Page 43 of Blake

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“It’s official now,” said Blake. “I’m your Daddy Dom. Can I kiss you, Savannah?”

Savannah nodded. “But I haven’t brushed my teeth yet, so no tongues, Daddy.”

He laughed and cupped her face in his large hands, kissing her gently on the lips. “Now, how about we spend some quality time together? I’d like to give you some freedom today.”

“Freedom?” asked Savannah, sitting up straight. “Are we leaving the safehouse?”

"How about we take a day trip?" he suggested with a wink.

"Really?" Savannah raised an eyebrow. "I thought you had that gala operation tonight."

"Tonight, yes," Blake confirmed. "But we have a few hours before then. We can go out and explore." He paused, his gaze never leaving hers. "I promise I’ll make you come at least three times.”

She hopped off her stool and threw her arms around him. “Okay, Daddy! I’ll go and put my big girl clothes on!”

"Good," Blake said, his eyes softening. “Don’t be long, pickle. And remember to brush those teeth. Tongues may be involved at some point today.”

Savannah cackled with laughter. “I’ll brush them extra thoroughly!”


“I never knew there was so much amazing countryside right outside the city!” said Savannah, twirling around in circles as she took in huge lungfuls of air.

“It’s great, right? I used to take Chloe here after our parents died. If you know the right places to go, you can end up in areas where you don’t see another human being for hours on end. It’s bliss.”

“I can’t believe that literally all I can hear when I stop talking is birds. Birds! No traffic, no sirens, no shouting. It’s heaven.”

Blake led Savannah along a winding trail, his protective gaze never straying too far from her.

"Okay, Savvy," he said when they reached a small clearing. "Today's about testing your independence while still maintaining our dynamic. I've got a few challenges for you."

"Challenges?" she asked. Then, her expression clouded over. “Wait. You’re not going to make me do a trail run, are you? I hate running. Always have done, always will.”

“No,” he said laughing. “Not that kind of challenge. This’ll be fun, I promise.” Reaching into his backpack, Blake pulled out a small, black silicone butt plug.

Savannah's eyes widened at the sight of it, but she didn't shy away. “Sothat’swhat you stopped off to buy on the way here, eh?”

Blake grinned. “Among other things.”

He’d made a very brief stop-off at an adult store on the drive out of the city, and he’d picked out a few toys he hoped Savannah would enjoy. Using this one was going to be fun.

“Do you know what this is, Savvy?” he asked.

“Uh, a butt thingy?” Savannah asked.

“That’s right,” Blake said. “In a moment, I’m going to insert it into you. But I’ll keep the remote control for it in my pocket.”

“Remote control?”

He held up the remote. “Every time I press this little red button, your butt plug will vibrate, and that’s your signal to come back to me. Whatever you’re doing, you stop doing it at once, and return straight to me. Got it?”

“Got it,” said Savannah, looking around. “But . . . what if someone sees us?”

“There’s nobody out here,” said Blake firmly. “Just me, you, and the birds. And believe me, the birds won’t mind. They getup to all kinds of mischief in these trees. Filthy little things.” He winked.

Savannah snickered. “Okay. I’ll give it a try.”

“Good girl,” praised Blake. “I promise you, once you get used to it, it’ll feel good.” He gestured to a nearby tree trunk. “Now, go give that tree a big cuddle for me and show me that pretty ass of yours. That’s it. Well done.”

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