Page 86 of Little Bird

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“Fine, no thanks to her fucking brother.”

“Her brother?” he asked. I laid it all out for him, how Hawk had borrowed money from Sanderson to pay me back. Clearly, the fucker had also negotiated so much more than that because he became Sanderson’s attack dog too.

“What do you need from me?” Dagger asked. The bastard always knew when it was time for action and not words.

“I need you to drag Hawk down to our usual spot and keep him conscious until I get there.”

He hung up and strolled back into the hospital. When I returned to Wren’s room, there was a nurse there checking over her chart. She was a little older, a little rounder, but the compassion on her face was undeniable. She gave me a warm smile as I shuffled over to the visitor’s chair and pulled it closer to the bed.

“You must be her boyfriend,” the nurse said in a soft whisper. “Your girl is a strong one. She’ll pull through this just fine.”

“Thank you.” I glanced back at the now-sleeping Wren, who had her face turned in my direction. It was killing me not being able to see her blue eyes.

“Do you need anything?” the nurse asked as she turned to leave.

Oh, not much…

… the usual.


To spill Hawk’s blood.

To dick fuck the hole I was going to put in his skull.

“I’m fine. Thank you.”

“I have a feeling we’ll be seeing each other a fair bit. If you or Wren need anything, my name is Patty.”

With a nod and another smile, she was gone, and all I was left with was simmering rage that seemed to increase with every single beep of Wren’s heart rate monitor.



I leftthe hospital as soon as I got the text from Dagger. He had Hawk. The stupid fuck had been found holed up at his apartment. The asshole hadn’t even fought as Dagger had dragged him to the warehouse where all the wet work was done.

Dagger had the guy tied upside down over an old oil drum like a suckling pig waiting to go to slaughter. He had no idea just how right that was. Dagger nodded when he saw me walk in, stepping back to watch the show. Hawk’s eyes widened in terror when he saw me, moving his body spasmodically to get away from the death that was surely coming his way.

Pulling my Glock out from the holster under my arm, I shoved it into his mouth when he opened it to scream. Those blue eyes of his widened so much that I could see the whites all the way around.

“You signed your death warrant when you agreed to be Sanderson’s bitch,” I snarled into his face. With my height and his suspension, we were nose to nose. I liked to watch the spark of life drain from a man’s eyes as he died. I removed the gun far enough to speak. “Have anything to say?”

“I did it to protect Wren,” he gasped.

I rolled his words around in my head for a moment. “You did it toprotectWren?” I wanted to laugh, then get down to that dick fucking in the hole in the side of his head, but I also wanted to hear whatever fucked-up, twisted reasoning he had for doing this to his sister.

“Sanderson was going to kill her outright, then leave her dumped outside the club to remind you who was boss.”

I seethed but flicked my fingers to tell him to continue.

“I convinced him that this was a better plan.”

“Beating and leaving her in my own goddamn warehouse?” I barked, shoving the muzzle of the gun into his temple this time. My finger hovered over the trigger, the last thread of my self-control threatening to snap.

“He would’ve killed her and waited for you to find her. I convinced him to kill her in front of you instead, to let you live with those memories.”

“Because you’re generous like that,” I replied, my words with bite.

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