Page 42 of Blake

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“Alright,” said Savannah, playfully rolling her eyes. “Let’s read this boring old document, then.”

“Okay,” said Blake. “Well, first up, you’ll be glad to know I’d be very happy to have sex with you at the end of your punishments. After all, spanking turns me on. But—and this is important—I’ll only allow that for minor misdemeanors. If you ever do anythingreallynaughty, like putting yourself in danger again, then Daddy won’t fuck you after he punishes you. He may even withhold your orgasms completely until he’s satisfied that you’ve learned your lesson.”

Savannah pouted. “No fair.”

“As for your daily candy bars, I think one a day is too many. But one a week sounds fair.”

“What about the thing I wrote about wanting to be in control sometimes?”

“What kind of control are we talking about?” Blake asked. “Do you mean you want to dominate me sexually?”

Savannah blushed. “Uh, no . . . I don’t think so. Although I don’t mind being on top when we, you know. If it’s what you ask me to do. I’ll do anything you ask me to do. But I guess sometimes, I’d like to be in charge of thinking of activities for us to do and I need to feel able to have my say.”

Blake smiled. “Darling, I’d never stop you having your say. And it’s good to know that you’re up for a variety of sexual positions. I’ll definitely bear that in mind.” He felt horny just picturing all the positions he wanted to bend Savannah’s petite, curvaceous body into. But he had to focus. He turned the page of the contract. “Now, let’s talk hard and soft limits. I see you don’t want me doing anything sexual with you at bedtime—”

“I n-never really felt that safe at bedtime in foster care. Sometimes things happened that I didn’t want to happen.” She screwed her eyes shut.

“Savvy, I completely respect your wishes on that. Any time you’re in bed, I won’t even try to initiate sexual contact. In fact, at those times, you’re completely in control, okay? What you say goes. If you want something to happen, you just ask me.”

She smiled and nodded. “That sounds good.”

“I love the fact you’re curious about anal play,” said Blake, “and you’re a very good girl for being honest about it. I’d love to explore that with you. I’d like to try out some toys with you, too. How do you feel about that?”

She arched an eyebrow at him. “You mean . . . sexy toys?”

“I do,” he replied.

She bit her lip. “I never had the money to try anything like that before. I’d love to see what’s out there.”

He grinned. “Lucky for you, it’s a kink of mine that I need to see you orgasm before I can do it. So, I will never, ever fuck you without making you come at least once first. Is that okay?”

“Okay?” Savannah said, eyes lighting up. “It’s more than okay, Daddy.”

“Good. Now, the main thing about this contract is that it isn’t there to trip us up or catch us out. It’s simply an agreement between the two of us that we will respect each other’s boundaries, and honor each other’s desires. And if it ever stopsworking for us, we discuss it, and if needs be, we end it. Nobody is trapped.”

“So, it’s not, like, legally binding then?”

He laughed. “It’s more like a sacred pact between us. There are things that I’ve sworn to you that I would never let you down on, and you have sworn things that you’ll never betray. If we respect each other, and if we agree to the terms in this contract, then we’re bound together by respect and trust.”

And, if we’re lucky, love.

Savannah's eyes filled with tears. "I never thought I could trust anyone like this. You're making me believe that there are people in this world who can really care for me."

He took her hand. "And I believe that you can heal, Savannah. You deserve the best, and I want to give you that."

"Thank you, Blake." She sniffled and wiped away her tears. "I want to give you my best, too.”

He turned to the final page. “I’ve written down our safeword—‘red’—here and so all that remains is for us to sign it, if you’re happy?”

“Do you think ‘red’ is an inventive enough safeword? Shouldn’t it be, like, ‘pineapple’ or ‘flamingo’ or something?”

“Whatever you want, babygirl,” said Blake. “I like ‘red’ because it reminds me of your beautiful hair, but if you want something else, go for it.”

Savannah blushed. “We’ll stick with ‘red.’ It’s romantic now you say it like that. You know, nobody has ever said anything nice about my hair before.”

“People are idiots,” said Blake, shaking his head.

Savannah took a red coloring pencil off the counter and signed her name, and Blake signed his name beside it.

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