Page 18 of Empire of Savages

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“Sure you can. Your body is banging and that dress will accentuate all the bits that men would love to get their mouths on.”

“My tits and thighs?”

“Between your thighs is a better place to aim for.” Tugging at my arm, she ushered me into my bedroom. “Go. Get changed then I can do your hair and makeup.”

“Bliss, no.”

“I know you think grease under the fingernails is enough to be called nail polish, but the reality is, you need some help in this department.”

I hated that Bliss’s words hit closer to home than I would’ve liked. It was true that I hadn’t been out in a very long time, and being away from the apartment might help eradicate the uneasiness of having Maddox in my private sanctuary.

“Let it be known that I’m doing this under protest,” I said.

“Yes, yes,” she said with a put-upon sigh. “Noted. Go and get dressed.”

When I emerged a few minutes later, I begrudgingly agreed that the dress wasn’t terrible. The V in the front did expose way more of my cleavage than I wanted, but there was no chance of any wardrobe malfunctions. The only problem I could see was the split up the side, ending so far up my thigh that I was afraid I’d be flashing my panties with every step.

“Sooo, what do you think?” Bliss asked, standing back and giving me a once-over. “Do you love it? Because you look hot AF.”

I skimmed my hands over my hips, enjoying the feel of the clingy fabric more than I thought I would. “I think I do, but what shoes am I supposed to wear with this?”

Bliss dug into her bag once more, producing a pair of glossy black heels. “These will make your calves look killer. But first, makeup.”

Bliss forced me into the bathroom, where I perched on the edge of the closed toilet seat lid and gave myself over to her makeup skills.

Twenty minutes later, my hair and makeup were done, the heels were on my feet and we were heading out the door.

“Where is this party?” I asked when we were both settled into the back of a ride share.

“That is a surprise,” Bliss replied, reapplying her pink lipstick with ease. “You will just have to trust me.”

Nervous energy battered my body as we drove through downtown Detroit. I had no idea where we were going, and the fact that there was a chance of running into some of my father’s men niggled at the back of my mind. I let out the breath I’d been holding when we crossed over the river and continued into River Rouge. We were in the Savage Hunt’s territory now. Was that a better situation to be in? Maybe. Maybe not. I’d not been associated with the Devils for over a decade—not since the night I was raped in the clubhouse.

I just had to hope that nobody remembered my face, or I’d changed enough not to be recognized as the daughter of the Devil’s Chaos president.

The car came to a stop in front of a building that looked like a mechanic’s shop. The reason I knew it wasn’tjusta mechanic’s shop was the eight-foot-tall chain-link fence topped by razor wire.

I turned to my friend. “Bliss, where are we?”

“You’ll see,” she said cryptically, getting out of the car and slamming the door.

Those nerves I’d felt before suddenly came rushing back, crushing the air from my lungs. Opening the door, I stepped out into the heat of the Detroit night and looked up at the imposing building in front of me… no, notbuilding. Ratherbuildings. My eyes darted around, taking in the motorcycles lined up outside the building at the rear. Holy shit. We were at the Savage Hunt clubhouse.

“Bliss,” I called out, but she was already stepping through the open gate, a man dressed in beaten-to-shit jeans, t-shirt, and a leather cut wrapping a hand around her hip.

Bliss glanced over her shoulder at me. “Come on. The party’s already started.”

“Bliss!” I hissed after her, but she was already out of earshot. Indecision and fear kept me rooted to the spot. There really were only two choices here. I could leave her here unprotected, or I could pull on my big girl panties, march inside, and get Bliss out of there before anything happened. Bliss had no idea what she was getting into with the club, but letting her be drawn into this life simply wasn’t an option.

Holding the shoulder strap of my bag tightly with one hand, I walked toward the gate. The prospect standing guard eyed me like I was naked.

“Welcome to the party, sugar,” he said, addressing my breasts rather than my face. “Come and find me later if you want a private tour.”

“Thanks,” I muttered, passing through the gates. As I looked around the compound, I thought about what my father would say if he knew I was here. He’d probably want me to seduce one of the members and get information, because as far as he was concerned, I was just a pawn he could use to advance his club.

Bracing myself, I entered through the door of the clubhouse, my senses immediately assaulted with the deep thump of the bass from the music, the sound of pool balls hitting each other, and the smell of alcohol, sweat, and sex. Then my attention fell to a dog tied up to the leg of the pool table. It looked mean, fixing its dark stare on my face as I passed.

I didn’t have time to worry about the animal; I had to keep an eye on Bliss since it was clear she had no intention of leaving herself, or the potential danger she was in. There was a bar directly ahead of me, the long stretch of wood crowded with members and prospects, along with their guests. The club girls and old ladies telegraphed who they were without having to say a word, each group glaring at the other from across the room.

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