Page 6 of Sprite

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“You okay?” he whispered into her ear. She wasn’t sure if she was okay or not. Physically, she felt as though a freight train had run her down. Her face was killing her, and she was pretty sure that her lip was bleeding once again. She was an emotionalwreck, but being in Chains’ arms seemed to make her feel as though everything might actually be okay.

“Yeah,” she breathed, “and no. I didn’t expect him to show up here the way that he did.” Savage and Bowie walked behind the bar and Chains passed her to Savage, making her instantly regret not being pressed up against him anymore.

“You okay, Sprite?” Savage asked.

“I’m so sorry that he showed up here like that. I never imagined that he’d show up where I work,” Sprite insisted.

“I asked if you are okay,” Savage repeated. “I don’t care about any of that other shit. We were closing up anyway, or your mom’s boyfriend would have gotten quite a beating from my guys.” Sprite could only imagine what the guys would have done to Jake if they were still at the bar. It wasn’t something that she even wanted to think about because she didn’t want to have one of them get into trouble with the law just to protect her. Most of the guys were military and the other were one percenters in the Royal Bastards. If they got involved in beating the shit out of Jake, they’d have to go right back to jail, and she didn’t want that for any of them.

“Will he really go after your mom?” Bowie asked. Savage released her and Chains pulled her back into his side, wrapping a protective arm around her. She ignored the way that Savage raised an eyebrow as he looked the two of them over. She needed the comfort that Chains was offering her right now.

“Yeah,” Sprite whispered, “he’s done it before. My mother doesn’t always pick the best guys to go out with.”

“You can say that again,” Savage barked. “I’ll send a guy to watch her place, and at the first sign of trouble, I’ll head over there and make good on my promise to her scum bag boyfriend.”

“Thanks, Savage,” she said. “We might be on the outs, but I don’t want anything to happen to my mom, you know?”

“I get it,” Savage said. “How about if you let Bowie and me close down the bar, and you get out of here? You still going home with Chains?” he asked. Sprite looked up at him as if she was asking him that same question.

“She is,” Chains growled, tightening his hold around her waist.

Bowie chuckled, but poor Savage didn’t seem to think that anything about her going home with Chains was funny. “Just keep her safe,” Savage ordered.

“Will do,” Chains agreed. “I won’t take my eyes off of her.” His promise made her shiver, and Chains pulled her closer to him. “You cold?” he asked. She wasn’t about to tell him that she wasn’t cold. Or that she was turned on and felt as though she’d burst into flames if he kept holding her the way that he was.

“Yes,” she lied. Bowie looked her over and winked at her. Sprite wanted to tell him to cut it the fuck out, but she didn’t dare. She didn’t need him or anyone else cluing Chains into the fact that she was attracted to him, and God help her—she wanted him more than she ever wanted anyone before.


Seeing the way that asshole treated Sprite made him want to do more than punch him in the fucking nose. But the thought of not being able to take her home with him tonight played through his mind, and he held back.

When Savage gave Sprite the green light to head out, he didn’t give her any time to think over his offer. Chains helped her grab her stuff from the kitchen and got her out to his truck. He was thankful that it had been raining earlier and he needed to drive his truck into the bar. Otherwise, she’d have to ride on the back of his bike with him—not that he’d mind having her body wrapped around his as he rode down the highway.

“What about my car?” she asked.

“Leave it,” he insisted, “we can pick it up tomorrow. Right now, we just need to get out of here.”

“Okay,” she stuttered. “Can I at least grab a few bags out of the back seat so that I’ll have my clothes and personal items?” Chains wanted to protest the idea of her needing clothing at his place, but he was rushing things. He didn’t want to scare Sprite off before he even got her home.

“Sure,” he agreed. “I’ll put my truck over to where you parked, and we can get your stuff.” He helped her up into his truck, careful not to put his hands anywhere that they might not be welcome, and pulled across the parking lot to where she was parked.

“Shit,” she cursed. Sprite looked about ready to jump out of his truck before he even stopped it. “That fucker cut my tires.”

He parked his truck and got out with Sprite hot on his heels. “He got all four of them,” he confirmed, walking around her car. He got to the trunk and stopped cold in his tracks. “Fucking hell,” he shouted.

Sprite quickly rounded her car to where he stood, and her gasp filled the night air. “Oh my God,” she breathed. “He’s really gone too far this time.” Her mother’s boyfriend had stuck a blade into each of her tires, but then, he went and threatened Sprite, and that was unacceptable.

Chains pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and called Savage. “You might want to get out here. We’re in the back of the parking lot,” Chains said, not waiting for a response. He didn’t have to because Savage was out the back door of the bar before Chains could even end the call. He and Bowie joined the two of them at the trunk of the car and there was so much cussing, he wasn’t sure who was saying what.

“That fucker wants a fight, we’ll give him one,” Savage said.

“How could anyone threaten another person like this?” Sprite asked. Chains wrapped his arms around her again, and damn if she didn’t feel right there. He looked over the message that the asshole spray painted on the trunk of her car again and noticed that the paint was fresh. He didn’t take much time writing that Sprite’s days are numbered—he even forgot the “ed” at the end of the last word.

“You don’t have to worry about him,” Chains promised. “He won’t be able to get to you at my place.”

“Yeah, but I have to go to work tomorrow,” she insisted.

“I’m sure that Savage will give you off a few nights until we can straighten this mess out, right?” he asked Savage.

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