Page 93 of Little Bird

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“Murder,” she hissed. “He murdered my men.” She worked her jaw like she wanted to say more. “But no, we haven’t seen him. Even his ex-wife hasn’t heard from him, and he usually takes the kids on the weekend. The bastard didn’t show to pick them up.”

I shrugged, the smirk on my face hard to wipe away. “What can I say? Some men are fucking useless fathers. You got any kids, Cox?”

She glared at me. “Do I look like I have time for kids?”

“You look like you have time for casual dick,” I retorted.

Her cheeks pinked up a little, and I knew I had her. “Fuck you, Rivera.”

“You’re not my type, sweetheart. Now, if there’s nothing else you have to say to me, I’m going to go back in there…” I jabbed at Wren’s room, “… and keep watch over my woman.”

“I’ll be seeing you around, Rivera. I know there’s more going on here. Plus, I think we could use someone like you helping behind the scenes.”

Anger curled in my gut. “I’m not a fucking informant, and I wouldn’t flip anyone for you.”

“So why did you approach me to go rescue Wren Montana?”

“Because I couldn’t fucking go near that place. Sanderson has a fucking target painted on my back. If I’d gone, Wren would’ve been killed to spite me. I couldn’t risk that.”

Her eyes widened a little before a sly smile formed on her lips. “Look at that, Bane Rivera does have a heart.”

“Yeah, I do,” I spat back. “And it’s as black as yours. Fuck off, Cox, and don’t approach me again unless it’s to beg me for a job at the Dollhouse.”

I walked back into the room, angry energy working through my body. The muscles in my shoulders were tense—I could feel them all locking down one after the other after the other. Cox was a fucking cocksucking cunt that I needed out of my fucking hair. Killing her was off the table, but maybe feeding her scraps of information was a middle-ground I hadn’t considered. I wasn’t going to rat out on any of my associates, but anonymous tips might be enough. Fuck, that was a problem for later.

Right now, all I needed to concentrate on was making sure my Little Bird made it home.



Two Weeks Later…

I smootheddown the navy blue princess dress I was wearing, touching the frothy knee-length skirt. The opaque sleeves covered easily the remainder of my bruises, the ones my brother had inflicted on me. Tonight, we were going to Bianca’s house for dinner. I hadn’t known it at the time, but her husband had been the one to pull me out of that warehouse. He had saved my life, and for that, I was eternally grateful.

I smiled when Bane walked into the bathroom. He looked good in his suit, but he looked even better when he was dressed casually. The sleeves of his tee were pulled tight against his biceps, the fabric skimming down over his toned stomach and ending at the waistband of his jeans.

“Don’t look at me like that, Little Bird, unless you want me to spin you around so you can watch me fuck you in the mirror.”

Heat flooded my body at his filthy words, and I spun around, tilting my hips in his direction, daring him to do just that. His eyes darkened, then he was on me, one hand under my skirt, the other wrapped around my throat. He tilted my head to the side, exposing my neck to him. Running his nose along the space between my shoulder and behind my ear, he inhaled deeply, his cock pressing into my ass.

Burrowing his hand under the barely-there fabric of my panties, he stroked my pussy before sliding a finger inside me. We both groaned.

“You’re so wet for me already.”

I pushed back against him, looking for more of what only Bane could give me. “I’m always wet for my fiancé.”

“Fuck, I love the way that sounds on your lips.” He ripped my panties off and slapped my ass. The shock of the sting turned me on even more. Bane fumbled with the zipper on his jeans, finally lowering it and springing free his cock. Then he brushed the head of it against my pussy, the sensation making my knees buckle.

He slammed into me without any warning, anchoring one hand on my hip and keeping the other one wrapped around my throat. I watched him in the mirror with half-lidded eyes, enjoying the way he let his savage side take over when he fucked me. He was relentless with his thrusts, each one getting him further and further inside me. He marked me as his, and I screamed out his name as I came. Bane roared his own release, both of us left breathing heavily, still connected. When he finally slid free, he took the hand towel off the rack and cleaned me.

I placed my hand on his hand as he held me steady, his steady gaze falling to the engagement ring now on my finger. I hadn’t wanted anything ostentatious, but Bane wouldn’t hear of anything else. He wanted me to get a rock, one that showed everyone who I belonged to. That was how I ended up with a bright blue sapphire, the same color as the little bird I was named after.

“That looks fucking amazing on you,” he said, standing up and catching my mouth in another kiss.

“You look fucking amazing on me,” I replied, making him smile.

“Are you ready to go?”

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