Page 74 of Lords of the Campus

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“Fine,” I say, gritting my teeth. “Go with them for now. But you'd better not hurt her or you’ll be facing excessive force charges,” I warn them.

It hurts deep inside to watch them escort Lyric away, but I know I have a job to do now. I bypass calling our lawyers and call Archer instead. It goes to voicemail and I remember he’s in class.

Well, this is an emergency, so I call him again, twice more. He picks up the second time.

“What’s going on?” he asks, his tone short.

“No time to explain. Get Levi and meet me at the dean’s office,” I tell him. “They got Lyric.”

Archer swears and hangs up on me. Knowing him, he’s already halfway out the door of the building he’s in, so I pocket my phone and start marching across campus to my destination.

When I arrive, Archer is already there, looking harried. Levi is with him and looks up when I arrive.

“What did they do?” Archer demands.

I run a hand through my hair. “The campus police came into the classroom. Escorted Lyric out and started searching her shit. Said something about her having drugs. Threatened to arrest her if she didn’t go with them for a pat-down at the station.”

Archer growls. “This is fucking bullshit! Lyric isn’t a druggie. Whatever is going on, this smells like it’s got the Sigma’s and Madison all over it.”

Levi’s face is contorted into an expression of murderous rage. “I’ll fucking kill that bitch,” he hisses. “I didn’t think she’d stoop this low just because she couldn’t fucking have us!”

“Whatever is going on, we need to talk to the dean,now,” I tell them. “Before it gets even more out of hand.”

Storming inside, the three of us make our way up to Dean Harrison’s office on the third floor. We push through the chromeand glass doors, bursting inside and startling the administrator who’s manning the desk.

“We need to speak to Dean Harrison immediately,” Archer says, his tone level despite the anger on his face. Her eyes widen and she reaches for the phone.

“He might be in a meeting,” she warns us.

“We can wait,” Levi says, going over to sit down to prove he’s not budging. I join him, my knee jiggling as I try to figure out what the angle is here. What did those jackasses do to Lyric? Did they go as far as planting drugs in her shit?

Archer remains standing, refusing to be cowed by the administrator’s scowl.

“He’s busy,” she says after a moment. “You’ll have to come back another time.”

Archer crosses his arms. “No, we’re not going anywhere until we speak to someone. We need to know what the hell is going on and we need to know right now.”

“What is this matter regarding?” the woman asks, tilting her head and peering at us over her glasses.

“Lyric Shaw was taken from her class and searched—unlawfully, I might add,” I say, standing up. I’m too restless to sit still right now. “And there’s been no explanation as to why she’s facing expulsion.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” the woman says quietly. I’m not sure if she’s annoyed by us or worried we might cause a scene, but she disappears around the corner without another word. The three of us cast anxiety-filled glances at each other, uncertain as to what is going to happen at this point.

“One of us should go down to the station to be with Lyric,” Levi says. “I’ll go. I want to check on her.”

“I should go,” I mumble, running a hand through my hair. “I was there when she was escorted out.”

“None of us are going anywhere,” Archer says, his tone flat. “We need to present a united front here for Lyric’s sake. If they’re going to attack her, they have to know that we’re doing everything we can to stop them.”

I settle back down, a bitter taste in my mouth. We just have to wait for now, wait to see what happens.

The silence is deafening as the minutes tick by. I shift in my seat, unable to get comfortable in the plastic chairs. Will Lyric truly get expelled if there’s no evidence of drugs on her? Is this all part of Madison and Cameron’s revenge plan?

I can’t help the sick feeling of dread in my stomach, but I know that right now, we need to be strong. We’re here to protect Lyric, to keep her safe. And we need answers. We’re not going to get them anywhere else.

So we wait, hoping whatever is going on, it’s not too late to stop it.


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