Page 75 of Lords of the Campus

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As we sit in the waiting area outside the dean's office, the seconds drag by like hours. Each tick of the clock on the wall amplifies our agitation. Archer is pacing the floor, his frustration visible in every step, while Zane sits beside me, his eyes fixed on the door as if sheer willpower could make it open faster.

“We’ve been here for almost an hour,” Zane mutters, glaring at the clock. “How much longer are they going to make us wait?”

“It’s a tactic,” Archer replies, his tone edged with anger. “They think we’ll give up and leave.”

“Well, they’ve got another thing coming,” I say, leaning forward. “We’re not going anywhere until we get some answers.”

Archer looks at each of us, determination mingling with worry in his eyes. “We have to make them listen. They can’t just brush us off.”

Just then, the administrator returns from where she disappeared, looking frazzled. There’s a hardness in her expression. “I’m sorry, but the dean is busy right now. He can’t see you.”

Archer stands up, his eyes blazing. “We have serious concerns about what’s going on with Lyric Shaw. This isn’t something that can wait.”

The woman shakes her head. “I understand your concerns, but the dean has other priorities. Besides, it’s not appropriate for students to get involved in each other’s personal matters.”

Zane stops pacing and steps closer, his voice low and dangerous. “If you don’t let us speak to someone who can actually help, we’ll take this higher. We’ll take legal action if necessary. Action—whatever it takes to ensure Lyric’s safety.”

The woman’s eyes widen slightly and she glances nervously back at the closed office door. “I’ll see what I can do,” she mutters finally, her tone grudging. “Please wait here.”

She disappears once again, leaving us in the tense silence. I can feel the anger rolling off my brothers. We’re not going to let this slide. Not now, not ever.

They can’t just brush us off like we’re nuisances. They can’t just shove us aside and pretend everything is fine.

My heart aches as I think of Lyric being searched and questioned at the campus police station, all alone, wondering what’s going to happen to her.

Archer starts muttering to himself, his agitation increasing with each minute that passes. Finally, the administrator returns after five minutes, looking irritable.

“The associate dean will meet with you if you’ll just follow me,” she says. I jump to my feet and follow Archer and Zane as we beeline toward his office.

Associate Dean Chambers is sitting at his desk when we walk in. “What can I do for you boys?” he asks, his tone entirely too light-hearted for this situation. He looks like he’s trying to stay calm, but I see right through him.

“Cut the crap,” Archer growls. I reach out and put a hand on his arm, trying to rein him in. We can’t afford to piss off the dean’s office, no matter how powerful our parents are.

“Excuse us,” I tell him. “We just want to know what’s going on and why Lyric is being targeted.”

“As you know, we take accusations of illegal activities seriously on this campus,” Dean Chambers says, sitting up and adjusting his plaid tie. “There were several reports that Ms. Shaw has been trafficking drugs from her dormitory. We are currently investigating the reports.”

Archer looks pissed. “That’s bullshit,” he snaps. “She’s being targeted in a campaign of harassment.”

“I’m afraid that until things have been proven otherwise, she’s still under investigation,” Chambers says, an apologetic look in his eyes. “But there’s also the issue of her conduct.”

“Her conduct?” Zane asks, raising an eyebrow.

Chambers reaches into his desk and pulls out a handbook, placing it in front of us. “Sterling Heights has a code of conduct that all students must abide by,” he explains. “Miss Shaw is in violation of several rules. She will need to go before a disciplinary board and have a hearing.”

My mouth drops open “What?” I ask, worry flooding me. “Seriously? You guys are going to expel her because she’s not living up to your standards?”

“Mr. Cooper, she will have her chance to present her case in front of the board,” Chambers states, steepling his fingers together. “The hearing will begin next week, but until then, she’s suspended from classes.”

Archer and I exchange glances, both thinking the same thing. This isn’t good. Lyric is being targeted with this attack.

Archer releases a long breath. “Can we bring in a lawyer to represent her?”

“Mr. Hudson, this isn’t a criminal trial. There’s no need to bring in the big guns,” Chambers says, looking both nervous and amused at the same time. “You’re welcome to speak on her behalf, though.”

Archer nods. “We’ll be there,” he says, standing up. “Let’s go,” he mutters. We head out, immediately bee-lining for the campus police station.

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