Page 3 of Buying the Omega

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“The auction will commence in ten minutes,” a tinny voice says through the overhead speakers.

My heart rate kicks up a notch as adrenaline dumps into my system. I take in the Alphas around me, each on edge and ready for the auction to begin. Fear claws at my throat at the though of another Alpha being able to outbid me but I push it down. I will not fail on my mission. Autumn will be mine.

There are a limited number of omegas available for purchase and only a few Alphas will get their hands on one. Every omega is rare and should be cherished, although not all are. If an omega is lucky enough to be born into the Elite designation, they are safe and often sent to schools where they can be groomed away from the dangers an Alpha can present.

But I have also seen the other side when an omega is born into the lower ranks. They pay exorbitant amounts for suppressants that often fail. An omega in the open can lead to chaos and pain.

Alphas are not known for their self-control, especially when an omega is involved. Through my work and travels, I have unfortunately seen things that would make most people vomit. The world can be a dark and dangerous place.

“The auction is now live,” the voice says drawing me from my thoughts, before an older, well-dressed male walks across the stage toward a raised podium.

I can scent the fear rolling off the beta male in waves. I know from my research that the Black brothers employ many omegas here at The Sanctury and their other businesses. The Sanctuary is aptly named too. The Black brothers take in omegas from all walks of life, offering them a safe place to live and work.Sanctuary.

It makes sense to only have betas working on auction nights. With this many Alphas gathered together, the scent of an omega could send us into a frenzy, putting all the omegas in danger whether they are here for the auction or not.

“Thank you for joining us tonight,” he says into the microphone, nerves evident in every word. “There are six omegas available for purchase.”

A murmur of outrage goes through the gathering. There are more than thirty Alphas here and not nearly enough omegas to go around, even if some were willing to share.

The man waits until everyone quiets down before continuing. “All sales are final. A room will be provided for the winning bidders for the duration of the evening. No omega is permitted to leave the premises before the designated time has passed. Omegas may not be permanently harmed or marked.”

I can’t imagine the consequences of breaking any of the rules. Each Alpha was requested to sign a contract stating they would keep to the rules as well as pay a hefty deposit simply for the honor of being here. We are also not allowed to discuss anything that happens here with outside parties. I am quite sure a lawsuit would be the least of my problems if I should break the binding document.

The Black brothers are not known for their compassion or for letting things slide. They run the underground in the city. Everything from guns and drugs to this little brothel and auction house. If it’s illegal, they have a finger in the pie. The one caveat being the trafficking of women.

“Lot number one,” the man says before a glass box with a naked female rises from the floor.



I stand in line, naked.

I watch as the first box is raised from beneath the stage, the small dark-haired woman tied to a wooden cross, her nudity on full display for the Alphas here to bid.

I fight every instinct to cross my arms over my breasts and hide myself. It won’t do me any good. I’m up next and already an older woman is helping me into a box of my own and tying me to a similar wooden cross.

Biting my lip, I fight back the tears already burning in my eyes. I have never been this mortified in my entire life. If I had known this was part of the auction, I would have rethought my position before signing that damn contract.

It was easy enough to give my bodyguard the slip, all I had to do was fake a female hygiene emergency and he went sprinting to the nearest pharmacy. I tipped the saleswoman and slipped out through the back door and into a waiting cab. Jenna never showed up because she wasn’t aware of our shopping trip.

I left my handbag, cell phone, and most of my jewelry in the changing room. I know my father has a way to track me, I just don’t know what it is. Hopefully, I have discarded the tracker and it will be hours before he knows I’m missing.

“Sold,” I hear the man say through the overhead speakers, his voice echoing around the large room and drawing me out of my thoughts.

“Lot number two,” he announces as my box slowly lifts onto the stage. “This is the only verified virgin in tonight’s auction. Bidding will open at one hundred thousand dollars.”

Heat burns through me as a blush covers my face. I’ve never been discussed like this and knowing that these men, these Alphas, can see everything has shame flooding my system. I struggle against my bonds, trying to close my legs, but it’s no use. I hear a few Alphas chuckle before the bidding starts.

“One hundred,” a voice calls from the back.

“One ten,” another calls.

“One twenty.”

And so on until the gavel slams down on the podium. “Sold for one hundred and ninety thousand to the gentleman with the red tie,” the auctioneer announces.

I must have been lost in thought because I missed everything. The glass box descends below the stage once more and I am untied. A different woman leads me down a well-lit corridor to a room where she leaves me alone.

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