
Author: K.L. Ramsey
Category: Erotic | MC | Romance | New Adult
Total pages: 30

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Sprite needed to break free from her old life and damn she was trying. Living with her mom in the trailer park she had grown up in was getting old, and her mother bringing home a new boyfriend every other day wasn’t working for her either. Graduating from college and getting her CPA was a good first step, but she still needed to work evenings tending bar for the Royal Bastards. She didn’t mind since her sister club, the Royal Harlots, met at the same bar. Sprite never thought that she’d end up falling for a guy in the Royal Bastards, but Chains had a way of sneaking in under her defenses. Belonging to the grumpy, protective biker wasn’t a part of her plan, but Sprite was quickly beginning to like being Chain’s woman.
Chains wasn’t used to being turned down and damn if Sprite turning him down didn’t hurt. She said that she didn’t date guys from the Royal Bastards, but he knew that if given the chance, he’d be able to change her mind. Maybe that was his ego talking, but it was the truth. Finding out that her mother’s boyfriend had beat the hell out of her had every one of his protective instincts roaring to life. Protecting Sprite might have started as an excuse to get to know her, but there was no way that he’d let any other man touch her ever again.

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