Page 85 of Little Bird

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Cox would’ve had to have been blind not to see all that coke stacked up in there. The discovery had been made. Now it was time for Sanderson to fucking pay. As my gaze shifted away from my business loss, it settled on Wren. I’d told my brother-in-law to park as far away from the warehouse as he could and to make sure he was out of the blast zone too. He hadn’t asked why he’d had to park so far away, but he’d done as he was told, and thank fuck he did because it saved his and Wren’s lives.

The EMTs pulled in, their sirens screaming, their lights flashing. James was still on his feet. However, the same couldn’t be said for some of his brothers in blue. The blast would’ve taken out a couple of them, but their deaths would be pinned on Sanderson, not me. Not now. I turned my head when I heard Cox screaming at the EMTs to come and help her men. Soot covered her face, her suit jacket ripped and bloody. Her shoes had come off, leaving her barefoot in the rubble.

“We should go,” Dagger said. “Before someone sees us here.”

Nodding, I retreated to my car and got in the back seat. Dagger slid into the driver’s seat.

“To the hospital?”

I shook my head. “It’s too soon. I need to get the call first. I can’t be implicated in any of this.” And Jesus-fucking-Christ did it kill me. I wanted to go to Wren and hold her close, never let her go, but I couldn’t. Not yet, anyway. And until Sanderson was arrested, I had to keep my eyes open.

“Back to the club,” I said. “Then, we wait.”

* * *

It tookfour fucking hours to get the phone call that Wren was safe.




In that time, I’d driven everyone at the club away from me. Even Dagger left me alone, and that bastard was practically with me twenty-four-seven. When I arrived at the hospital, I went straight into Wren’s room. Nobody tried to stop me, and if they had, I wouldn’t have been kept away for long.

I sucked in a breath when I saw her in that bed. White sheets were pulled tightly across her body, the color a stark contrast to the bruising on her face. Both her eyes were swollen shut, the mottled purple bruises around the sockets already coming out. She had stitches on her forehead, a busted-up bottom lip, and her neck was in a brace. My hands curled into fists at my sides, rage bubbling over in my veins.

“Bane,” she said on a breathy whisper.Was she awake?I stepped into the room and waited. “You’re here.” She tilted her face in my direction. Reaching out a hand, she groped around blindly for me. As soon as my fingers touched hers, she sighed. “You’re okay.”

I fell to my knees beside the bed, staring at this woman who was more concerned about my own safety than hers. How the fuck could I keep her when my lifestyle and the choices I’ve been forced to make put her in the crosshairs? “I’m okay, Little Bird,” I murmured. “How are you feeling?”

“They’ve got me on some pretty good drugs right now, so not so bad. I just wish I could see.”

“Did they say how long it would be before the swelling goes down?”

She swept her thumb over the back of my hand in a soothing motion. “No, just that it will take time.” Her voice was soft—sad even.

“Who beat you, Wren? Was it Sanderson? If it was, I’m going to hunt that fucker down and make him swallow the muzzle of my gun.” My free hand tightened with barely contained rage, that familiar feeling making its way through my body like a junkie getting their fix.

One small salty tear fell from the corner of her eye, landing on the pillow and staining it pink. “Hawk did this to me.”

“Your fucking brother?”


My gaze darted around the room, trying to fucking put all the pieces together. “Why?”

“He said it was my life or his. He chose his.”

I winced as the claws of my raging monster raked at the inside of my head. Her brother. Her ownbrotherhad done this because he was too much of a fucking pussy to own his shit. No, he’d rather let his sister, the only person in this goddamn world who gave two shits about him, take the fall for his fucked-up decisions.

“I will fucking end that motherfuckingcunt!”

I braced for Wren’s objections, but they never came. “I don’t care anymore, Bane. I’ve given my brother everything, and all he’s handed back to me is pain and torment.”

Getting back onto my feet, I palmed my phone, drawing it out of my pocket. “I’ll be back in a minute, okay?” Placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, I stalked from the room, down the busy hall, and out to the front of the hospital.

Dagger picked up on the first ring. “Boss? How is she?”

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