Page 57 of Tempt Me

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“That’sexactlywhatI wantyouto do,Gigi,” hereplied.

Heslipped hisfinger lower,finding her drenchedopening. Pushing in justthetipof hisfinger,he withdrewit,then repeatedtheaction. Shewas cognizant ofthefactthathewasdriving her tothe edge ofinsanity,buttwocould playatthat game.

Shetightened her hand around thebaseof hiscock,applying morepressurethan shehad before. Hepulled hishipsback,a hisspushing pasthisteeth.Helooked ather,a darkseductiveglintin his eye.“Becareful,”hewarned.

“Whatare you going todo?”Gigi shotback.“Tieme up?Spankme?”

Taking her bythe hand, Maxdragged her fromtheliving roomand downthehall. Onceinside his bedroom,hetold her tositon theedgeofthebed. Shewatched asheclosedthe doorfirstthen wenttohiswardrobeandcame backwith atie. Her mouth wentdry. Itlooked likeshewasright—he wasgoingtotie her up.

“Giveme your hands,wristsup.”

Shecomplied,curioustoknowwhatbeingtied upwasgoing tobelike. She’d heard thatbondage could bequiteliberating. Hedidn’ttakehiseyesoff hersfora second ashewrapped nearlythe entirelength ofthenavy bluetiearound herwrists. Oncehe’d securedtheknot,hepulled on it gently.“Stand up.”

When shewasin frontofhim,Maxkissed hermouthgently.“Justsaystopifyou wantmeto.” Shenodded. Thenin a stronger voice,hesaid,“Turn around.”

Shefacedthebed,her skintingling,her pulsepounding. Shewassoturnedon thatshecould feel her arousalslipping downtheinsideof herthigh.

“Spread your legsapart,bend over and putyourforearmson thebed.”

Itwasawkward atfirst. Herlegswereatleastafootawayfromthe edgeofthemattress,her bodystretching overtheexpanse. All thoughtsofdiscomfortsoonevaporated. Thesecond shewas in positon,Max’stonguewaslapping ather sex,drinking from her. Shesquirmedasheateherout, hiswicked tonguedarting in and out,stroking her clitand causing herkneestogoweak. Her bound handswereclutchedtogether and if shewasn’t naked,itwould havelooked asifshewaspraying; thewordscoming outof her mouthwerecertainly praising God. Shegasped when onefinger penetrated her,her innermusclestensing asanotherfinger wasadded. Hefinger fucked her,his tonguestill tickling her clitand Gigi could feel herselfstarttounravel.

Her orgasmsalwaysstarted in thesameway—itfeltlikea balloftension in her belly. Itunfurled likea flowerwhen thefirstraysof thesun hitit.

“I’m going tocome,”shesaid,her eyessqueezing shut,lettingthesensations ofher releaseroll over her body. Shecriedout,unabletoholdin thesound. Itwasallconnected—her tensed body, her orgasm,thesoundof pleasurecoming fromhermouth. Shewasbeingwashed away byitall,and yetMax didn’tslow. Hekeptthrusting in andoutof her body,keptswallowing her down and relishing theflavor.Shewashypersensitive,trying tomoveawaywhen heran histongue overher clitagain. Shecouldn’tstand thesensation;itwastoomuch for her braintocomprehend.

“Enough!”shesaid. “Please.”

Hestopped with a chuckleand helped her tostand up,hishandsgoing toher shoulders, massaging thetensionout.Gigi hadn’teven realized she’d been puttingsomuchpressureon them.

Heturned heraround,thelookon hisfacecarnal. Beforeshecould sayanything,hekissedher, nipping ather bottomlip.“Amazing,”hemurmured.


“It’s not over yet; we’re only just getting started.”

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