Page 10 of Love Always Wins

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“No—for a while maybe but not for keeps,” she lied, after the look of surprise on Angela’s face.

“Well when it’s the right one you just know it is and for me it’s Daniel. I really hope one of these days you find out what loving someone is really like,” Angela said giving her a smile.“Honestly, if it wasn’t for the feud I’d say you and Tyler should get together.”

“Yeah could you see that?” she questioned letting out a nervous laugh. “You’d have to take the animosity that’s typically found at church and multiply it by about a gazillion—that’s what you’d find if that ever happened.”

“You two are so much alike in a way though—yes, you are total opposites, but I knew you in high school and I know Tyler now…mark my words you two could make something of it if it wasn’t for the families,” Angela said giving her a hug. “Take care of yourself and get glammed up for me tonight. Tell Tyler I’m sorry.”

“I will,” Justine assured her shutting the door to lean against it closing her eyes. Her best excuse as to why she and Tyler couldn’t be had just left town with her ex-husband. How was she going to keep Tyler from pushing for more than their nights together now?

Chapter 4

Justine let out a sigh before realizing she’d just agreed to go to the reunion for Angela. “What the hell was I thinking?”

Thankfully, there wasn’t a reply, and she moved into the bedroom going through the closet to see what she had still. She didn’t have what you would call a ‘grown up’ closet on a good day. Most of it was more likely to be worn by a teenager—late teen at the most, thanks to her job. She shook her head knowing she wasn’t about to walk into that reunion wearing the same dress she’d worn to church twice now as she grabbed her bag and headed out for a little shopping.

She spotted a dress in the window of Luann’s Dress Shop that didn’t scream teenager or old lady and headed inside to see what else she might have in stock. She browsed the racks keeping to the back of the store when she spied Tyler’s sister Caroline looking at the dresses on the other side.

“Buying a dress for your brother’s wedding?” Luann asked, checking on the woman.

“Yes, Mom insisted we all buy new dresses. To be honest I don’t think we’ll need them though.”

“Why’s that?” Luann asked looking for gossip.

“Because my gut says they’re going to forego the church wedding and elope since Mom’s being so overbearing with thewedding preparation. I saw Angela with a suitcase earlier. Don’t be surprised if we find out Sunday they’re already married,” Caroline said with a smile and Justine shook her head knowing that wasn’t going to happen as a dress caught her attention.

She went to try it on, loving the way it fit, and she knew without a doubt that she would wear it that night. She wondered what Tyler would think of it and how long it’d take him to come to her after the event was over. Not long if the last few weeks were anything to go by.

Then again, she was delivering a blow in front of their entire class. He might not be too pleased about it. She pushed those thoughts away and took the dress up to the register holding in a groan when Caroline came up behind her.

“Well, well…I didn’t expect to see you still in town,” Caroline said glancing at the dress with a smirk. “Trying to not look like a teenager still, are we?”

“Caroline,” Luann said giving her a look that put a light sparkle in Justine’s eyes before turning her gaze onto the dress she’d chosen. “It’s about time someone bought this dress. I can’t tell you how many people have tried it on and put it away Justine.”

“I suppose there’s something good about being petite in a town of giants after all,” she stated knowing the mini-dress was likely too short for many of them but on her it hit just right.

“I wouldn’t call all of us giants, but you do have a point,” the older woman agreed. “So have you decided to move home or are you just enjoying the hotel’s amenities that much?”

“There is something about not having to deep clean, but no, I’m simply on an extended vacation. I have about five years’ worth, so I decided to take a break after finishing my last assignment,” she said although it wasn’t necessarily the whole truth, just a version of it she was using with most that asked.The truth was something she couldn’t talk about, not if she wanted to stay sane and keep everyone out of her head.

“I’m sure your Momma would like a different answer to that,” Luann stated, and she nodded knowing her mother hadn’t been shy about the hints that she should move home for good.

“Oh she would,” she replied with a smile. “But there are always a million things to do back at work or I could look for something different—try my hand at something new. I just haven’t decided where to go next yet.”

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out when you need to,” Luann assured her handing over the bag.

“Thank you. Caroline, that’s a lovely choice,” she added seeing the dress she’d grabbed.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Caroline asked her as her eyes narrowed.

“Nothing sinister, I have no issues with anyone in town unlike some people,” Justine stated before leaving. She decided to stop at the salon and get a haircut, she hadn’t had a trim for nearly six months and a real cut in three years, and it was past time to start allowing herself to heal—at least a bit.

She walked out of the salon with five inches of hair off the longest part and nearly twelve from around the front. It felt a million times lighter and looked healthier than she remembered it possible to look. She’d given in and had her nails trimmed and painted to go along with her splurge and now she was ready to face her high school class, all possible hundred and fifty of them, without worrying that they’d sense blood.

She dressed and did her makeup a bit more strategically than normal, before pulling her hair over a shoulder with a hair pin to show off the open back on the dress, then slid her phone, id, and room key into a tiny clutch with her lipstick. She was almost to the door when she remembered the reason Angela asked her to attend the reunion in the first place.

Justine turned back around and grabbed the note to head out to the local mid-scale bar and grill chosen to host the event. It was in the middle of town and easy to get to walking. Most places were other than the residential area where her family lived. Most of her family and Tyler’s officially lived in the county versus the city. Some of them were within city limits, but they hadn’t expanded them in over a hundred years, so most would still considered the town small, although the surrounding area wasn’t quite so tiny any longer. It was big enough for them to have their own hospital now even, a county hospital, but it meant not having to go all the way up to Seattle for every and all tests at least.

The place was crowded when she arrived nearly thirty minutes after the official start time. She wasn’t too surprised considering the better part of those in attendance lived either in town or within an hour of it still.

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