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I dragged my nose along the edge of her jaw and inhaleddeeply while she curled her hands around my shoulders and held me tightly to her. Taking her mouth again, everything in my head distilled down to this perfect fucking kiss. Poppy arched her back and moaned when I speared my hands into her hair and fisted the silky strands.

Now IknewI’d done something really great in another life. Saved a city from destruction or cured a disease or stopped a war because it sure wasn’t anything I’d done in this one to deserve a moment like this. To deserve her. To deserve anything like what I felt just by kissing her.

The world expanded in a heartbeat, growing to something so big and stunning, a dizzying kind of desperation had my hands clutching her tighter, wanting to feel more and more and more as I pressed her sweet, curved body against the wall behind us.

What was this feeling clawing at my chest?

I wanted to fuck her.

I wanted to hold her.

I wanted to kiss her for hours and feel her weight in my arms, and I’d be the happiest I’d ever been in my entire life.

I wanted to love her for the rest of this life and into the next one and the one after that. For as many as I’d get with her.

Ripping my mouth away, I sucked in a sharp breath and studied her kiss-abused lips and blown-out pupils, the high color on her cheeks. I rolled my forehead against hers and gently kissed her top lip, then her bottom, helpless admissions climbing up my throat that I did nothing to stop.

Not anymore.

“You are so beautiful, it hurts,” I said, the words aching as they escaped.

Everything ached, actually. Whatever piece of my heart she’d claimed for her own, it whittled away all my reservations and pumped blood through my veins to the sound of her name. Poppy’s eyes glossed over with tears, like she could hearall my thoughts, and for a moment, I wondered if she couldn’t.

If anyone was able to slice past my reserve, my inability to put voice to the things I wanted, that I feared and craved, it was her.

With a steadfast heart that couldn’t be swayed and a determination that could crack through the firmest of walls, this beautiful creature had chosen me to love, and I’d spend the rest of my life being worthy of it.

“Don’t cry, angel,” I whispered.

“I’m happy,” she whispered back. She kissed me deeply, a relieved moan slipping from her mouth to mine. Poppy pulled away and smiled, and I wanted to ink that smile onto my fucking soul. “I’m so happy, it hurts.”

My lips edged up in a crooked smile, the tips of my fingers roaming over the high, graceful cheekbones, the sharp cupid’s bow on her pink lips and the dimple that appeared when she smiled a true, genuine smile.

They tracked down the line of her jaw, tracing the graceful line of her throat as she swallowed. A helpless shiver wracked her frame as my fingers moved to her cheekbones, edging along the curves of her shoulders, over the edge of her shirt and the heaving warmth of her mouthwatering cleavage.

I ducked my head and whispered soft, unintelligible words against her skin while my palms coasted over her upper arms and down the line of her waist, curving over her belly before ghosting over the hard tips of her breasts. With the backs of my knuckles, I teased her there until she threw her head back on a helpless gasp.

“What do you need, Poppy?” I asked.

With a dazed, shaky exhale, she gripped my biceps and tugged my chest flush along hers. “You, just you,” she begged. “Please, Jax.”

With a groan, I slanted my mouth over hers again, the groan from my chest echoing in the quiet room as I lickedagainst her tongue. She rolled up on her tiptoes, twisting her tongue against mine with a tilt of her head, then nipped at the tip when I tried to withdraw it from her mouth. Poppy and I stood like that, wrapped around each other, trading fierce kisses that snatched the air from my lungs and the thundering heart in my chest.

I pulled away from the kiss and cupped her face in my hands again, locking my eyes with hers. “Will you take me to your bed this time?” I asked evenly. “Or do you want to wait?”

With a heartbreakingly earnest expression on her face, she wound her fingers between mine and looked up at me in a way that had my chest cracking open. “This is real, isn’t it, Jax? I’m not imagining this or?—”

I cut her off with a hard kiss, pulling away almost immediately. “This is real,” I said fiercely. “You and me and that baby and however many more we make, because now that I’ve kissed you,” I paused, the heaving of my chest making my ears ring, “Poppy, now that I’ve kissed you, you’re mine, and I won’t give you back.”

The smile started in her eyes, something warm and soft and full of promise, and she tugged on my hands, turning us until she was walking in front of me, leading the way to her very big, hopefully very sturdy bed.

At the landing at the base of the stairs, she whirled, eyeing my chest. “Shirt off.”

After a glance over my shoulder to make sure the curtains were closed, I reached behind my shoulder blades to fist the shirt in one hand, pulling it over my head and tossing it onto the floor. Her eyes devoured every inch of skin as I uncovered it, and she licked at her bottom lip, dragging her fingers over the slope of my shoulders and dancing down the front of my biceps.

I jerked my chin up. “Your turn.”

She gripped the bottom of her tank top with two hands and peeled it over her head, her hair slipping down over hershoulders as she stood one step above me. The sight of her smooth skin and curves had my mouth watering. I slid my hands over her bump, holding her gaze while I placed a soft kiss just above her belly button. Poppy shimmied the waistband of her shorts down her hips, and I decided that just standing there without helping was incredibly rude. I tucked my fingers into the top and tugged, dragging my knuckles along the skin of her outer thighs, grinning when she kicked them off. Cut high on her legs were simple white cotton briefs.

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