or get the fuck gone.”

“You have no say in what happens here, bitch. Devil, I suggest you get your staff under control and tell them they better leave me alone,” she purrs, trying to insinuate something is going on between the two of us.

“And why the fuck would I do that? Kat might be new, but you’re still newer than she is. And she’s worked for the club at the clubhouse before comin’ here. Genesis has been here for a long time and has seniority over you on the floor. Get your fuckin’ ass to work and do your job. Genesis willnotbe takin’ care of your section. You’ve got three seconds to move your ass or Deegan will escort you from the property without hesitation. And leave your fuckin’ attitude behind,” I growl out, my voice hard and cold as I glare in her direction.

Alexis tries batting her eyes at me and when I don’t respond to her, she huffs, stomps her foot, and heads out on the floor to take care of her tables. She slams every chair on the floor even though it doesn’t really make a ton of noise with thecarpeting in this section of the club. Her anger is palpable and I want to laugh my ass off because she thinks I’m going to fucking stop her from actually working and it’s not gonna happen. Genesis has made it clear that she’s no longer going to do the work for others and I can’t blame her. We’ve all taken advantage of her for so long and it’s time she’s rewarded for her hard work. That’s why I’ve got Vault coming in tonight so we can talk about giving her a promotion and wage increase for the work she’s done. If I get my way, she’ll be right under me and will only work the floor when someone calls off.

Genesis goes about her work, getting every table ready for the night. When she’s done, she sits at the bar with a bottle of water from Kat. Alexis is glaring at her because she’s not done with her much smaller section yet.

“So, I can’t be at the bar, but the fat ass can. What fucking sense does that make?” Alexis sneers as I snap because this is more than enough.

“Get the fuck out of here. You no longer have a job here at Enchantment. Genesis finished gettin’ her section ready and has the time to hang out at the bar before we open the door. She’s not a fuckin’ fat ass or anythin’ else you want to say about her. Here, she’s to be fuckin’ respected and she doesn’t have to earn that shit from a slut who was just hired. This woman has done everythin’ in this club with the exception of dancin’ and if she wants to do that shit, she can. Genesis earns the most tips of any waitress we’ve ever had in here because of who she is as a person. Someone you should want to fuckin’ be,” I growl from my spot at the end of the bar where I’ve been sitting since I got here.

“You can’t fire me, Devil. You need me to waitress. It’s what you said when I came in for the interview,” Alexis says, her voice smug because that’s exactly what I told her.

“You’re right. That’s what I said and I meant it. However, I’m not gonna keep a ragin’ bitch here who has an attitude and doesn’t know the meanin’ of teamwork. The club is a family and we make sure each business acts as a family as well. I might not be the best boss, but I’m learnin’ from my mistakes. That’s more than I can say for you. I’m not gonna repeat myself. Get. The. Fuck. Out. Now,” I state, my voice hard and cold as Deegan steps forward, ready to get rid of the trash.

Alexis glares at me for a few minutes, turns her attention to Genesis and sneers before leaving the club. Deegan follows her out of the club and makes sure she leaves without doing anything stupid she’ll regret. I swallow the last of my water and toss the empty bottle in the recycling can Kat put behind the bar. Looking at Genesis, her mask is still firmly in place and she’s not letting anything she’s feeling show on her face. I fucking hate this shit. Genesis doesn’t deserve to feel like she doesn’t matter or isn’t good enough. She’s the best fucking employee here and after tonight she’ll know that.

The night is busy as hell and Genesis has been busting her ass to get to every table. I tried to bring in the ol’ ladies and others but no one’s available to work. I’ve been helping her clean the tables if someone leaves, get drink orders, and anything I can to make her work as easy as possible. Genesis has thanked me a few times and I just brush her off because I don’t need her thanks for helping out. This is the shit I should’ve been doing all along and I dropped the fucking ball.

“Leave me alone!” Genesis calls out, causing my head to snap up in her direction to find a man with his hands all over her. “Don’t fucking touch me. I’m not a dancer and I don’t want you to touch me.”

The guy doesn’t take his hands off of her as she struggles against his tight hold on her arms. Deegan has noticed her struggling as he rushes to her side and manages to get to her before I can. He forces the asshole to release his grip on her. Genesis falls back from the momentum she had trying to get away from the fucker and stumbles into my arms. I wrap my body around hers as she turns and buries her head in my chest. Genesis is trembling from head to toe and rage fills me with the thought of her being so scared this is her reaction.

“Sweetness, why don’t you take a break. Get somethin’ to drink, get some fresh air, do what you gotta do. I’ll find you in a few minutes to make sure you’re okay,” I tell her, my voice low enough so no one else overhears our conversation.

“I’m okay to keep working, Devil,” she returns, tears filling her eyes as I tip her chin up with my finger.

“You’re not, Genesis. Get out of here for a little bit and calm down. We’ll deal with this fucker and make sure he’s gone before you come back inside.”

Genesis takes one more look at the stupid fuck before she nods her head in response and cautiously makes her way through the tables toward the bar where Kat’s already waiting with a bottle of water for her. Accepting the bottle, Genesis heads toward the back hallway where the private rooms are. The girls all go out that door for their breaks because it’s behind the club and no one goes out there to bother them. Genesis typically goes out front when she heads outside for her break. Tonight, she’s going out back and I’m glad to see that she’s going somewhere she can be alone and calm down.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” I growl out at the customer after turning my attention to him where Deegan’s holding him.

“I’m a paying customer and I’ll touch whoever the fuck I want. This club is filled with fucking sluts and she’s no different. Bigger than I thought a strip club would hire, but I’m an equal opportunity kind of man,” he says, his friends laughing as he stumbles slightly from the alcohol filling his body.

“Wrong, fucker. You must be new here. At Enchantment, we value our girls and have a strict no touchin’ policy. Not to mention the fact that no one here is a fuckin’ slut. They don’t fuck the customers here or on their private time. I suggest you learn what the word no means before you catch a charge you can’t talk your way out of, stupid fuck,” I tell him, getting in his face as my fists clench and unclench at my sides. “And if you ever talk about my waitress like that again, I’ll fuckin’ gut you where you stand with a smile on my face.”

“Ah, I see. She’s your skank and you’re a possessive man. Don’t know why you’d waste your time with a fucking fat ass like her, but to each their own,” he slurs, again his friends laugh uproariously at his words and I lose my shit for the second time today when it comes to Genesis.

Lashing out, I punch the drunk fuck right in his face. He stumbles back, only remaining on his feet because Deegan has a strong hold on him. I punch him several more times as he whimpers and cries like the bitch he is. Still, his friends do absolutely nothing to fucking step in or defend him from me. They all remain in their seats and watch on with open mouths.

“Devil, pretty sure that’s enough,” Deegan finally says, pulling me from my head as I look at the man’s busted face with a sense of satisfaction filling me.

“I suggest you all settle your bill, leave a massive fuckin’ tip for the trouble you’ve caused and the trauma you subjected my waitress to, and get the fuck outta here. If I ever see a single one of you in my club again, I’ll end you and no one will ever findyour body. Do I make myself fuckin’ clear?” I growl, turning my attention to the four men at the table.

They all nod their heads in response as they scurry out of their seats and grab their friend. One of them pulls his wallet out and hands Deegan a credit card. I keep them where they are until he comes back with the receipt and a pen for the douche canoe to sign his name away. Once the tab is paid and a tip is left, they all leave the club and Deegan follows them outside. Shaking my head, I clear the table from the mess they’ve left behind and take the glasses to be washed along with the garbage I throw out behind the bar. Kat mutters a few choice words under her breath about stupid, drunk fucks who need to learn a lesson.

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