Page 11 of Love Always Wins

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“Justine Crawford as I live and breathe,” Carey said giving her a full once over, “damn you’re still fine as ever. Now tell me why we never got together in high school?”

“Because you always were a jackass,” she told the creep. “I didn’t fall for your BS back then and I sure as hell won’t now. Don’t worry; I’m sure there are plenty of desperate women who’ll gladly listen to you regale them about your high school basketball glory days. I just won’t be one of them.”

“I can show you what you’re missing, sexy,” Carey suggested with a lewd look, but she shook her head at him and moved further into the place looking for Tyler.

It took her nearly forty minutes to find him, thanks to the crowd constantly stopping her to ask what she’d been up to, but she saw the flash of desire hit Tyler the instant he spied her. She ignored a few of the girls that she’d hung around in high school as she moved towards the small group he was talking to and lifted her chin as the room quieted slightly.

“Justine Crawford? Please tell me you’re single,” Evan said making her give them a smirk.

“Not for you,” she replied waiting for Tyler to finish his sip.

“What brings you over to our little group Justine?” Randy asked and she calmly opened her bag taking the note out as Tyler watched her closely.

“Angela asked me to give this to you, she figured it wouldn’t make you hate me anymore than normal Tyler,” she stated holding it between them.

“And why’s that?” he asked, taking the note while mentally trying to figure out what it might say as he fought the need to pull her into his arms and ravish her. She was stunning and he wanted everyone to know she was his and his alone.

“You’ll see,” she said with a shrug as he opened the note reading it before looking back at her in confusion. “I guess sorry is in order, although I think Angela made a wise decision. I mean anyone has to be better than the arrogant Anderson family, right?”

“Says the stuck-up snob of the Crawford family?” he countered wading the note up as he shot a glare at her for their crowd’s sake. “So you know what the note says?”

“Not word for wordbutI was with Angela when Daniel showed up. The kiss he laid on her spoke volumes and well, she certainly wasn’t fighting him off—better luck next time I guess,” she added with another smirk.

“Hold on—Daniel as in Angela’s ex-husband showed up in town a week before your wedding?” Evan asked Tyler in surprise. “Man that has to suck.”

“I’ll live,” Tyler replied knocking back the rest of his drink. “You just couldn’t resist from doing it this publicly could you Justine?”

“Well you know what they say about karma—eventually it gets everyone,” Justine stated smiling further as the enjoymentof their old banters filled her with desire. Well, mostly it was the memories of what came the next time they were completely alone that filled her with hunger. “Besides Angela asked me to deliver it to you, even said you’d be here tonight, so if you’re going to be mad at anyone shouldn’t it be the fiancée that just ran out on you?”

“Why be mad at her when it’s so much easier to dislike you?”

“Ooooh that hurts—not,” she said with a laugh.

“I swear you two, does everything have to be turned into a fight?” Tiffany asked shaking her head as she moved over to pull her away. “You’d think you were exes or something the way you fight.”

“As if I’d ever be that insane, everyone knows the Andersons are nothing but self-centered creeps.”

“While the Crawfords are whiny little brats,” Tyler countered enjoying the public volleys because it simply increased his desire for her. “You’ve always been a baby Justine, isn’t it time to grow up?”

“I’m fully grown Tyler, some of us just didn’t let ourselves go.”

“Are you seriously saying I’ve let myself go?” Tyler questioned with a chuckle.

“Compared to Daniel’s form—well, I certainly can see why Angela would choose him over you,” she teased knowing quite well just how incredible Tyler’s body still was, more so than ten years ago really.

“Okay you two, that’s enough,” Tiffany said with a slight laugh before pulling her away from the group. She led her to the other side of the bar getting them drinks before lifting a brow at her adding, “Alright you have to admit that Tyler is still gorgeous.”

“I admitnothingwhen it comes to the Andersons,” she said with a shrug.

“Don’t you think it’s time to let the stupid family feud die? I mean what’s it even about anyway?” Tiffany questioned.

“Longstanding pride? I don’t know—I just know that Tyler rubs me entirely the wrong way, always has and likely always will,” she said before letting it go, forcing herself to withstand the evening until she could make it back to the hotel.

The instant Tyler was inside the suite he pushed her back up against the door, his lips covering hers, devouring her while her hands held onto him tightly.

“Fuck, you are beautiful, Just,” he groaned carrying her into the bedroom, sitting down on the bed to take in the whole effect of the dress as she stood before him.

“You like the dress?” she asked massaging his shoulders lightly.

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