Page 19 of Sprite

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“Maybe she didn’t tell the cops that information,” she said. “My mother doesn’t trust the police.”

“I get that, but I think that someone needs to let the cops know that she’s withholding information that might be important to the case,” Chains grumbled.

“I’ll be wearing a wire and recording our whole conversation. Bowie will hook me up before I go to the diner. He has assured me that I’ll be perfectly safe. He and Savage will be just outside if anything happens and will get to me quickly,” Sprite promised.

“I want to be there too,” Chains insisted.

“That’s not a good idea,” she said. “You can’t be out in public. You know that if the police see you, they will lock you up.”

“I don’t care,” he grumbled. “I don’t want you going into that diner without me close. This isn’t up for discussion,” he growled. Sprite knew that when fighting with Chains when he dug his heels in, there would be no changing his mind.

“Fine,” she agreed, “but, you need to promise me that you’ll stay out of sight.”

“Deal,” Chains agreed, “thank you for not giving me a fight.”

Sprite barked out her laugh, “Well, I know how stubborn you are, and I’m too tired to fight with you right now. This kid is sucking all the energy out of me.”

He reached over and rubbed her growing belly. “That’s my boy,” he said.

“Or girl,” she insisted. They had decided to wait to find out the sex of the baby when he or she was born. She had a feeling that the baby was a boy, but there was no way that she was going to tell Chains that.

“I’m good with whatever,” he insisted, but she knew that he secretly wanted a boy. “Just promise me that you won’t do anything stupid today, honey. I don’t want you putting yourself or the baby in danger.”

“I’m sure that my mother won’t try to hurt me,” she assured. She wasn’t sure of anything. Honestly, she never imagined that her mother would pick one of her scumbag boyfriends over her, but she had. “And I don’t plan on doing anything stupid, Chains. I promise,” she said, holding up her right hand as though swearing an oath.

They pulled into Savage Hell and found Savage and Bowie waiting for them in the back of the parking lot. The plan was that they would get her wired up and then, she’d drive Chain’s truck to the diner to meet her mother. Her mom had no idea what kind of vehicle he drove and if asked, she’d lie and tell her that she got a new truck. Her mother had an agenda, and Sprite was sure that the last thing she’d notice would be her driving a different vehicle.

She got out and hugged both of the guys. Banshee came running out from the back of the bar and pulled her in for a quick hug. “You’re glowing,” she said before releasing her.

“Thanks,” she said.

Banshee released her and looked her over, “Are you sure that you want to do this, Sprite?” she asked. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to do any of this. If Chains was right, and her mother was a suspect in Jake’s murder, she might do anything she could to get to Chains, even hurt her own daughter.

“I think that I do,” Sprite said. “I’m just a bit nervous.”

“Rightly so,” Banshee said. “I’d be nervous too.” Sprite was sure that Banshee never got nervous about anything. She usually seemed so sure and in control, but standing next to her right now, she looked a bit worried about Sprite. That was one of the things Sprite loved most about the Royal Harlots—the women were all close, like family. She had never been with a group of women who loved as hard as the Harlots, and she was sure that she’d never find sisters who would do anything for each other—anything.

“I wish you’d let me go with you,” Banshee breathed, “but, I understand you having to do this on your own. But if you need me for any reason, you call, Sprite.”

“I promise,” she said, pulling Banshee in for another quick hug. “Now, I better get wired up so that I’m not late to meet my mother. She sounded a bit agitated on the phone and I don’t want her leaving if I’m not there on time.”

“Fair enough,” Banshee agreed, releasing Sprite. “I’ll be here waiting for you to get back. Danger and Phoenix are on their way in too.” She wasn’t sure why, but Sprite felt a bit easier about having to meet her mother knowing that the women from the Harlots would be at the bar waiting for her to return.

“I appreciate that, Banshee,” Sprite whispered.

“Hey—that’s what Harlots do,” she said. “We stand by our own, no matter what.” Sprite knew that to be true. She had only been with the Harlots for a short time now, but they were always helping each other out and today, she was happy to have their support.


Chains waited for Sprite to finish talking to her club’s Prez before asking her if she was ready. She looked hesitant when she told him that she was, and he wanted to call her on it, but he knew that she needed to do this. He was just thankful that she’d allow him to be at the diner in case things went sideways. She was right, he wasn’t about to take no for an answer—especially when it came to her and the baby’s safety.

Savage wired her up and Bowie tested the hidden microphone to make sure that it was working properly. He wished that Sprite would let him drive her to the diner, but she insisted that was a bad idea. If her mother spotted him in the truck, she’d call the cops, and they might never get their answers.

“You need to ride over with Bowie and Savage,” Sprite insisted.

“She’s right,” Savage and Banshee said in unison.

“Fine,” Chains growled, “but if I think that something is not right, we’re pulling you out of there.”

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