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I slid my fingertips to her inner thighs, watching with sharp-eyed interest while she tipped her head back and let out a gasping breath.

“I didn’t taste you here last time,” I said lightly, smoothing my fingers back and forth and back and forth along the front of her panties. Poppy rocked her hips, but I kept the pressure light. “Should I start here, angel?”

Her eyes snapped down to mine. “Later,” she said fiercely.

“So demanding,” I murmured. With my hands on her hips, I nudged her to take one of the steps, and she followed my direction, walking backward as I kept one step below her. I unhooked the belt holding up my work jeans, and the clink of the buckle had her swallowing visibly.

She stopped at the top step, gaze searing into mine while I pushed the jeans off and left them where they fell, left only in my black boxer briefs. Against the flimsy cotton barrier, my hardness strained above the waistband, and she sucked in a breath through her nose when she noticed.

“Your fault,” I said with a wry arch of my eyebrow.

That heat in her eyes melted away when my hands drifted up her back and found the clasp on her pristine white bra. Carefully, I peeled it off, staying on the step below hers.

“Look at you,” I whispered, tracing a circle along the edge of one hard-tipped pink nipple.

“Gently,” she begged. “They’re … sensitive.”

Low in my throat, I hummed. “Like this?”

I leaned forward and placed a sweet, sucking kiss there. She sighed, clutching the back of my head as I gently sucked her warm, soft breast into my mouth, tracing the tip of my tongue along the edge, then dragging my nose across her chest to the other, lifting it with my hand and holding her gaze. In contrast, I carefully dragged the edge of my teeth along the hardened nub—lightly enough that she shivered, hard enough that her hands tightened along the back of my scalp.

“Yes,” she breathed. “Just like that.”

Digging my hands down the back of her underwear, I filled my palms with the warm flesh of her backside, laving my tongue over the tips of her chest. “Delicious,” I told her, holding her gaze as I brushed my mouth over her nipples. “Could do this all day. What about you, angel?”

“I can’t,” she gasped. “I can’t take much more of this.”

I stepped up, and she took the final step onto the second floor, whirling into the bedroom with my hand clutched in hers. I crowded against her back, holding her hips flush to me while I rocked against her.

“You think I can?” I whispered hotly against the back of her neck. “You think I’m not one touch away from losing my fucking mind?”

I slid my hands along the front of her hips and tugged on the white cotton covering her. It got as far as tangling around her knees, and I found the hot, wet center of her with two fingers, sliding back and forth while her head dropped back onto my shoulder, her body sagging with a helpless moan. I held her up with an arm banded underneath the lush, mouthwatering weight of her breasts.

“That’s it,” I told her as she worked her hips over my hand.

She let out a low moan and even if I lived another hundred years, I’d never forget what it sounded like. All my best fantasies come to fucking life. There was nothing that would ever come close, ever do to me what she did.

“Been dreaming about this,” I told her. One hand between her legs, and one hand cupping a full, warm breast, I sucked at the skin of her shoulder while she writhed in my arms. “Been dreaming about this every night, angel. Want those sweet little noises you make and the way you clench so tight around me.”

Her breath was coming in short pants, and she clutched my wrist when I didn’t slide my fingers more than an inch inside her, circling just around where she wanted me most.

“Please,” she begged.

My hands gripped her hips again, turning her so I could slant my mouth over hers for a brief, hot, tongue-tangling kiss. When we broke apart, I rolled my forehead to hers and fought the urge to take her fast and hot and hard.

Later, she’d said.

We had time.

So much fucking time.

First, I thought with a shiver wracking my spine, I wanted something else.

I sucked her lower lip into my mouth, biting down before I released it, relishing the prick of her fingernails into my back. That bite of pain had me rolling my neck, clutching at any shred of control I had left.

My mouth watered at the scent of her, and I wanted her to melt on my tongue and feel her thighs snap tight around my head.

I pushed her to her back on the bed, wrenching her legs open as she moved backward to make room. Wasting no time, I wedged my shoulders between her thighs and licked straight up her center with the flat of my tongue.

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