Page 31 of Revelations

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“We might not have been the best parents to her, but I tried to show her love in my own way. Melinda was our main focus because she was always getting into one thing or another. Genesis was a good girl and we knew we didn’t have to worry about her causing problems or getting into fights,” Mrs. Pratt answers me, her voice holding the guilt and remorse she feels. It’s so thick I can hear it as I look at my dad and he shrugs his shoulders at me.

“Thank you, Mrs. Pratt. We’ll figure it out here once we get the results of the DNA test. I just wanted to know if there was information out there to match the story Genesis was given,” I tell her, wanting to get off the phone with this woman.

“Is she okay? Happy? I do have something for her,” Mrs. Pratt says, extending the conversation with her questions as my interest is piqued with her saying she has something for my girl.

“She’s happy for the most part. Like I said, she’s healin’ from the attack by that asshole. Genesis is more bored than anythin’ else at this point. She wants to go back to work andthe doctor won’t clear her to return despite her just getting a promotion,” I say, not wanting to give out too many details about Genesis in case I say something she doesn’t want this woman to know. “What do you have for her?”

“Every dime we didn’t spend on her when she was growing up, we put in a high interest savings account. It’s literally sat in the account all this time collecting interest and multiplying. I have the account number and everything she needs to gain access to the money. She’s of age to get it with the stipulations my husband put on it. That’s one of the many reasons we’ve remained in contact with her. We care for Genesis and want to make sure she’s okay. The last I knew, the account had almost a half a million dollars in it. That was a few years ago. My husband and I added money to it every month from our own pockets. Genesis deserves to have a good life and if this money will help her accomplish that, she needs to have it,” Mrs. Pratt informs me, shock filling me as I look at my dad with confusion on my face and my mouth hanging open.

“Okay. Um, I’m sure she’ll appreciate the money and what you’ve done for her, Mrs. Pratt. I’m going to have a friend of mine call you. His name is Kingston Stevens. He handles all of our computer stuff. He’ll get the account number from you and then he can set things up for her here. I’m not sure where you’re located, but I don’t believe Genesis is up for a road trip right now,” I inform her as my dad nods his head in agreement of what I’m saying.

“This Kingston is a trustworthy man?” Mrs. Pratt asks me.

“He is. I trust him with Genesis’ life. He’s made millions on his own and he’s in his early twenties. He has no reason to take this money from Genesis. Every piece of paper attached to the account will be put in a folder and handed over to herwithout hesitation. She can call you and check that the numbers match so you know he didn’t take anythin’ from her. His room is filled with cameras so we can see every move he makes and listen to every call or person he talks to in that room. I love Genesis and wouldn’t put you in contact with someone who is gonna hurt her,” I promise Mrs. Pratt as I stand from the couch so I can talk to King about this shit.

“I’m glad to hear that she found someone who loves her. That’s all Genesis has ever wanted. To be loved for the woman she is and supported in the ways no one did. Not even my husband and myself if I’m bein’ honest. She’s such a sweet, innocent, pure soul and deserves someone who will give her the world,” Mrs. Pratt says her voice full of sadness.

“We’ll take care of her, Mrs. Pratt. I’m sure it won’t be long before Kingston calls you to talk about things. Thank you for lettin’ me know about this,” I tell her as she says goodbye and hangs up the phone.

“That’s more information Genesis is gonna have to process. I can’t imagine what’s goin’ through her mind right now with everythin’ goin’ on. Be there for her and make sure she’s okay every day. I don’t know how Genesis is when she gets overwhelmed but I’m sure she’ll need to rely on Dylan and you more than before. Especially as she continues to heal and get ready to head back to work. Is Morgan gonna keep watchin’ Matie for you guys?” my dad asks me as we start to leave the game room.

“As far as I know. At this point, unless I’m on a run or there’s other club business I need to deal with, I’ll be home when Dylan and Genesis have to go to work. Morgan would only need to watch him on the odd times I’m not available,” I answer my dad, going up to Kingston and relaying the information Mrs. Pratt just told me to him.

“I’ll get everythin’ taken care of for Genesis. When she filled out the direct deposit shit for Enchantment, she had to give her bankin’ information. I can just add this money to her account that way no one can get their hands on it. If there’s anythin’ else you need, let me know. I’ll give Mrs. Pratt a call for the account number and let her know what I’m about to do. It’s good that she’s questionin’ me to make sure I’m not gonna fuck Genesis over. If she didn’t, I’d worry more about this situation,” King says as he pulls his phone and heads for his room on the first floor where he does all of his work.

“Go back up to your woman, Son,” my dad says as my mom and other dad come up to us. “We’re not leavin’ yet so we’ll have time to hang out. Matie is takin’ a nap right now in Morgan’s room. Sam’s in there with him. The ol’ ladies are makin’ dinner so you’ve got time. Dylan and you need to decide if you’re gonna wait the rest of the day to talk to her about this or if Genesis needs to know now.”

“We should tell her now. If King works as fast as normal, the money will be transferred to her account within a few hours. Genesis checks her accounts on a regular basis to make sure she’s still got her nest egg and that she can pay her bills. The amount of bills has gone down significantly since we got rid of her apartment. She’s always gonna worry about money though. After never havin’ any and havin’ to save every penny all of her life. I’ve seen her shoppin’ before and she’d starve before puttin’ shit back for Matie. That was the first time we bought her a kitchen full of food so she’d never go without food again,” I answer them, my voice a whisper because this is personal and not anyone else’s business.

“Son,” my mom says, her voice breaking as her eyes fill with tears for Genesis.

“Don’t feel sorry for her, Mom. Dylan and I will make sure she never has to do that shit again. We’re gonna spoil the fuck outta her and Matie. Our girl will be taken care of and now she’ll have her own money to ensure she never has to worry about that kind of shit again,” I promise my mom, pulling her in for a quick hug before letting her go and leaving them in the common room so I can go talk to Dylan and Genesis about things.

Today has been a long as fuck day and I’m ready for bed. We still have to get through dinner, taking care of Matie until his bedtime, and then we can finally fall into bed at home and let sleep take the day away. Everything will still be there tomorrow and we can deal with it whenever Genesis is ready to talk to us about everything. For now, we’ll be there for her any way she needs and will help her work through the shit in her mind when it comes to this mess she’s now facing. Genesis is not alone anymore and she never will be again.

Chapter Twenty-One


THE LAST WEEK has been crazy as fuck. Genesis is trying to process what happened with the people claiming to be her parents as we wait for the DNA test. She’s been talking to Wade and me about everything, but no one else. Everyone is there for her, but if the conversation even threatens to turn toward that situation, she starts talking about Matie or something else. I don’t know what the hell to do to get her to open up to everyone else, but eventually, she’ll have to lean on others. Tank is planning on coming back down to hang out for a while. I thought he went back home, but he’s been in Cedar Bay with his kids and grandkids. Maybe she’ll open up to him at some point. We all know Tank has a way with everyone in the clubs he spends time with. I don’t know if it will work with Genesis because she’s a very private person and keeps everything inside instead of talking to others around her. I can understand why she does it though. She’s never had anyone be there for her with no strings attached.

Matie will be turning one in the next two weeks. Genesis hasn’t said anything about having a party for him, but I know the ol’ ladies want to have one. They go all out for the kids and Matie will be no different. From what I’ve heard, Shy has already contacted Haley about making a cake for Matie. I don’t knowwhat they have planned, but I’m sure it will be epic. Haley is as good as Skylar when it comes to baking and cooking. The two of them are the absolute best and we always take the opportunity to have their food when we’re able to. I think we’ll have to take Genesis and Matie to Haley’s in Cedar Bay so she can have her food. It’s an experience she won’t want to miss.

Wade and I talked to her about the money the Pratts had been saving for her over the years. King delivered all the paperwork showing the transfer of the money to Genesis’ personal checking account and she did call Mrs. Pratt at his insistence. King wants her to know everything is as it should be and that she can trust him. He would do the same with anyone he does a job for. When it comes to Genesis, he understands it’s a matter of being completely transparent with her because that’s the only way she’ll start to put her trust in another person. Wade and I are transparent with her and she’s completely open with us on a daily basis. It’s truly a thing of beauty to know we’ve earned her trust and that she’ll turn to us when she needs someone at her side. We’ll never be at her back and she willneverbe at our back. Genesis will walk between us where she belongs.

When she found out exactly how much money is now in her account, she broke down and cried for the longest time. Wade and I held her as the shock of her not having to worry about money any longer. She moved a lot of it to her savings account to put up for a rainy day. No, she’s not planning on leaving our home any longer. If anything, she’s starting to unpack her things and place them all over with ours. Wade and I have had our things in boxes since we moved to Pine View. Now, we’re unpacking and turning this house into a home we’ll all share and raise our kids in. Genesis’ only stipulation is that we all share the expenses and we’re not allowed to pay for everything to take care of Matie and her. We agreed becausethat’s the only thing she’s asked for since making the decision to stay with us permanently.

Today, Doc is coming by to check on her. She called and told him she wants to go back to work so he’s agreed to come back to see how physical therapy is working on her. If she can move her arm around with no pain, then I think he’ll release her with a few stipulations. And I’ll make sure she follows every single thing he tells her to do. If she can’t carry trays loaded down with drinks, then she’s not gonna. I have to train her in her new position anyway. She’ll be helping me with the paperwork, ordering, and other things moving forward. It will free me up to leave if something happens with the club knowing she’ll be in charge and will handle any situation that arises in my absence.

Walking in the clubhouse, I find my dad sitting with Matie in his lap. He’s talking to him and feeding him the baby food he has for lunch. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen my dad perfectly content sitting on his ass and doing nothing but holding a baby in his arms and feeding them. The smile on his face is one of pure joy as Matie babbles to him and calls him ‘dada’. Everyone is either ‘dada’ or ‘mama’ these days. All food is ‘baba’ too. Matie is starting to talk more and I can’t be happier to watch Genesis light up when he says a new word. Doc says he’s a little behind on the talking, but it’s not a concern at this point. He thinks it has something to do with the difference in how Melinda was with him and how Genesis is. Our girl talks to him about everything and Wade and I do it when we’re with him too. I think that’s why he’s finally starting to talk the way he is.

“What’s up, my boy?” I ask, walking over to them as Slim enters the room and heads for us.

“Dada,” Matie says, a smile on his face as my dad wipes his face off with the towel he snagged from the kitchen.

“Hey buddy. Are you with Papa?” I return, pressing a kiss on the top of his head.

Now that Matie’s in my life, I can’t imagine him ever leaving. I miss him like crazy when I’m at work, on club business, or anything else that takes me away from the house with Genesis and him.

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