Page 7 of Sprite

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“Working at Savage Hell isn’t my only job,” she said, answering before Savage could. “I work as an accountant during the day. I’m a CPA now, and I just started this job. I haven’t been at the accounting firm long enough to have built up any time off. They’ll fire me for sure, and I’m saving for my own place. I can’t lose that job, Chains.” He wanted to tell her that she was welcome to stay with him for as long as she needed, but from the stubborn look on her face, she wasn’t going to allow that.

“And you’ll need to head to work at Redstone Arsenal in the morning,” Savage reminded. He had some time built up and there was no way that he’d let Sprite go to her day job without any protection. If her mother’s boyfriend showed up at the bar to harass Sprite, there would be nothing stopping him from doing the same at her day job.

“I have some time off,” Chains said. “I’ll hang around your office and make sure that you’re safe,” he offered. Sprite looked up at him and he could tell that she thought his idea was a bad one.

“You are not taking off work to babysit me, Chains,” she insisted. “I won’t allow it. I will be fine at the office. The firm has fantastic security.”

“I don’t care what type of security your firm has,” Chains growled. “I don’t want you going in alone.”

“Guys, guys,” Bowie said. He was the peacemaker of the club and always deescalated a situation before it got heated. “I have nothing to do for the next couple of days. How about if I take you to work, hang around in the parking lot for a bit, and if everything looks good, I’ll leave and then come pick you up at closing time?” Bowie offered.

“Bowie,” Sprite started, “I can’t ask you to do that.”

“It’s either his way or mine,” Chains insisted. “What’s it going to be, Sprite?”

“Well, since Bowie has time off, and won’t be stalking me in my office all day, I’ll do it his way,” Sprite said. She smiled up at him, looking pretty proud of herself and all Chains wanted to do was kiss her.

“I don’t stalk, but I’m good with that,” Chains mumbled, even though he wished like hell that she had picked him.

“You are not a very good liar,” Sprite teased, “but thanks for trying.”

“We’ll help you get your stuff into Chains’ truck and then, we’ll call Cillian to come tow your car into his shop to be fixed.” Sprite knew that Cillian would call his sister, Banshee and that she’d have to answer a million questions. As the Harlot’s Prez, Banshee would want to know all the details and would probably insist on keeping an eye on Sprite herself.

“Thanks, Savage,” she said. Sprite took a suitcase from Bowie and tossed it into the back of Chains’ truck. “I have to be at work by nine,” she said. “Can you pick me up at Chains’ place at eight-thirty?”

“Yep,” Bowie agreed.

“I’ll text you my address,” Chains said. “I moved out of my shithole of an apartment a few weeks back, and into a house that I bought on the other side of town.”

“You could have asked us to help out with moving,” Savage insisted.

“I know, but I only needed two other guys, and some of the guys from base volunteered,” Chains said.

“Well, any time you need help with stuff like that, we’re available,” Bowie offered.

“Thanks,” Chains said. He wasn’t used to asking for help from anyone. The only reason two of his friends from base helped him move into his new house was because theyoverheard him talking on the phone to the realtor when she delivered the news that he had gotten the house. They both insisted on helping him and there was no way that they’d let him refuse.

“You ready?” he asked Sprite. She nodded and let him help her back up into his pickup truck, even thanking him before he shut the door for her.

Savage stopped him before he could get into the driver’s side. “You hurt her, and you’ll answer to me too,” he said. Chains knew that Savage was like an overly protective big brother when it came to any member of the Harlots.

“I don’t plan on hurting her, Savage, but if I do, I’d want you to kick my ass,” Chains said. Savage patted him on the shoulder, letting him know that they were good, and he got into his truck.

“What was that all about?” Sprite asked.

“That was Savage letting me know that if I hurt you, he’ll fuck me up,” he admitted.

“Oh,” Sprite breathed. “Do you plan on hurting me, Chains?” He could think of a lot of things that he wanted to do with her, but hurting her wasn’t one of them.

“No,” he whispered, “I don’t plan on hurting you, Sprite. I’d never lay a finger on you.” He started his truck and headed out of the parking lot, noting the cute little pout on Sprite’s lips. “What’s that all about?” he asked.

“What’s what all about?” she countered. She wasn’t going to make any of this easy on him, and that worked for Chains. He didn’t mind doing things the hard way, especially when it came to the woman that he’d been trying to get up the nerve to ask out for weeks.

“What’s up with the pouting?” he said.

“I was just wondering something,” she admitted. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to ask or not, but he knew that not knowing would end up killing him.

“What were you wondering?” he asked.

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