Page 44 of Love Always Wins

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“Shit,” Melissa said a few minutes later and she heard her moving quickly before her voice a bit muffled telling the others to get to the conference room immediately. “We’ll conference you in.”

The request popped up a couple minutes later and she saw the entire group, including her replacement appear on her screen, calming her worry.

“There’s no way they know it’s you, Justine,” Luke said, and she nodded, rationally knowing that but the worry wouldn’t fade entirely. “Your looks were their favorite type, that’s it. That’s why they reached out to you via social media. Your pictures, your tags, everything was precisely what’s drawn them to their victims.”

“I know, I just didn’t expect it, especially not right now. Our anniversary is in a couple weeks, this baby will be here six or seven weeks after that…this is the last thing I want to think about currently. We’re keeping an eye on Isabelle since it was a year ago this week that everything happened to her…”

“We’ll find them. There’s no way this isn’t them,” Moe agreed.

“They probably think it’s safe to start again. Probably why they chose someone like your profile as well,” Dean said, and the others agreed. “If they haven’t been nearly as active, Dynamite definitely will be craving someone new. He wouldn’t be able to resist everything you have on there.”

“We’ll backtrack this account, make sure it’s really coming from LA as they claim they’re from. You don’t have yourlocation specified other than the west coast so don’t think they’re anywhere near you,” Moe added.

“We’ll nail them this time, thanks to your work and this account, we’ll get them. We need your help to do that though. Do you think you’re up for it?” Melissa asked and she drug in a deep, calming breath before nodding.

“Yeah, but I’m on strict orders to stay close to home. So far everything’s been good with the pregnancy but I either need to stay here in town so I’m close to my doctor, or I need to be in Seattle near one she recommended so they can make sure nothing happens to me or the baby these last few weeks.”

“You won’t have to go anywhere, just stay near a computer and keep posting on that account. Don’t tell them where you’re from yet, if we trace them to LA we’ll head out there and see if we can’t lure them somewhere to ‘meet up’ with you where we can take them down, or follow them back to Dynamite,” Melissa assured her and that calmed her enough to finish up and head home.

She kept it from Tyler, knowing he’d be more worried than she was about it, especially with their baby girl growing inside her. Her husband was made to be a girl dad, and she loved that she was giving this gift to him.

Their anniversary was perfect. She took the day off beyond a scheduled post on her fake account the team was following, hoping to get closer to the sender still. They were in LA, were searching for Dynamite on the cameras in the city, and in fact caught sight of him a few times, but never live, so they hadn’t been able to track him down just yet.

Tyler spoiled her completely, making her favorite foods and topping it off with a foot rub and a soak in a warm bath before loving her so thoroughly she crashed until late the next morning. It left her wrapped in a warm cocoon of love for the next two weeks that she hated having to leave for anything, but especiallydealing with Dynamite. He was being elusive. Having his girls continuing to reach out to her rather than doing it himself.

Three weeks later, he finally took the bait as she kept ignoring or telling the girls to fuck off, that she didn’t swing that way when they asked for more elicit photos than what she’d posted to her page. The message she received sent revulsion completely through her, but there was no denying it was him. Every syllable dripped with his nastiness.

It sickened her to respond flirtatiously to the supposed seventeen-year-old boy, but she did it, telling him she was from a little town north of LA she desperately wanted out of, then turned down his offer for him to send one of his ‘sisters’ to come get her, bring her to LA. She laughingly told him she knew better than to meet up with a total stranger, especially when they wouldn’t come meet her in person.

It took a week, but he finally agreed to come get her himself, and she stayed online, messaging with him while the team tracked him through the small town to the café where her friend—and replacement on the team—Shayla was waiting in her place. He turned to run the moment he saw her, but he was surrounded in seconds, and Justine breathed easily finally seeing him in cuffs.

“You and your entire group is going down,” Melissa told him as Luke held him tightly in place as he tried to jerk away from them. “You’ll pay for every life you stole.”

“Ah, she was your friend wasn’t she? Elena was it? She burnt up good, didn’t she?” he crowed telling them all that they didn’t have a clue she was still alive, which further relieved her, letting her relax back into her chair with a smile on her lips as they hauled him away.

“Feeling smug yet are you?” Moe joked from his office in D.C.

“A little,” she admitted glancing up as a shadow fell over the window of her office and her smile brightened further seeingTyler there. “My husband’s here so I’m going to let you all go. Make sure he’s locked up tight for me would you?”

“We will, you take care and send us pictures when that little…boy? Girl?” Melissa said making her laugh as she shook her head at them. “Send us pictures of that baby when it’s here. I’m sure we’ll try to get out to see you all before she…he?” she tried again, and Justine just shook her head once more as Tyler slid into her office. “We’ll come see you when we can. Thank you for everything with this one Justine. We never would have managed it without you.”

“You would have, just maybe not this quickly,” she said as Tyler’s brow rose as he recognized the voice.

“You knew what would draw Dynamite out better than any of us. We wouldn’t have known he was back and running his scams in LA now if your profile hadn’t been seen, so no, this win is all yours. Accept it and enjoy it entirely until that baby gets here.”

“I will, I’ll talk to you all later,” she said before ending the session, getting up as Tyler gave her a little scowl.

“Dynamite?That’s the bastard that…”

“Tried to kill me? Yes,” she said soothing her hands down his chest, telling him the basics of what happened, along with the news that he was crowing about killing her.

“Why didn’t you tell me this is what was bothering you, babydoll? I thought we’d agree no more secrets between us,” he said, and she sighed, giving him a soft smile at the worry in his gaze.

“I didn’t want you worried, that’s it, honey-bae. You’ve worried over us enough you didn’t need this there too. I was never in danger, irritated and disgusted, yes, but not in danger. I won’t always be able to tell you about what I’m working on, you know that,” she added, and his little glare just made her grin further as his hand settled onto her belly, feeling their baby girl kicking up a storm.

“I know, but this wasn’t a normal case, Just. This was the people that tried to kill you, to take you from me before I ever got you back. Tried to take this from us,” he added, as his hand caressed her belly. “You and our baby wouldn’t exist if they’d hurt you.”

“But they didn’t and now, he’s on his way to jail and they’ll get the rest of his team, all of them believe I’m dead. I’m safe. We’re safe,” she promised and the next afternoon they got to see their baby girl on the ultrasound again, making her love them both even more.

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