Page 11 of Taking Flight

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Into the Sunset

Six Months Later…

“Hey gorgeous.” His voice, deep and raspy, has me lifting my attention away from the press release I’m reviewing.

“Hey yourself.” My lips curve into a smile as I let my eyes trail up his finely covered frame. He’s wearing a tailored black suit, and a crisp white shirt accented with a red silk tie. I stare at the tie a moment, then swing my gaze up to his. “You wore the tie.”

“You said it matched your dress.” He shrugs, walking further into my office, shutting the door, crossing his arms as he leans back against it casually.

“You said you didn’t want to be too matchy-matchy.” I counter, rising to come around to the front of the desk, smoothing a hand down the strapless, red satin gown I’m wearing.

“I changed my mind.” He pushes off the door, his arms uncrossing as he closes the distance between us, wrapping them around my waist when he reaches me. “It’s Christmas. Half the staff are wearing red ties. Besides, a little matchy-matchy is okay.” He tilts his head, pressing his lips against mine in a tender kiss. “And no one is going to be looking at me when they see you in this dress anyway.”

“You like the dress?” I murmur, my lips against his as I steal another moment of pleasure from him.

“So much so, that if we stay here another second, I’m going to be taking it off of you.” He rocks his hips into mine demonstrating further proof of his approval, then releases me as he takes a step back. “And as much as I’d like that, my father won’t be pleased if I don’t at least make an appearance downstairs.”

I know he’s right, even though the idea of him taking me on my desk right now sounds perfect. Good thing he didn’t run his fingers up my dress. If he had discovered the lace garter I was wearing to hold up my stockings, any thoughts of his father surely would have gone to the way side. I sigh, nodding. “You’re right, of course.”

He chuckles, moving to cup my cheek before sealing his mouth over mine in another delicious kiss. “Don’t worry, we’ll pick this back up later on.”

“We better.” I groan, already damp in places I shouldn’t be just from his kisses. I don’t think I will ever tire of this man. He’s made me so unbelievably happy and content over the last few months. Every single promise he made to me, he kept.

Accepting the job at his company had truly been the best thing to ever happen to me, after meeting him of course. As he stated, our paths rarely cross unless we wanted them to. Fin was more often than not, out of the building for meetings, away on business, or buried up to his eye balls at his desk with his own work. It wasn’t until recently that we’d even gone public with our relationship at the office. It was extremely important to me that people knew I earned this position on my own merit, and not because I was sleeping with one of the owners. So, we waited until my work and its results spoke for itself, silencing any concerns or gossip in the office that may have been sparked otherwise.

This evening was the first time we would actually be appearing at a company function together as a couple, so naturally I was a little nervous. Hence, why staying here to have sex on my desk was slightly more appealing at the moment.

“Hey.” He angles my head back until my eyes find his, his adoring gaze an indescribable comfort. “You’ve got nothing to be nervous about.”

I force a smile. “I know.”

“Do you know why though?” He persists, his thumb stroking down my cheek gently as he holds my face.

“Why?” I ask, the question almost a whisper.

“Because I’m not going to leave your side all night.” He presses another kiss against my curved lips. “And I love you.”

“I love you too.” I turn my head, brushing my lips across his palm before he lowers it.

“Let’s go say hi to everyone.” He weaves his fingers through mine, and together we make our way down to the restaurant on the fiftieth floor of our building where the party is being held. His hand pumps mine in a gentle squeeze of reassurance as we stroll into the function, the room loud with chatter, drink glasses clinking, and Christmas music playing overhead. I hold tight as he steers us through the crowd, nodding hellos as we pass, coming to a stop beside his father and mother.

“Griffin!” His father claps him on the shoulder, a wide grin splaying across his face at our arrival. “I was just wondering when we’d see you two.” He releases his hold on Fin to pull me into a quick hug, brushing a kiss against my cheek before stepping away. “Chloe my dear, you look beautiful.”

“Thank you, Mr. Harrison.” Before I can turn my attention to Mrs. Harrison, I’m being chastised.

“Oh stop with the Mr. Harrison!” He waves a hand in the air. “I’ve told you at least a dozen times to call me Jeff.” He throws a quick wink in my direction. “Besides, Mr. Harrison makes me feel old.”

“Oh don’t you mind him.” Christine, Fin’s mother, leans over to kiss my cheek, laughter in her voice. “Except for the part where he said you look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” I sweep a return kiss to her cheek before she pulls away. “So do you.” She’s wearing an emerald evening gown the flows gracefully over her curves, her blonde hair swept up in a French twist. I’m still stunned by her beauty every time I see her, surprised that she’s almost sixty, instead of the forty she looks. It was easy to determine where Fin got his looks from after I had met her the first time.

And from our very first interaction, roughly about two months after Fin and I had been dating, both of his parents had been welcoming. Not once was a single concern expressed about my dating Fin while being an employee at the company. We just didn’t discuss business when we were together. We talked about family, Fin’s obsession with football, specifically the Giants, who could grill a better steak, the upcoming holidays, and most recently, about our decision to move in together. Both of his parents were extremely happy for us, Christine making no secret about the fact that she was counting down the days to an engagement, a wedding, and grandbabies.

We share a drink with his parents, then make a round through the room, speaking to colleagues and friends alike for the better part of the evening. Not one person seems to be taken aback about the fact that Fin and I are clearly here as a couple. In fact, most people express true delight in our pairing, none more so than Ross, my boss, who demands we set up a dinner date with him and his wife soon.

“You ready to go?” Fin’s lips vibrate against my ear, his arm tightening around me as he leads me away from the group we were just chatting with. “I’m tired of sharing you.”

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