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“Regret is a hell of its own. I would rather dwell in the present with you.”

“Me too,” she says, looping her hand through the crook of my arm, then leaning her head against my shoulder as we continue on. She chooses a spot in the second row, near the center aisle, and I take my place beside her, drawing her hand onto my leg and encompassing it within mine.

The seating arrangement fills to capacity, and behind it, a sizeable group of townsfolk gather to stand and watch the upcoming ceremony. But I only see Lilah. Even when music begins to play and we all stand to honor the bride on her approach, I cannot tear my gaze from Lilah.

Seated again, she turns her head just enough to meet my eyes, that adorable scrunch happening between her eyebrows as she motions toward the couple standing at the temporary altar.

For her, I direct my attention toward the human bride and the orc who will soon be her husband. I am loosely acquainted with the woman, Rosetta, who Lilah calls a friend, but I have known Dakgorim for many years, in as much as that is possible. Like demons, orcs are solitary. Serious. But watching Dak stand before a minister with his soon-to-be wife, it is plain to seehow love has affected him. Even in the midst of this formal ceremony, he cannot stop touching her. Staring into her eyes with unbridled affection and devotion.

I return my attention to Lilah. Despite her warning that she will belong to no one but herself, she is mine. Not to possess or control. Mine to adore and worship.

She glances at me, once again motioning for me to watch the wedding instead of her. When I hold fast, she smiles and shakes her head. Squeezes my hand. Whether she knows it yet or not, she is already mine to love.


The crowd inThe Brewhasn’t thinned out in the two hours we’ve been at the reception. If this were anywhere in the “regular” world, it’d be fair to say a lot of the people were here to take advantage of the open bar provided by Constantine, the brew pub’s owner. He hadn’t fallen in love with Ro’s cousin Natalie when he offered to cover everyone’s tab for drop-in reception. He hadn’t even met her yet. Generosity is part of the big Minotaur’s nature. It’s a trait shared by the entire Fate’s Falls community.

Community.That’s why so many people are here this evening. Everyone wants to celebrate Dak and Rosetta’s marriage, which I have no doubt will last a lifetime. As wild and spunky as she is, RosettaadoresDak. And though I’ve only ever knownthe hulking orc to be reserved, nearly to the point of being withdrawn, the joy he shares with Rosetta is written all over his intense, green face.

“They’re so happy,” I say, resting the back of my head against Amazra’s broad, hard chest. “Does it look like they’re glowing to you, or is that my wine goggles?” I tip my head sideways and upward until I can see his face, and find him looking at me, as he has been the entire day. “I don’t mean literal goggles, obviously. It means the alcohol has affected the way I perceive things. Another of the endless phrases humans use to mean something entirely different from the actual words spoken. We must drive you crazy—also not a literal phrase.”

I have yet to hear Amazra laugh out loud, if that’s even something demons do, but his chest vibrates with silent amusement as his lips curve upward. Lips I’m very eager to feel all over my body as soon as it’s socially appropriate for us to make our exit from the party.

“Humans are a very complex and often confusing species, but I would not change a single thing aboutyou. Except to have you naked.” The arm around my midsection tightens, pulling me closer to his big, warm body, and making his physical desire for me undeniably known. “Alcohol does not affect demons, but your scent intoxicates me. Without need for food to sustain me, I have never experienced hunger, but I am starved for you, Lilah. I have resisted scenting you to the fullest, but I crave knowing you that way, having every intimate note of your being imprinted within me.”

“Annnd, we’re done here,” I say, fanning myself with one hand. “Your place or mine?”

Again, his body shakes with inaudible laughter. “Wherever you choose.”

“I choose the closest one.” Slipping out of his embrace, I take his hand and weave our fingers together. “The fastest way out of here is to avoid catching anyone’s attention and just wave a goodbye.”

In unison, our free arms shoot up, drawing the attention of everyone nearby, the opposite of my plan. But I can’t help laughing. Smiling as if it’smybig day. Because it is. No matter how long it takes us to get out of here, we’re leaving together. I’m going home with Amazra. This big, red-hot demon is all mine tonight.


By the timewe reach the front door of my apartment, I’m ready to rip Amazra’s clothes off. More to the point, I’m ready forhimto ripmineoff. Which he could totally do with those claws of his. Claws that are delivering a delicious little bite of pressure on my hips as Amazra grips me from behind, making it damn difficult to unlock the door.

“Am I imagining it, or have your nails grown since we leftThe Brew?”

“I will be more careful?—”

“Don’t you dare.” I clamp my hands over his as he begins to pull away. “It was a question, not a complaint.”

“In that case, yes, my nails are longer now. Knowing I will soon have you bare and moaning has enhanced certain aspects of my demon physiology.”

I suck in a breath when he curls his fingers tighter while trailing his tongue along the column of my neck. “Is your tongue hotter than before?”

“Hotter. Longer. The texture more pronounced. All for your enjoyment, Lilah. Do I still have your consent to taste every part of you?”

“Yes.”I can barely get the word out without moaning.

“Then open the door and take me to your bed so I may begin.”

“Dominant but polite really works for you,” I say, managing to get the door unlocked and open, despite my shaking hands.

Without releasing me, Amazra closes the door behind us. The low click of the deadbolt turning seems to bring the walls in, creating a bubble of space with room enough only for our two bodies. Then his hands are all over me, unzipping my dress and unfastening my bra, pushing both items away as if he can’t get to my skin fast enough.

I want to see him, too. All his naked glory, yes, but right now, I want to see his face. I wiggle backward, out of his grasp, hooking my fingers over the sides of my panties and slowly working them down as he watches with glowing red eyes.

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