Page 32 of Revelations

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“He’s a good eater. Not picky at all. This is his second container of food. Matie had some chicken and rice and now he’s havin’ some fruit. He’ll be full and ready for a nap once he’s done eatin’. What are you guys doin’?” my dad informs me as I look down at them while my grandpa takes a seat with them at the table.

“Doc is on his way here. Genesis wants to go back to work. She’s goin’ crazy sittin’ home all day long. Even though she’s been workin’ on unpackin’ our boxes and shit, she’s not used to stayin’ home all day. She’s worked since she could get a job and this is not who she is. Honestly, I want her to go to school for a degree, but I haven’t talked to her about it yet. She’s had so much goin’ on and that’s somethin’ we can talk about later on,” I tell my dad as I turn to give Matie another kiss on his head. “You good watchin’ him a little longer? I gotta find Genesis and make sure she’s ready for Doc to get here.”

“Of course we are. We’ve got all the time in the world for this little guy,” my grandpa answers, a smile on his face as he looks at my son. Yes, my son.

Wade and I feel the same way. Matie is our son and no one will tell us any different. When Genesis is ready for it to be official, we’ll add our names to the adoption papers. That choice is hers to make though. We won’t force her into doing something she doesn’t want to happen, but Wade and I really want to adopt Matie and make him ours right along with Genesis.

With a nod of my head, I make my way to the stairs up to our rooms. Genesis is either going to be in Wade’s room or mine. She said something about cleaning them when she left earlier so I’m not sure which one she’ll be in first. Coming to Wade’s door, I open it up and find a sight I never want to see again in my life. Liz is laying in the bed, completely naked, with her legs spread as she slides her hand down her body until she gets to her pussy. Stepping back in the hallway, I turn to the way I just came up.

“Vault! Vault, get up here!” I yell out, my voice echoing off the walls of the hallway as another door opens down the hall.

Turning my head, I find Vault coming out of his room in nothing more than a pair of jeans, messy as fuck hair, and a glare in his eyes.

“This better be fuckin’ important,” he growls out, his voice cold and hard as I realize what I just interrupted. Oops!

“I’d say it’s important, Vault. Who the fuck let Liz out of the room she’s been locked in?” I ask him as he steps up next to me and looks in the room.

“What the fuck?” he barks out as I hear more people rushing up the stairs to head for us. “Who let you out, Liz?”

“I’m not telling you anything. None of you deserve to have any answers,” she says, her voice full of glee as my dad and grandpa join us. The tension in the hallway is so thick I can cut it with a knife.

“You’ll be talkin’, Liz. One way or another we’ll get the answers we want,” Vault promises her as I watch her face start to pale with the promise in his words as she continues to play with herself like any of us want to see that shit.

“I always knew you wanted me, Devil. Get Raptor and I can show you how much better sex is with me instead of that fat bitch,” Liz purrs as I get ready to fucking go off on her.

“My son wouldn’t touch you with someone else’s cock. He’s not desperate and would never fall into whatever trap you’re settin’ up here. You’re a slut who does nothin’ but spread her legs for anyone around her. I know all about you, Liz. See, King’s dad did a full run on you and found stuff you thought someone had hidden deep enough to never see the light of day again. Dad, do you wanna fill the guys in on what Fox discovered?” my dad asks as Liz’ body starts shaking and she finally pulls her hands away from her pussy while covering her body with the blankets on Wade’s bed.

“Of course. She’s been arrested since the age of fifteen for prostitution. At first we thought there was somethin’ fishy goin’ on. We hear so many cases about a fucked-up family situation where a parent or step-parent force a child into that kind of shit for their own sick kinks and whatever other excuse they spew at the world. That’s not the case with Liz. She made the decision all on her own. She’s tried to play the pregnancy card over twenty times with various men over the last ten years. Always has fake documents drawn up and everythin’. Each one is different, but the one thing that remains the same is that every single guy she tries to pull this shit on is wealthy, connected to others in high positions, and decent men. Now, she’s tryin’ to do the same shit with anyone here in the clubhouse. She’s tried gettin’ with the Prospects, whisperin’ in their ear about her makin’ sure they become an officer once they patch in and all sorts of other bullshit.

“On top of the prostitution arrests, she’s been arrested for drugs, sellin’ and usin’, obstructin' investigations into her and others she knows includin’ Ricky, and a long list of crimes. Ricky and her mother always manage to get the charges dropped in various ways. All three of them are bein’ looked at for different things right now. Not by the local authorities either. They’ve gotthe FBI lookin’ into them for some reason. King and Fox are still workin’ on findin’ out that detail, but you know they’ll discover what’s goin’ on and let us know,” my grandpa informs us, his voice lethal as he glares at the woman in front of us.

“You’re lying. You have no clue what you’re talking about,” Liz tries to say as a small hand lands on my back and I know shit is about to hit the fan as I look down to find Genesis standing next to me.

“What the fuck is going on here?” she asks as a smile forms on Liz’ face and a glare shines right at my girl.

“See, this is what it looks like when a man gets done fucking a woman. I’m sure you don’t know anything about that. Raptor and Devil probably can’t even get hard looking at your fat ass. You’re a pathetic piece of shit, hanging on to men who don’t want anything to do with you. They’re mine and it’s about time you learn your place here in the clubhouse,” Liz spews as Genesis steps between Vault and me, making her way in the room before any of us can stop her.

“This is actually what it looks like when a man gets done fucking his woman, Liz. I’ve been in Dylan’s room with Wade while you’ve been in his room making a fool of yourself. Again. As you can see, I’m put together even if my hair is a little fucked up right now. No one gave you permission to come in Wade’s room and get in his bed with your nasty ass. So, I’m gonna say this one time, and one time only. Wade and Dylan aremymen. They will never fuck you or have anything to do with you. You’re a lazy piece of shit who doesn’t know what the word no means.

“I might be a bigger woman, but it means they don’t have to worry about breaking me when they fuck me hard. I can take everything they give me and more while you wouldn’t be able to handle half of what my men love to do in the bedroom. You don’t know a fucking thing about either one of them and only seethem as a pawn in your game. These men are the best I’ve ever met and I am the one who gives them what they need. That’s in and out of the damn bedroom because unlike you, everything between the three of us doesn’t revolve around sex. We have a relationship and talk about everything. You wouldn’t be able to satisfy them in any way they need regardless of how good you think you are. At the end of the day, Liz, you’re nothing more than a pathetic, desperate, piece of shit who will never get a man of her own unless it’s someone like Ricky. I hope he treats you as well as he treated my sister,” Genesis says, laying down her claim on Wade and me like no one’s ever done before.

“You tell her, Angel. This skank is no one I want to have anythin’ to do with. Now, we’re gonna have to buy a new bed and all new beddin’ to get rid of the taint she’s brought into this room. Don’t touch anythin’ because you might catch somethin’, Genesis,” Wade says, stepping up next to me as we all keep our eyes locked on Genesis and Liz.

“How fucking dare you!” Liz screams out, getting out of bed and going to step toward us.

“I don’t think so, Liz. See, you don’t get to look at my men. You don’t get to talk to them, be near them, or anything else. You can’t get mad at Wade for speaking the truth. With how many men you fuck and the fact that you clearly don’t give a fuck who you’re with, I wouldn’t be surprised if you have some kind of disease. Especially being with Ricky. He doesn’t know how to be faithful to anyone and is always fucking all the women he can with his small dick. The two of you are actually a perfect pair if I allow myself to think about it. Which I really don’t because I’m always thinking of my son and men,” Genesis says, holding out her arm to stop Liz from moving any closer to the door where we still stand.

“You don’t know anything about Ricky!” Liz screams, her face turning red as she starts shaking even harder than before.

“Oh, I know everything about Ricky. Not only was he with my sister, Melinda, for years, but I’ve done my research on the stupid fucker to know everything about the man who insists on coming after me. Do you even know he’s still looking for Melinda? That he’ll do everything in his power to find her and bring her back to his side. You’re nothing to him, Liz. He’s using you like he uses everyone else who enters his life. When you’ve outlived your use to him, he’ll either drop you completely or he’ll make sure his guys take you out. No one will find your body either,” Genesis states and I know it’s the truth because she’s staring at Liz as she speaks.

“He doesn’t know anyone named Melinda. You’re all lying to me about him. You see what a real man he is and you’re jealous. For guys who say they don’t want me, you sure as fuck act like you do,” Liz says, a smirk on her face as she thinks she’s gained the upper hand again.

“Yeah, he does.”

Genesis grabs her phone from her pocket and unlocks it. We all wait to see what she’s going to do as she searches her phone for something before turning the screen toward Liz. Liz’ face goes from pale to an almost purple color with the rage coursing through her at whatever she’s looking at right now.

“What the fuck?” she whispers as Genesis holds her phone out for us.

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