Page 56 of Tempt Me

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Shewasthankful when thecreditsbegan toroll. Rolling ontoherside,shelookedatAlex. He wasn’tableto hidehisdisappointmentthatshe’dmoved awayfrom him. “Whatdid youthink?”sheasked.

“Itwasa lot better than I thoughtit’d be.”

“Yeah,I agree.”She glanced atthetime on herphone. Itwasonlynine-thirty. “Thankyou so much for coming around tonight,Alex,”shesaid,“but,I’mbeat.” Shestifled ayawn toadd tothe theatrics.

Hejumpedup offthecouch. “Yeah,I guessit’s time to go.”Hepicked up hisbag,andGigi tooktheDVD fromthe player.Handing itbacktohim,shesmiled.

Shewalked himtothe door. “Thanksfordinner and themovie.”

Alex’sfingersbrushed againsther cheek,hisfocusonher lips. “Noproblem.Itwasfun.”

Shedoubted itwas. ‘Awkward’wasabetter adjective. Gigi stepped backalittle,opening up the door for him. Justashewasstepping through,hepaused and turned backtoher. Hewasthinking hard aboutsomething,andshecould justguesswhatitwas.Bythewayhis eyeskeptreturning to her mouth,shewasin nodoubthewantedtokissher. Shealsoprayed thathefoughttheurge. Heshookhisheadand turned aroundonce more.Letting outa sighof relief,shewasabout toclosethe doorwhen hisfootstopped it.

“Alex?”sheasked,openingup thedooroncemore. “Did you forgetsomething?”

“Yeah,”hereplied.“This.” Stepping intothelineof her body,his lipspressed againsthers. They werewarmand soft,and Gigi had toadmit theyfeltnice,too,butAlex’stouchdidn’tlighta fire in her bellylikeMax’scould. Hismouthmovedagainsthersclumsily,histongue brushing againsther closedmouth. Shedidn’t open for him,notwanting todeepen thekiss.

Hesteppedbackwith afrown on hisface.“Wasthat… Did I dosomething wrong?”heasked.

“No,Alex.You justtookme bysurprise.” Lies,liesandmorelies.

“Wecan tryitagain,” hesuggested with a smile,stepping closer. Sheturned her head ashe leaned forward,hislipslanding on her cheek.

“It’slate,”shetold him.“I’vegotafewthingsI need todo beforeI gotobed.”

Hestepped back.“Yeah,of course.”Hestudied herfacefor a beatlongerthenturned on his heel and walkedtowardsthe elevator. She closed the door,morethan happyto block out thewhole evening.

“Howdid hematch up tome?”Maxasked.

Gigi spun around tofind himstanding againsttheisland bench,his muscular armsover hischest. Hewaswearing a plain whiteteeand hissweatsagain. Her wholebodywarmedasshelooked him over. Squeezing herthighstogether subtly,she breathed, “Incomparable.”

“You gotthatfucking right,”hegrowled,stalking towardsher. Shecounted hissteps,her heart pounding outthesamerhythmashisnaked feet. Shewhimpered whenoneofhisstrong hands wrapped around thebackof her neck,and theothercinched shutaround her hip. Hiskisswas bruising, making herwhole bodylight up with passion.Hebrokeawayfirst,butdidn’treleaseher. “Tellmetostop ifyou don’twantthis,Gigi,”hesaid,pushing hishipsintohers.Shefelthis erection—hard and unyielding—pressagainsther,and sheknewshecould nevertell himno.

Hecould begonein a matter of months—perhapssooner—butshehad toexperiencehim. She had to knowwhatitwaslikenotbeing abletobreathewithoutsomeonein her life.

“I don’twantyou tostop,Max,”she moaned,archingintohim. Hetiltedher head back,exposing her throattohim. Hislips covered her,histeethgentlynipping where he’d justkissed. Shecould feel her bodyrespond tohis,getting wetter,begging tohavehiminsideof her again.Her handssnaked tothehemof histee,pushing itup and exposing hisstomach. Her fingerstraced thehard linesand curvesof hisbody,makingthema tactile memoryshewould keep for therest ofher life. And of thatshewassure.Maxwould etch himselfontoher soul andmakehercompareeveryother guy in her lifetohim.

“I needyou naked,”shesaid,surprising herself. Heonlysmiled and pulledon the back ofhis t-shirt,dragging itoverhishead. When he movedtotakeoff hissweats,shestopped him. Shewanted thatjob. Slipping her fingersunder thewaistband,she gentlyloweredthemuntiltheywerepooled around hisfeet. Gigi lethereyestakehimin…allof him. Hiserection bobbed upand downwhen her eyes wereon it,causing her stomach toflutter and her coretopulse. Shestepped intohisbody, wrapping her hand aroundthebaseof his cockand tightening her fingersslightly.

Hehissed,his hipsflexing forward.

Shestarted tomove her palmover hislength,feeling the veinsbeneath hisskinsurrendering to thepressureof her hand.With herthumb,sheran itover theslitatthetopof hishead,applying just theslightestamountofpressure. Maxgroaned long and low,throwing hisheadback. Hestood there for amoment,justabsorbing thesensations.

“Fuck,I needtosee you naked again.”

Shesmiled. “You’d betterdosomething aboutthatthen.”

Hekissed her,tearing atthebutton on her shortsandshoving them,along with her underwear, down tothefloor.Hisfingerspulled atthebuttonsonher blouse,sending thelittlediscsscattering all overthefloor.Pushing thefabricfrom her shoulders,her ruined shirtjoined her shortson the hardwood. Shereachedouttogrip hiscockagain,claiming whatshehad before.Shepumped hima fewtimes,drawing moremoansfrom his throat.

Their ferventkissturned nuclear. Heconsumed heruntil shefeltasiftheyweresharing thesame breath.

“Touchme,Max,”shewhispered,trailing herlipsdown histhroatand opening her teethover the musclesin hisneck.“Feelme.”

Hegroaned,his deftfingerstracing an invisibleline up theinsideof her thighs.Hesweptone insideher wetfolds. Hecircled her clit,teasing hermercilessly. Her hipstriedtoguidehimwhere shereallywanted himtobe,buthealwayschanged direction. Beyond frustrated,shetookhimby thehand and showed himexactlywhatshewanted.

“ImpatientforwhatI’mgoing togiveyou,arewe?” heasked againsthermouth,smugness dripping fromhis words.

“Don’tmakeme beg.”

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