Page 92 of Little Bird

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“Yes. I want to marry you, Bane. I fucking love you, too. Even though you’re arrogant and cocky, I wouldn’t give you up after two weeks. How could I, after you owned my heart and soul when you took me in and cared for me after the break-in at my apartment?”

That statement brought reality back down on me with a crash. “That fire at your apartment… it wasn’t a random thing. One of my ex-Dolls lit it. She was insanely jealous that you’d managed to catch and keep my attention.”

Wren’s mouth popped open in a little O. “What did you do when you found out?”

I glanced away from her face. Even though she couldn’t see me, I still hated that she knew about this filthy fucking side of me. “She was taken care of.”

Before she could withdraw, I kissed her again, drowning out all thoughts of the shit that happened to me daily. All that mattered now was that Wren had agreed to be my wife.

“I don’t even have a ring,” I mumbled against her lips.

She smiled. “I don’t need a ring.”

“Yes, you fucking do. I need every man who looks at you from now on to know you’re mine, and I’m fucking yours.”

Even though she wouldn’t listen to my protests, she clambered onto my lap, straddling my waist. Stroking my face, she smiled again. “I love it when you go all alpha on me.”

My dick jumped at the implication, making her groan. “I want to fuck you so bad, Wren, but we can’t here. Not now.”

She winced as I helped her resettle on the bed. “I guess you’re right.”

I laid beside her, turning onto my side and stroking my fingers down her arm. “Do you know when they’ll discharge you?”

“Patty said it might be a couple more days. They’re waiting to see if I have any internal bleeding that the swelling is masking, although if I did, surely that would’ve shown up by now.”

I kissed her temple, inhaling her scent. It was faint thanks to the hospital sponge baths she’d been having, but I still fucking drew in her vanilla scent, letting it soothe the monster in me. “I’ll let you get some rest, then.”

“You’re leaving?”

“No, Little Bird. I’ll be sitting right beside your bed watching over you.”

She relaxed, her breathing evening out a lot more quickly than I would’ve expected. I moved from the bed and quietly placed the chair beside it, watching her rest and heal. I couldn’t wait to bring her home, to lavish all my attention on her. Fuck, maybe she’d let me buy her some furniture she liked to fill my apartment. I wanted Wren to put her mark everywhere in my life.

Folding my arms over my chest, I shut my eyes for a moment. Everything was okay in my worldfor now.Wren was safe. She’d agreed to become my wife. Sanderson and his cocksucking men were dead, and my drug trade could expand into the vacuum his death created. Although the tragedy of Hawk’s death had hit Wren hard, she would overcome that because my girl was a fucking fighter. Just like me.

* * *

I woke up suddenly,unsure why. Turning my head, I figured it out pretty fucking fast. Someone had draped a thin hospital blanket over me, and I shoved it off as I stood. Cox was standing in the doorway of Wren’s room, staring at her with a look of consternation on her face.

Taking her by the elbow, I drew her outside, glancing up and down the empty hallway.

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

“I heard your girlfriend was still here, so I thought I’d drop by for a visit.”

The way she watched me was unnerving, but you never showed weakness in front of the enemy. Folding my arms, I demanded, “What do you want?”

“I came to see if you knew anything about a warehouse fire today down by the docks.”

“And why would I know anything about that?”

“Because you’re a fucking snake, Rivera, and I want to cut the head off the snake.”

I wanted to laugh in her face, but I kept my shit together. “How were the funerals for those men who got killed in the explosion?”

Her gray eyes darkened off to a roiling storm. “Three of my finest men were killed in that fucking disaster of a rescue of your woman.”

“And for that, I’m sorry. I didn’t know what Sanderson was going to do. I’m just glad Wren was pulled out of there before it happened.” The lies fell off my tongue so easily. “Speaking of Sanderson, have you arrested him yet? There are some serious charges against him, right? Drug possession, intent to distribute, manslaughter.”

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