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“Your presence brings radiance to my life. How could I not count every minute of such a gift?”

“I was going to wait until our date to do this, but that’d just be wasting more time.” Using her grip on my horns, she gently tugs my face down, until our lips are separated only by a breath. “Do demons kiss?”

“This demon kisses you,” I say, then taste her for the first time.

She is so soft, so willing, opening for me at the firm press of my mouth against hers. Starved for this woman for so long, I slide my tongue inside, savoring every warm, wet space, groaningas the sweet flavor of her breath coats my tongue and travels through our connection to run wild throughout my entire being.

My hand at her back has a mind of its own, or perhaps it is merely reading mine as it slides down over her round bottom. Cupping it, squeezing it firmly, I growl into the union of our mouths. Between us, my cock presses hard inside my pants, desperate to claim its rightful home inside her curvaceous body. Only my desire to give her everything, all the things I cannot while we are in this place, is stronger than the fiery longing low in my core.

I force myself to break the kiss, holding her close and sliding one hand through her hair. “Each day, I yearned to do this,” I say, watching the silk slip through my fingers. “You are even softer than I imagined. And the taste of you,” I slick my tongue along my lips, capturing any lingering essence, “I did not think it possible to hunger for you more than I have, but I was wrong.” The last strands of her dark hair leave my fingertips, then I trail them down her lovely face to cup her chin. “Tell me I will be permitted to taste every inch of you.”

“God, yes. Or devil, yes. Whichever. Whoever.”

“Givemeyour permission, Lilah.”

She licks her lips, the pupils in her glassy eyes expanding until only the thinnest ring of brown remains around them. “Amazra, yes, I give you permission to taste any and every part of me.” The breathiness of her voice gives way to a smile as she eases backward from my arms. “After you escort me to Dak and Rosetta’s wedding in the square? That’s the date I planned to ask you on before you blew my mind with your romantic confession and knee-buckling kiss.”

“It will be an honor to accompany you.”

“Perfect.” Smiling wider, she moves to the counter and picks up the roses. “So are these.” She brings the blossoms to her nose, closing her eyes as she inhales their fragrance. Lovely though it may be, it cannot compare to hers. There is no scent on earth more perfect than Lilah’s. “I’ll see you tomorrow for my breakfast honey scone.”

“I will be waiting,” I say as she opens the door, then steps out into the late-day sunlight. Glowing, as she always does, until she disappears from view.


Dak & Rosetta’s wedding day

Demons do not experienceemotions the way humans do, but when Lilah pauses as we reach the perimeter of the town square, her gaze alternating between me and the many rows of white chairs set out for today’s wedding, I understand what it means to have a knot in the stomach. “If you have changed your mind, I will understand.”

“Changed my mind about what?”

“Having me accompany you to this event.” Though we arrived in advance of the stated time on the invitation she showed me, many guests are already in attendance, some milling about and socializing, others having taken seats. “You could choose anyone, Lilah.”

“And I chose you,” she says, positioning herself in front of me. “Are you having second thoughts about being my date?”

“I could not possibly regret a moment spent with you. You are all that I have wanted since I laid eyes on you.”

“Mmm… I’m a fan of demon directness when it’s combined with romantic goodness about me.” She smooths her palms over the gray shirt I selected to prevent standing out.

My choice of clothing is irrelevant. Having the town’s most beautiful creature on my arm is drawing all eyes. “Then why did you hesitate?”

Wrinkles form at the bridge of her strong, elegant nose. Then her eyes open wide and her skin returns to its normal smoothness. “Oh, you mean here, behind the chairs? I stopped to contemplate whether we should be polite and sit near the back, so that your extremely broad shoulders and thick, tall horns don’t block anybody’s view of the ceremony, or whether we should say ‘to hell with everyone else’ and grab the best seats. I haven’t been to a wedding since, well, a long time ago, and the couple at that one wasn’t truly in love. Rosetta and Dak are the real deal, and I don’t want to miss one perfectly romantic second.”

“Then we will sit in the front where you will have the best view.” I take her small hand and tuck it over my arm, then lead her toward the front-row chairs. “As for damning our neighbors tohell… it is a place I was fortunate to exit, and I would not wish to send any of our good townspeople there.”

“Oh Amazra,” again, she stops our progress, “I’m sorry; that was such a careless thing for me to say. I didn’t mean it literally, but I should have thought about how you would. I’ll be more careful with my words. Forgive me for putting my foot in my mouth? And I don’t mean that literally, either. Jeez, half the things I say probably rub you the wrong way.”

“If you are rubbing me in any way, I will enjoy it,” I say, then I wink. A gesture I have been practicing, to use on an occasion such as this. “I know you did not mean the rubbing comment literally. I am teasing you.”

“And I love it. But noteasingme later.” She returns the wink, then cups my cheek and smiles up at me. “We have a lot to learn about each other, and I’m looking forward to all of it.”

“As am I.” I cup my hand over hers, then draw her palm to my mouth. My intention is to place a single kiss there, but the moment my lips press to her skin and her scent is pulled inside me, a single kiss is not enough. Holding her hand firmly in mine, I cover every inch of her palm with open-mouth kisses, trailing the tip of my tongue in their wake, then teasing it in the V between each of her fingers. A sample of what is to come. What I will do to make her come.

By the time I release her hand, a crimson blush has flooded her cheeks, and her breasts are rising and falling rapidly. “I take it back,” she says, breathily, “if you do it that way, you can tease me later. Please do, in fact.”

Despite the all-encompassing need to have her—now, in every way—my body shakes with silent amusement, something whichdoes not happen often. It is a good sensation. “Let us find your perfect seat.”

Today, her dark hair is curled in long, loose ringlets that are swept to one side of her neck and secured with a velvet ribbon in the same burgundy color as her body-hugging dress. Her lips are painted a matching shade, curved in a smile entirely for me. “I wish we’d figured out our mutual attraction the first time I walked into your bakery.”

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