Page 17 of Empire of Savages

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He smirked. Smiling like a viper. Confirming my suspicions about who was behind the vandalism. “I don’t believe you, baby. You’ve always managed to get me my payments on time.”

Shaking my head, I got to my feet. “Business has been slow.” My eyes darted to the left—to the doorway of my bedroom. I had a knife under the mattress, as well as a gun in the nightstand. My brother had taught me how to use both, and although I abhorred violence, if it meant not getting hurt by this man again, I would gladly use it.

I edged a step to the left, freezing when Maddox pulled out his own gun. He wasn’t pointing it at me yet, just showing me that he knew exactly where my thoughts had taken me.

“You don’t want to do that, Alex. I’m faster than you.” He took a step closer. “Stronger than you.” Another step, until we were sharing breaths. “And would inflict more damage than you could ever recover from.”

Swallowing hard, I forced myself to stay still. “I don’t have your money, Maddox. I don’t know what else you want me to say.”

His eyes swam with malicious intent. Raising the hand holding the gun, he rubbed the muzzle along my bottom lip, his eyes swallowing all the light from the room. In a soft, dangerous voice, he said, “Suck my dick, baby. I’ve missed your mouth, Alex. The way you hollow out your fucking cheeks while you take me deep into the back of your throat.”

I shook my head. “You don’t want my mouth anywhere near your dick right now.”

He had the audacity to smile at me. “You still hate me, baby?” His voice lowered. “Good. I can use hate.”

“I can’t believe I ever loved you.”

“I can. You’re emotionally ruined. Psychologically ravaged. Your daddy got you so twisted up that you take affection any way you can get it, even if it comes in the form of me forcing my dick down your throat.”

I started shaking my head, matching the tremor in my hands and arms. “Don’t you dare throw that in my face. I trusted you with that information.”

“You did, but here’s the thing with loving a sociopath…” He stepped closer until I bumped against the wall. Crowding me like he was sent my pulse into overdrive. “I don’t care that you shared that part of you with me. I only care about how I can use that against you. Do you think daddy would like to know how well his daughter sucked any dick that I told her to in order to pay off her debt? Do you think he’d be surprised that you whored yourself out whenever I demanded it?”

Time slowed, then stopped altogether as the sins of my past came flooding back. I wasn’t ashamed to admit that all those things had happened, but I hadn’t known any better. Just like my father had used my desire for acceptance against me, so had Maddox. I’d just been too stupid—too blinded by what I thought was love—to see that history was simply repeating itself.

The sound of the buzzer fractured the silence, snapping me out of my spiral. My gaze darted to the door but returned to Maddox’s face when he took me by the chin and jerked my face to his.

“You always were my favorite fucktoy, Alex. We could have that again, and I can make all these money problems disappear.”

The buzzer sounded again—longer this time.

“I’d rather die than willingly touch you again.” I spat the words in his face.

With a wicked smile, he kissed me, pressing his mouth to mine, sliding his tongue into my mouth. I attempted to bite him, but he reared back in time. “You best let Bliss in before she breaks the buzzer.”

He walked to the door, stopping before stepping through. “You have one week, Alex. For old time’s sake. Next quarter, I’lltake the insult out on your body… after my work associates have had their fill of you.”

Reaver’s stare remained on my face for a moment before sliding down my body and lingering in places I never wanted him to look at again. When he turned around and followed Maddox down the stairs, I let out the breath I’d been holding. Shaking violently, I collapsed to the floor, knowing I only had a few minutes to get it together. If Bliss found me like this, she’d dig for information—information I wasn’t willing to share yet. Although, if Maddox left the garage and walked past her, she would know he was here and question me regardless. Mental fortitude was something I’d worked hard at, and I’d be damned if it failed me now. Getting to my feet, I buzzed Bliss in, then sat on the couch, pretending that nothing had happened.

I waited to hear an exchange of words as Bliss passed Maddox either on the stairs or down in the garage, but I heard nothing but theclickof high-heeled shoes.

“You better not have thrown on jeans and a t-shirt, and called it a day,” Bliss warned at the top of the stairs. “I had to?—”

Turning to face her, I could see her looking right through my watery smile.

“What the hell happened?”

“Nothing.” I fidgeted with the sash on my robe. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

She narrowed her eyes at me and shut the door. The fact that she wasn’t pushing me for more information meant that Maddox had somehow avoided her before she could see him. Bliss deposited her bag onto the couch. “Are you sure you’re okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“Fine.” Fuck, my voice was shaky. Putting more pep into my voice than I felt, I asked, “What dress did you bring me?”

The mention of her dressing me up was too hard to resist. Deep diving in her bag, Bliss brought out a black bodycon dressthat looked like it would expose too much cleavage with the deep V in the front.

She threw it at me.

I held it up against my body. “I can’t wear this.”

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