Page 45 of Love Always Wins

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“Everything looks great. Your labs are good, your blood pressure is amazing considering your job,” Dr. Shane said with a hint of a laugh. “You’re about ninety percent effaced, and two centimeters dilated. This little one is likely to come any time now. Could be tomorrow, could be next week. I don’t want you going over forty plus two weeks, just to make sure there’s no strain placed on your kidney or chance of anything coming on suddenly, so if we don’t see little one by your due date, we’ll go back to the induction discussion, yes?”

“Yes,” she agreed easily, and Tyler nodded, his lips pressing a kiss to her temple.

Saturday she spent just waddling around the house, rearranging things in the nursery a bit anxious for their little girl to be here, using the space, even if only for diaper changes and feedings for the most part until she was older. The bassinet was already set up in their room, ready for her, and she loved how much everyone had given them at the baby shower the girls threw them. They’d kept things to the yellow and greens as they’d suggested, a bit amazed that Tyler had managed to keep things secret still, but she knew he wouldn’t spill this until they were ready.

Sunday morning she woke feeling crummy but Tyler’s kisses and sweet assurances that she was gorgeous got her moving andthey settled in for the service in the new spot. None of the family had said anything negative about it, but they still got dark looks every week, nevertheless.

They were nearly to the sermon when she felt a small gush against her leg, and she knew it wasn’t pee. She turned her face to Tyler, giving him an apologetic look that had his brows lifting a hint her way. “I think my water just broke,” she told him quietly, nodding as his eyes widened in shock. “Dr. Shane wanted us at the hospital as soon as it happened, or I started having regular contractions just in case. They haven’t been overly regular, but we should probably go check.”

“Come on babydoll, let’s go meet our girl,” he whispered against her ear before helping her up, quieting the pastor as he started to tell everyone the chapter and verse they were reading. “Sorry for the interruption but pretty sure we’re having a baby so…”

“EEK,” the twins squealed, hurrying up after them and Justine laughed when both of their moms got up, giving their husbands a questioning look before huffing at them and following them out as well when they refused to budge. Madison hurried out with them, giving her mom a ride while Barb and Caroline headed into the hospital parking lot in Caroline’s car behind them.

“Someone has an entourage it seems,” the nurse said as they went up to the labor and delivery floor to check and ensure her water truly did break per Dr. Shane’s orders.

“First grandbaby on daddy’s side and first daughter to have a baby on mom’s side, plus it’s her baby that’s having the baby so…” Madison said, and the nurse stopped the others in the waiting room, assuring them they’d come to let them know more as soon as they could, while ushering her and Tyler to a room.

Chapter 18

They did a swab, and the nurse nodded at the results before glancing back over to them. “It was definitely amniotic fluid, if it wasn’t a lot it’s possible it’s just leaking or just coming out slowly. The doctor will check as soon as she’s in.”

And she did, giving them a grin letting her know, “You’re about six centimeters now and it’s obvious this baby wants to come out because her head is right there. That crummy feeling this morning was probably from beginning contractions getting her down and you dilating more.”

“Anything to help get her here faster because it’s definitely getting uncomfortable,” Justine asked pushing up as laying back made the pressure a bit too much.

“Walking can help, so can a birthing ball. With her this low already, it won’t take much once you’re fully dilated I’m sure. I’ll get you on a monitor and we’ll want regular checks on your blood pressure and to monitor your kidney function, but we can do both of those while you’re up.”

“Sounds good,” she said and a bit later, they let everyone rotate in and out as the hours slipped past, bringing them closer to their baby being there.

She asked the twins to get her mom and the nurse, as the pressure increased to a point she could barely move. Her mom was there just before the nurse was calling for Dr. Shane.

Tyler helped her sit up at the end of the bed, the position easier to handle than the thought of laying down, her mom on her other side just behind the nurse, holding her hand as she pushed. The little cry was the sweetest sound on earth and the tears hit hard as their baby girl was handed over, the look on Tyler’s face the sweetest combination of how he looked at the twins and her, and she smiled as he gave her the biggest kiss making her laugh around the tears as their little girl was rubbed down.

“Alright now, let mama breathe,” the nurse teased.

“She’s perfect, babydoll. Worth every minute I spent missing you,” Tyler said, cupping her cheek gently with another sweet kiss before his eyes returned to their little girl. “Happy birthday, sweet girl. No matter who says what, we adore you, and always wanted you.”

“A little girl for my baby girl…it’s perfect,” her mom said, and she nodded, letting her head out to tell everyone else the baby was here, while getting her promise she wouldn’t spill the beans about it being a girl until the others could come meet her.

They were resting in a room when the door opened, and Justine grinned as their moms, sisters, her brothers and Olivia came into the space looking expectantly at them. “Come in and meet our sweet little Natasha June.”

“Oh my gosh, she’s so sweet…perfection,” the twins gushed reaching them first, peering over at the little girl snuggled against her chest asleep for now.

“June when she’s born in July?” Madison teased and a little hint of color hit her cheeks when her eyes met Tyler’s, heat smoldering in his.

“June’s our favorite month, always has been,” Tyler said, pulling a grunt from her brothers which just made her flush more, laughing a bit as she let her mom take Natasha to love on, wanting her to have as much of it as possible.

“You doing okay?” Tyler asked her a bit later, his attention fully on her, as everyone continued to gush over their sweet girl.

“Never better, honey-bae,” she promised, resting her head on his chest as he held her, feeling his cheek against her temple. Their girl was safe with the others, letting her indulge in the love between her and Tyler.

A voice near the door cleared, pulling her eyes open and she was shocked to find her father there. He’d refused to come to their house, see her if she was with Tyler, so him being there was a total surprise. “Dad…”

“Your mom sent me a picture…I couldn’t stay away,” he said, coming over to her first, making her heart swell as he gave her a hug as Tyler took a step back from her. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner. I love you, even if I don’t always agree with your choices. Although from what I just saw, I can’t say this one is entirely wrong.”

“Thank you,” Justine whispered around the lump in her throat, leaning back against Tyler again when her dad took a step back from the bed, his eyes going to the baby.

“Want to hold her?” Madison asked, coming over to them and gently handed the sleeping baby over.

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