Page 10 of Taking Flight

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Chapter Five

Final Destination

Strangest day ever. I push the contract and job terms across the table and stride over to the mini-bar. It’s after five, and I am so ready for a damn drink. I grab one of the little bottles of white wine, twist the cap off, and drink it straight from bottle. Sometimes, a girl just has to do what a girl has to do. And, screw it, this is all getting billed to my new company anyway.

“Cheers to me.” I lift the wine in the air, even though no one is there, and bring it to my lips again for another gulp. I freeze when there’s a loud knock on the door. I set the small bottle down on the table as I pass, and push down on the handle to pull the door open.

“Griffin,” I exclaim, unable to mask my surprise. “What are you doing here?”

“We have dinner plans.” His eyes roam over me, his brow creasing as he does. I’m still in my skirt and shirt from earlier. The jacket was thrown onto the back of the couch hours ago, my shirt now untucked and wrinkled at my waist.

“Oh, I didn’t think we were still doing that.”

“I was hoping we still were.” His eyes meet mine as he holds up a bottle of Dom Perignon. “And, I promised you this, win or lose.”

“Come in. You look silly standing out in the hallway.” I roll my eyes then wave my hand indicating he should enter, his ocean scent wafting up into my nostrils when he breezes by. He’s still wearing the dark suit pants and the clean white shirt he had on earlier, but the tie and jacket are gone. “Trying to sway me with champagne?”

He sets the bottle on the table beside my paperwork, then steps into my space, his body only inches from mine. “More like, trying to seduce you.”

“You don’t need champagne for that,” I whisper, his lips brushing against mine as I complete my sentence. His hand snakes through my hair to grasp onto the back of my head, and I arch my body into his, our mouths crushing together, our desire finally snapping as we fuse against each other. Even though I’m conflicted about Fin’s interview tactics, there is no denying that I want him.

My hands slide around his neck as his fingers skim up the outside of my thighs, dragging my skirt with them. My legs wrap around his waist as he lifts and carries me to the bed. Our kiss deepens, his tongue sweeping against mine, him growling in hunger as his body lays over me. He shoves my skirt higher and thrusts his hips into my center, his hard length sliding against the silk of my panties, the friction eliciting a moan from me.

Hot, full lips deliver a fluttering trail of wet kisses over my chin, down my throat, and into the cleavage of my blouse as he begins to work the buttons. My fingers mimic his actions on the shirt he’s wearing, but before I can complete the task, he pulls abruptly away, yanking it over his head, exposing his bare chest to me. I gaze up at him, his eyes fixed on mine as he jerks my shirt open. I gasp, my teeth catching my lip as my fingers graze down the downy plane of his chest and then glide lower over the sculpted ridges of his abdomen.

“Holy shit,” I murmur, any legible words I was going to utter silenced when I feel the heat of his mouth around my nipple. My nails sink into the flesh of his back as his pelvis shoves against me, a silent O shaping my lips as I toss my head back. I feel the clip on my bra release, and lift myself off the bed slightly as Fin strips my torso bare.

“You’re so beautiful,” he professes, caressing the hair back from my face, dropping kisses down my body until he reaches the waist of my skirt. He grasps the hem with both hands, tugging it roughly over my hips and down my legs until I’m completely naked. His gaze is feral as he unbuttons his slacks, kicking them off as they hit the floor. His cock juts hard against his waist as he slides a condom on.

I spread my legs as he crawls over me, his mouth crushing against mine as he lines himself against my center, both of us groaning as he enters me in one thrust. I don’t think either one of us could wait another second for this. It feels so utterly like bliss when he begins to move, our desperation for this moment heightening the pleasure.

“Oh my God, so good, Fin.” I rake my hands down his back until they’re gripping his ass, pressing him harder, faster, deeper inside of me. He lifts himself onto his elbows to brace himself over me, then surges forward, his cock plundering into me again and again. “Yes, yes, yes.” I cry, my eyes clenched as my head rocks back and forth, my orgasm already beginning to crest.

“Look at me, Chloe.” Fin grunts above me, his hips continuing to pummel me, the walls of my core beginning to tighten. “Look at me when we come.”

I blink my eyes open to find his staring down at me, so much darker than I’ve seen them before, his desire blazing. “So. Fucking. Perfect.” His hips thrust into me after each word, the next deeper than before, the last one sending me toppling over the edge. His name leaving my parted lips in a strangled breath as stars burst beneath lids I can no longer keep open.

“Fuck, yes!” His cock plunges into me once, twice, and then a final time as his release throbs against my clenching muscles, both of us panting as we cling to one another.

When we seem to have caught our breath, he moves, pulling me with him as he rolls onto his side. His length slides out of me with the movement, sending small aftershocks pulsating through my core. I squeeze my legs together, trying to extend the tingling sensation, already wanting more. His arm wraps me close, his heart thundering under my cheek as I drape across his chest. “Was that my signing bonus?” I giggle, high from the orgasm I just had.

His chest rumbles under my cheek, the vibrations when he speaks ticklish against my ear. “That was the pre-signing bonus.” He moves at lightning speed, rolling me over to trap my body under his, that gorgeous dimple tempting me as he looms over me. “Give me a half-hour and you’ll get a bonus so amazing, you’re going to wonder how you even had a second thought about working for me.”

I lift my head and capture his mouth in mine, nipping his lip playfully when I pull away. “I don’t work for you, remember?”

He presses another kiss against my mouth then smiles again. “So, you’re going to take the job?”

“I mean,” I laugh, slapping a hand over my face in resignation, “I don’t think I’m going to get perks like this anywhere else.”

“You bet your ass you won’t.” He chuckles, rolling again, adjusting me so that I’m straddling him. My long hair hangs between us as I lean down.

My expression grows serious. “This could be hard.”

He wiggles his hips under me. “Oh, believe me, it will be. Any second now.”

I deliver a playful slap to his chest. “I mean working together. Get your mind out of the gutter.”

“Only if we let it.” He sits up underneath me, aligning his chest with mine, a soft kiss falling against my lips before he continues. “As I said earlier, we really won’t see each other in the office unless we want to. We have completely separate responsibilities.”

I rest my forehead against his. “Good, because I think I’m going to want to keep doing this.”

“Good, because if I recall, I warned you that I’d be doing this to you more than once.” One side of his mouth quirks up in a smile before pressing against mine, his fingers digging into my ass as he grinds his growing length against my core.

“It’s good to know you keep your promises.” I say on a sigh, which quickly morphs into a moan when he tightens the grip he has on my waist to slide my center over his cock.

“Always.” He growls, capturing my mouth in a passionate kiss, sealing my decision to accept both the job and the sex, knowing in my heart that this is the start of something special.

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